Sweeping the world

Chapter 251 November

Chapter 251 March
"Already gone?"

When Wang Yuntian and his party led the crowd to leave Skystar City, they sat quietly in the courtyard, and Chen Ming also knew the news.

The news was not someone else, it was Wu Wan'er, the senior sister, who sent him the news.

A while ago, when Chen Ming noticed that someone was staring at him, he wrote to Wu Wan'er to inform him of the news.

Therefore, during this period of time, Wu Wan'er has been watching each other's every move.

As soon as the other party left at this moment, they immediately sent someone to inform Chen Ming.

"Wang Yuntian left this time to go to the front line, and he will not be able to come back for a year or so."

Sitting in the courtyard, Chen Ming kept moving his hands, thoughts flickered in his mind, and he thought faintly: "However, you can't take it lightly because of this, you can't get out of Tianxing City if you don't have anything to do at ordinary times."

The lineage of Jieyuan is one of the rulers of Tianxing City and enjoys the supreme status here.

As long as Chen Ming doesn't take the initiative to leave the Skystar City, there won't be any problem unless the entire Skystar City changes.

Compared to the strife and disputes in the outside world, staying in the Sky Star City was extremely safe.

"Taking advantage of the other party's absence, I happened to do this."

In the same place, Chen Ming finished the work in hand, and finally looked in front of him.

What was in front of his eyes at the moment was a piece of pure white liquid with purple veins spreading on it, which seemed to contain a unique power, very mysterious and extraordinary.

"Combining this world's Medicine King's Sutra and dozens of ancient prescriptions from Dagan World, the healing liquid produced by it has a pretty good effect."

Looking at the pale white healing liquid in front of his eyes, Chen Ming nodded.

Different from the well-developed Dagan world, this world's Shenwu Dao, because of its fierceness and lack of internal skills, it is very easy for practitioners to leave hidden injuries in the process of practicing martial arts.

And once a hidden injury is left, it is necessary to use expensive star marrow liquid to cleanse the whole body, the cost is very expensive, and only a small number of people can afford it.

The healing liquid made by Chen Ming is based on dozens of ancient prescriptions in the Dagan world, and finally deduced a prescription. Although the refining difficulty is high, the cost is very low, enough to replace the star marrow liquid. .

This was also a way Chen Ming thought of for himself to make money.

After all, according to the normal speed, only relying on the little relief from the Heavenly Star Holy Land, I don't know when it will be possible to get rid of poverty.

If Chen Ming didn't want to find a way to do something, he might not be able to save much energy until he left.

"There are channels in the Jieyuan lineage, just put these things there and sell them."

Standing quietly on the spot, Chen Ming looked calmly and looked outside: "It's Jin who stays there, and you can also leave some for him."

During the time he came to the Heavenly Star Holy Land, Jin Liu had helped him a lot. Now that he has the opportunity, he can also give him some benefits.

There are back and forth, mutual benefit is the long-term way.

With this thought flashing in his mind, Chen Ming shook his head, asked the servants at the side to bottle the things in front of him, and then walked directly to the other side.

There, ten more children were waiting for him.

Time passed slowly.

From the human perspective, the peaceful time passed quickly, and before you knew it, three months passed quickly.

In the past three months, Chen Ming's residence has undergone many changes. Apart from the gorgeous and spacious mansion on the original site, several new houses have been built, and some servants live in them.

In the open space outside the house, the originally barren land had not been plowed several times, and now it was divided into several pieces, including gardens full of flowers and vegetable fields.

There are even a few cows and horses on it, and a group of small birds that look like chickens and ducks but have scales on their bodies.



In a quiet room, a slight voice sounded. Although the voice was weak, it was very clear in this quiet environment.

Outside the room, a tall, simple-looking young man was holding some things in his hands, and slowly walked towards Chen Ming: "The things you want have arrived."

"let it go."

In the room, Chen Ming was standing alone, and when he heard the young man behind him speak like this, he spoke without looking back.


The young man nodded, put down the things in his hands, then looked at the figure of Chen Ming in front of him, and was about to speak.

"I see, let him in later."

Without waiting for the young man to speak, Chen Ming said calmly, "How is your practice?"

"Now it has been running for a week, and it is about to forge bones."

The boy said with a simple and honest face.

"Reinforcement, it's not bad."

Chen Ming was stunned for a moment, then nodded calmly, and said, "Go down."


The boy bowed and left with a respectful expression.

In the same place, after the boy's figure disappeared in the same place, Chen Ming shook his head secretly.

"After practicing for so long, is it still just forging bones?"

Chen Ming shook his head, muttering to himself.

It has been more than three months now, and everything here is gradually on the right track.

The sacred method of wandering through the universe created by Chen Ming has also been passed down during this period of time.

Of course, the scope of teaching is not large, only the original ten people.

After three months of honing, Chen Ming also had an understanding of the flaws in this holy law.

First of all, it is to give.

If people want to practice this holy method, they must first use Chen Ming's own flesh and blood as a guide and turn it into a core, so as to condense the demon seed.

This bit of flesh and blood is not ordinary flesh and blood, but requires essence blood. It can be said that every drop of essence blood contains part of Chen Ming's vitality, which is equivalent to his lifespan to a certain extent.

Once the blood essence is lost too much, Chen Ming's body will not be able to bear it, and one day the blood essence will be exhausted and he will die.

If this problem is not resolved, this holy method can only be promoted in a small area, and it will not reach the level that Chen Ming wants.

In addition, the speed of practice is too slow, which is also one of the obstacles restricting the promotion of this holy law.

Although the difficulty has been lowered repeatedly during the deduction, this holy law is after all learned by Chen Ming all his life, and it also incorporates the inheritance of the Great Nirvana Buddha Lord. It is no exaggeration to call it the supreme holy law.

No matter how condensed this kind of holy law is, its content is still too profound, too lofty for ordinary people.

The top methods have always been prepared only for Tianjiao, ordinary people may not even be able to enter the door if they practice it.

"We still need to continue to improve, not to reduce the difficulty of later practice, at least before innate, the difficulty should not be too high."

Chen Ming rubbed his forehead, this thought flashed through with some headaches, and then he heard footsteps from outside continue to come.

He turned around and looked back, just in time to see a burly, fair-skinned fat man in a golden robe appearing behind him, and pushed the door of the room open.

Suddenly, a smile appeared on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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