Sweeping the world

Chapter 250: Imaginative Tour of Myriad Voids

Chapter 250: Imaginative Tour of Myriad Voids
"Yuanli, deduce it for me!"

After the voice fell, there were waves on the spot.

Bursts of purple air rose and covered the place. Amidst the purple air, Chen Ming's eyes appeared purple, and there seemed to be bursts of roaring in his mind.

boom! !

The sound of an explosion resounded again, accompanied by a muffled sound, endless sparks were sputtering out of my mind, and the boundless and boundless martial arts surged up at an unprecedented speed.

At this moment, Chen Ming's perspective seemed to be detached, and with the support of the power of origin, it was infinitely elevated, gradually ascending to an incredible level.

And from this perspective, all the martial arts secrets he has mastered are blooming, and the various secrets in them are colliding with each other, and then more sparks are sputtered out of it.

In a trance, a scene quickly emerged.

A tall and holy Buddha appeared in phantom, bathed in gold, and every inch of skin on his body contained the supreme Buddhist principles. The faint Buddha light shocked the world, but his face could not be seen clearly. It seemed that there were countless pictures in every moment The face emerges, like the hundreds of faces of a Buddha, nothing is uncertain, only a pair of golden Buddha eyes are pure, and between opening and closing, a little bit of the Buddha's meaning of great silence is reflected from it.

Once this Buddha is manifested, the whole world is instantly fixed, like a skeleton supporting a body, as long as it exists, it can keep the building from collapsing!
A little bit of Buddha's mind circulates in the mind, and in an instant, all kinds of supreme essence are manifested one by one. All the secret books and Buddhist scriptures obtained from the secret place of great extinction in the past are manifested in the heart one by one, and become pure here. Essence, one by one into the image of the Buddha.

As all the essences manifested one by one, the image of the Buddha became more and more condensed and real, until it almost turned into substance and manifested behind Chen Ming.

In the next moment, all kinds of essence flowed, and a horrifying and terrifying momentum emerged from the same place. The billowing demonic energy came to the sky, roaring, and the scene of thousands of people crying blood was faintly visible, and the world shared the same sorrow.

As this change slowly took place, behind Chen Ming, the appearance of the phantom of the Buddha began to change slowly. The compassionate and kind face remained unchanged, but the solemn Buddha's aura gradually faded, and the golden Buddha's aura gradually faded. A layer of light black armor was put on, exuding a devilish aura and fighting spirit, like a war Buddha, fearless and compassionate.

boom! !

Zi Qi roared again, and in Chen Ming's mind, all the essences manifested one by one, and then they were forgotten one by one, until finally, a brand new method emerged.

Mysterious travel to the holy law of the myriad emptiness!

In his mind, as the deduction was completed, the name quietly appeared in Chen Ming's mind, and then a flash of inspiration flashed, and a large number of brand-new martial arts essence emerged.

"It worked"

In the same place, Chen Ming stood up, feeling the brand-new Heavenly Art that emerged in his mind, and muttered to himself.

Source Power: 131
Martial Arts: Seal of Great Compassion, Sacred Method of Traveling Myriad Voids, Dragon and Elephant Moving Mountain Method Fourth Level, Sacred Method of Cutting Yuan.
Supernatural powers: Tianxin, the spirit of heaven and earth

Bloodline: Wuqu Xingming Reincarnation (Elementary)
In front of his eyes, the familiar Yuanli interface emerged, and the numbers on it had fallen to the bottom at this moment.

Earlier, when Chen Ming promoted the Sacred Method of Cutting Yuan, most of his source power had been consumed, but after selling some things through Jinliu, he bought some star stones, which returned a wave of blood.

At that time, the number of Yuanli was about [-], but now it was exhausted all at once.

Chen Ming did not regret this.

It is true that deducing this exercise consumes a lot, but once it is successful, it will be of great help to Chen Ming in the future, and it can greatly save the use of source power.

Consumption now is just an investment in the future.

Standing in place, Chen Ming quietly felt the newly deduced method.

Compared with Chen Ming's previous imagination, this newly deduced Shenyou Wanxu Tiangong is still very crude.

In order to meet the requirements of feedback and to feed back the perception of practitioners, there must be a medium.

Therefore, if one wants to practice this heavenly skill, the first condition is to use Chen Ming's own flesh and blood as a medium to refine it into a demon seed, so that it is possible.

This demonic seed is equivalent to a seed. Once it is planted, one's whole body of practice will depend on it. As one's cultivation becomes deeper and deeper, one's own flesh and blood will also be eroded by it, gradually transforming into Chen Ming's.

The so-called process of practice is actually a process of assimilation.

When this kind of assimilation reached a certain level, he was equivalent to an incarnation of Chen Ming.

At this level, the feedback standard has been reached, and Chen Ming's goal has also been achieved.

"According to this model, if you want to achieve the level I want, at least you need to be promoted."

Standing where he was, Chen Ming frowned.

Innately, this is not a simple standard.

Regardless of Chen Ming's progress so far, it seems that it is not difficult to be promoted to Xiantian, but in fact this is just an illusion.

Ordinary people don't have the conditions like him, they can travel to different worlds to practice, and they don't have such things as origin power. If they want to be promoted to innate, they can only rely on their own talents and talents.

And those who can be promoted to innate by themselves, which one is not a talented person.

"We must find a way to reduce the difficulty of this method, otherwise the degree of restriction is still too great."

Standing where he was, Chen Ming shook his head, thinking so.

"As for now, let's do an experiment with those people first."

This thought flashed through his mind, then he turned around and left.

on the other side.

On top of a spacious and gorgeous palace, stars are floating quietly.

In the hall, a tall man like a god and demon stood alone, wearing a black robe.

"Luo Ming, how are things going?"

He looked at the young man standing under the steps, and asked lightly.

"No idea yet."

Luo Ming shook his head and said in a deep voice.

Since the last tracking, in the recent period of time, because Chen Ming has been hiding in the mansion, he has no way to continue tracking, and he has found nothing during this period of time.

"Leave this matter temporarily and leave it to others."

Wang Yuntian said lightly.

"Big brother?"

Luo Ming was taken aback, somewhat unable to understand: "Why?"

"See for yourself."

Wang Yuntian didn't say much, and just threw down a letter.

After receiving the letter and looking at the content on it, Luo Ming's face changed greatly: "The Tianyu battlefield has undergone great changes, and Mu Shouzun died in battle?"

"How could this be so!!"

"Tianyu's strength is much stronger than I imagined, and now he finally made a big move."

Wang Yuntian's face was flat, and he said lightly: "The front line is tight, Master sent the two of us to go to do a big thing."

"Then here"

Luo Ming's face was a bit unwilling: "It's hard to find a Wu Qu."

"Let him go, a mere junior, can he still run away?"

Wang Yuntian's face was calm, and his words were confident, as if he was in control of everything: "When I return from the front line, there are plenty of ways to deal with him."

(End of this chapter)

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