Sweeping the world

Chapter 249 Thoughts

Chapter 249 Thoughts
"Where is the person I want?"

Standing where he was, looking at Jin Cen in front of him, Chen Ming asked casually.

"Wait behind."

Jin Cen said, "I'll let them come over and show you."

Having said that, he clapped his hands, and then a group of people came forward behind him, with ten people beside him.

As Chen Ming asked before, these ten people are all standard boys and girls, and most of them seem to be around 15 years old, which is the best time for plasticity.

"What name do you add?"

Chen Ming casually pointed to one of them and asked about his life.

"My name is Xu Sheng."

It was a very simple-looking boy, who was very strong. Seeing Chen Ming's question, he quickly replied.

"Xu Sheng, good name."

Chen Ming nodded, and then asked some questions in silence. After confirming that the other party was sane, he stopped in satisfaction.


Jin Cen leaned forward: "These people are all carefully selected by me. Not only are they clean, but they are also clear-headed, and they are all high-quality."

"There is still a butler missing here."

Chen Ming nodded, and then asked.

"That's up to you to find out yourself."

Jin Cen shook his head: "Ordinary servants are fine, but you need to pick a position like a housekeeper yourself."

"We have a lot of people applying for jobs. Whenever you are free, just go and pick someone."

Housekeepers are different from ordinary servants. They are too private. If you buy one casually, it is hard to say whether you will find anything bad.

"it is good."

At the same place, Chen Ming nodded his head, which seemed to agree with Jin Cen's words in front of him.

They didn't say much after that.

Chen Ming settled the bill this time, and then Jin Cen left the place wisely, and brought his people back.

Before leaving, the two exchanged contact information.

"It's sort of done."

Sending Jin Cen away, Chen Ming looked at the people around him and the servants who were cleaning the room. Chen Ming shook his head, and then walked into his room.

"The period of weakness of the Jieyuan Holy Physique is much longer than I thought. Judging from the current trend, two months may not be enough time. Just in case, it is better to reserve half a year."

When he came to his room and sat on the wooden chair in the room, Chen Ming quietly fell into deep thought: "The study of the magic tome has reached a bottleneck, and variables need to be introduced."

"It might be better to go straight to the experiment."

For more than half a year, Chen Ming also roughly understood the way of this magic book that he practiced.

This so-called magic book is a big pit from beginning to end.

No matter what the process of practicing the magic tome is, the final result is the same, that is, to train oneself into a demon seed, and to be taken away by others.

This is the most sinister method.

Demonic practice has always benefited oneself at the expense of others, and this is even more so with the manipulative magic book in Chen Ming's hands.

According to common sense, when the magic tome on Chen Ming's body has reached the stage in front of him, it is almost the time when the person behind the scenes has an attack, and his cultivation is reversed. I am afraid that he will directly turn into someone else's puppet, and all his cultivation will be taken away by others. .

Here, however, the situation is different.

In another world, even if that person has great supernatural powers, it is impossible to cross several worlds to find this place.

If he really had this ability, he might not even look down on Chen Ming's cultivation.

However, the usurping ability of this magic tome gave Chen Ming a little inspiration.

"The original magic code was simply to steal people's cultivation. This method was okay at the beginning, but in the end, it can only be said that nothing is better than nothing."

Sitting on the wooden chair, this thought flashed through Chen Ming's mind.

In a martial artist's practice, pure cultivation does not account for a large proportion, and the importance of cultivation will decrease sharply in the later stages, and one's own perception is the most important thing.

Especially after returning to the source, the martial arts comprehension condenses the divine pattern, and the importance of pure cultivation has dropped sharply.

For this reason, Chen Ming pondered for a long time, and finally edited the magic book to transform it.

The revised magic tome still retains the previous characteristics. As the practitioner continues to practice, a demon seed will gradually condense in the body.

This demonic seed is the core of cultivating the mind, and it contains the cultivation base of the magic tome practitioners. Once destroyed, most of the cultivation will be destroyed immediately.

"This thing sounds a bit like Jin Dan?"

Chen Ming rubbed his forehead, inexplicably feeling a unique sense of déjà vu.

He shook his head, tried to clear the distracting thoughts in his mind, and continued to deduce.

Using the magic tome to condense the demon seeds, this step is not over yet.

The modified demon species still retain the characteristic that they can devour each other. In theory, as long as they continue to devour other demon species, the practitioner's cultivation can be quickly pushed to a certain level.

Unlike other demonic people, Chen Ming didn't do this for the sake of gaining that poor cultivation, but for something else.

"Compared to that pitiful cultivation, the practitioner's understanding of martial arts and the condensation of life wisdom are more important things."

Sitting on the wooden chair, Chen Ming meditated quietly: "In a lifetime, from birth to death, everyone will have some insight, maybe it is a flash of inspiration in life and death, or it may be a great enlightenment under great joy and sorrow. "

"One person's perception may be weak, but if there are thousands or tens of thousands of people."

The thoughts in his heart kept flickering, and the light in his eyes became brighter and brighter.

When one's strength is exhausted, one's wisdom is exhausted.

No matter how extraordinary Tianjiao is, although he is talented, he still has a limit.

If one can try to accommodate these thousands of powers in one person, then I am afraid that the most transcendent existence will be born.

However, it is not easy to achieve this.

The method of cultivating demon seeds in the magic tome is just an introduction.

To really do this, an effective feedback mechanism needs to be established.

If the sentiments of many magic tome practitioners cannot be fed back, then this wealth will still be invisible and useless.

But in this regard, the Buddhist method has given Chen Ming a lot of inspiration.

Buddha pays attention to the cultivation of the mind. From ancient times to the present, there has been a theory of reincarnation and various incredible abilities.

Chen Ming was once passed down by the Great Nirvana Buddha, and the Great Compassion Seal was handed down by the Buddha himself, and it is the supreme quintessence of the soul.

With magic and Taoism as the flesh and blood, and Buddhism and Taoism as the core, there is a glimmer of hope.

Of course, this glimmer of hope only refers to the possibility, and it will undoubtedly be extremely difficult to truly realize it.

With Chen Ming's current level of cultivation and knowledge, he doesn't know how long it will take to accomplish this.

However, since Chen Ming dared to think so, he was sure of it.

Sitting quietly in place, the purple Yuanli number appeared in front of his eyes.

"Yuanli, give me a boost!"

(End of this chapter)

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