Sweeping the world

Chapter 248 Malice

Chapter 248 Malice
"Let's go."

Standing beside Chen Ming and witnessing the whole process of the sale, Su Ling calmed down and said, "I still have some time today, so I'll take you to other places to get acquainted with the Star City."

"it is good."

Chen Ming nodded, and was about to follow Su Ling to leave when his footsteps suddenly stopped and he looked towards a certain direction in the distance.

"What's wrong?" Su Ling's voice came from behind.

"No, it's fine."

Chen Ming shook his head calmly, didn't say much, and followed Su Ling silently and left.

In the same place, after the two of them left, a long time passed.

In the corner that Chen Ming looked at before, a figure slowly manifested and slowly appeared there.

This figure was not tall, average in height, and ordinary in appearance. He was wearing a black robe, which looked very ordinary, not attracting attention at all. At this moment, he was quietly watching the direction Chen Ming left, frowning there.

"It's a little troublesome."

Looking at the direction in which Chen Ming left, Luo Ming frowned, and this thought flashed through his mind.

In the past few days, he has been following Chen Ming secretly, observing his every move.

This is not for anything else, but to observe Chen Ming's character and conduct in the world, so as to deploy targeted methods to facilitate future strikes.

"Judging from the situation in the past few days, this person has a calm and cautious personality. He is a temperament dedicated to meditation. He usually does not go out when there is nothing to do, but he is very cautious. It is quite difficult to lure him out of the city."

Looking at the direction in which Chen Ming left, thinking about the observations of the past few days, Luo Ming felt a little headache.

In his opinion, Chen Ming's performance was a bit too Buddhist and low-key.

An indigenous genius from the lower realms has become a direct disciple of the Jieyuan lineage. When he comes to Tianxing City, a prosperous place where all realms gather, he should spend a lot of money no matter what, enjoy it to his heart's content, and do whatever he can. Something to calm the excitement in my heart.

But the end result is nothing.

This person's temperament is really quiet to the point that he finally became a disciple of the Holy Land, but he didn't do anything. Except for wandering around the city for a while in the first few days, he spent the rest of the time in the mansion to meditate, it was too peaceful.

Today I managed to make some moves, but I was still accompanied by someone.

It's hard for me to do it like this!
Thinking of his mission, Luo Ming felt a little tired for no reason.

With the other party's temperament, it is impossible to expect the other party to take the initiative to cause trouble, and it is not generally difficult to lure the other party out.

"Let's observe again."

Luo Ming rubbed his forehead, feeling a little headache, and then his whole body gradually faded away, gradually disappearing in place.

"Someone was peeping in the dark just now"

On the other side, walking on the road, walking side by side with Su Ling, recalling the unique feeling just now, this thought flashed in Chen Ming's mind.

Just now, just as Chen Ming was about to leave, he felt a sense of malice lurking beside him.

It has to be said that the opponent is really lurking very well. If Chen Ming hadn't condensed the Jieyuan Holy Body at this moment, he was a half-step star spirit, and he had intensively cultivated Buddhist scriptures and was most sensitive to human feelings, otherwise he would never have been able to find him.

In the astral realm of this world, facing the other party's lurking, I'm afraid they can't find it yet.

"Being able to lurk here by my side until the last moment before I noticed it is because San has a special ability and is definitely an existence in the Astral Realm."

Walking on the road, this thought flashed through Chen Ming's mind.

Then the problem is coming.

He had not been here for a long time in Star City this day, and he considered himself to be fairly low-key. In just over half a month, he should not have made any enemies.

Under such circumstances, who would hold ill will?

And it's such a master who has malicious intentions.

At this thought, Chen Ming frowned secretly, and a name subconsciously flashed in his mind.

Wang Yuntian.

Chen Ming knows that everything is possible in this world, but under the current conditions, the one with such conditions is the one with the highest probability of attacking.

Others are not impossible, but undoubtedly much less likely.

In other words, it is not possible at all.

After all, Chen Ming didn't have many levels when he came here, so no matter how he thought about it, it was unlikely that he would provoke people of this level.

"This area is Yaoyan Pavilion, which has the most medicines. If you want to buy star marrow liquid for tempering your body in the future, you can try it here."

Taking Chen Ming to a street, Su Ling said, "That's right."

"Have you offended anyone recently?"

She spoke in a somewhat indirect manner, as if she meant something.

Chen Ming was taken aback for a moment before realizing that what Su Ling was talking about was the person who was peeping at him earlier.

Su Ling in front of him obviously also found traces of the other party, so at this moment, he opened his mouth to ask.

She didn't know that Chen Ming responded to Wu Qu's orders, that's why she asked this question.

If it was Wu Ming brother and sister, after realizing it, I am afraid that they can be locked immediately.

"No, I have been hiding in my residence for meditation during this time, and I haven't gone out much."

Chen Ming shook his head and said so.


Su Ling nodded: "Retreating is a good habit. If you have nothing to do afterwards, it's best to stay in the mansion and meditate."

"If you have something to go out, you can ask someone to call me with you."

"Thank you, Sister."

Chen Ming looked at Su Ling, and thanked him sincerely from the bottom of his heart.

"Just a little thing."

Su Ling shook her head and said so.

They walked around for a while, and soon went back to their homes and left separately.

Until the next day, when the morning sun rose again, there were already people waiting outside Chen Ming's residence.


Jin Cen seemed to attach great importance to Chen Ming, but it was just a small business deal for dozens of people, but he personally brought people over.

"This is the cook and servant you want. Are you satisfied with it?"

He pointed to the person he brought and said.

Following the direction he pointed, Chen Ming looked forward.

There are five people standing in front at the moment, including two men and three women.

Leaving aside the two male maids who were used to do heavy work, the two maids looked pretty good, and they looked very similar. Judging from their appearance, they should be sisters.

The last cook was a cook, probably in her early twenties, I don't know if it was Jin Cen's intention, but she also looked very good.

"How, are you satisfied?"

Looking at Chen Ming's reaction, Jin Cen smiled: "These people are all carefully selected by me. Not only are they good at their hands, but they are also young and fertile.

Chen Ming raised his head and looked at Jin Cen, always feeling that this distant relative of Jin Liu had some problems in his thinking.

But he didn't say much, just said: "Where is the person I want?"

(End of this chapter)

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