Sweeping the world

Chapter 253 News

Chapter 253 News
"Have you heard the latest news?"

In the same place, after a while, Jin Liu said: "There is another situation at the front line."


Chen Ming was taken aback, and asked calmly: "Didn't it mean that we are still stuck, and it is expected to last for several years?"

This is the news that Wu Wan'er brought him before. According to common sense, even if there is a change, it will not be so fast.

After all, only three months have passed.

"The battle situation is still stalemate, but now there are some new changes."

Jin Liu hesitated for a moment before he said: "It is said that in the area where the battle was fought on the front line, there is a secret realm that appears in the world, which is suspected to be the place where the ancient star god fell."

"Ancient Star God."

Hearing the news, Chen Ming's eyes froze.

The ancient star gods, these are the ancient sages, who are like gods and demons in this world. According to legend, they possess the mighty power of gods and demons.

In the Xingzhou Realm where Chen Ming was born, the star formation that transported him to the Heavenly Star Holy Land was rumored to be left by an ancient star god.

How much temptation will there be in the tomb of an ancient star god?

"Is the news true?"

Chen Ming was silent for a while, then asked.

"Not sure yet, but probably not wrong."

Jin Liu shook his head and said, "Actually, this is not the first place in the past ten years."

"In the past ten years, there have been secret realms appearing in various places, which are suspected to be left by ancient star gods, but only suspected to be fallen places. This is the first time."

"If it is really the place where the Star God fell, then I am afraid that the next situation will be unpredictable."

He shook his head and said so.

The main opponent of the Heavenly Star Holy Land is the Tianyu, but it does not mean that there is only one Tianyu in the sea of ​​realms that can rival the Holy Land.

The Mara Realm and the Pan Clan are two forces that can rival the Heavenly Star Holy Land. Their power is not weaker than the Heavenly Star.

"It's really troublesome."

After thinking up to this point, Chen Ming shook his head, feeling a little helpless.

From the bottom of his heart, he just wants to live a peaceful life, sell healing liquid, and collect source power, and doesn't want to be involved in disputes in this world.

But judging from the situation, with the corpse of the star god appearing in this world, the situation that was originally relatively peaceful may become chaotic.

"And that Yang Xuan back then, do you still remember, Junior Brother?"

After a while, Jin Liu suddenly spoke.

"Naturally remember."

Chen Ming nodded, recalling the appearance of that person in his mind.

Yang Xuan, this is the number one in his assessment that year. It seems that Ziwei obeyed his order, made a breakthrough in the assessment, and was promoted to Protoss, which can be described as extremely amazing.

Of course, he will not forget such amazing people.

"He entered the sect of Hao Yuanshouzun, a lineage of Hao God. It is said that some time ago, he had condensed the body of Hao Sheng, and went to the front line. Killing two heavenly warriors in one battle can be described as infinite glory."

Jin Liu sighed softly, with obvious envy on his face.

"With his talent, it's no surprise to be able to do that."

Chen Ming nodded, not surprised by his performance.

As early as the time of the assessment, the opponent had just been promoted, and he was able to defeat the void body of the protoss manifested in the assessment tower. Now, after several months, the opponent has condensed the holy body of Hao, and his combat power will increase again. This can be done Not surprising.

"However, go to the battlefield to experience?"

Chen Ming muttered to himself, dots of golden holy body light flashed all over his body, but quickly faded away, so fast that people thought it was an illusion.

Now, whole months have passed since then. In the past few months, Chen Ming's Holy Body of Hao has been successfully condensed, and the divine method of traveling the myriad emptiness has been deduced to the extreme, and his combat power has reached its peak, far stronger than ordinary protoss.

With such strength, even on the battlefield, with Ye Feng's help, there shouldn't be much problem in self-protection.

However, Chen Ming then shook his head again, dispelling the thoughts in his heart.

Going to the battlefield is inherently dangerous, but it is fine in normal times. With Chen Ming's current strength, even if he is not aggressive enough, as long as he is careful, he can at least protect himself.

But the situation is different now.

If it is true as Jin Liu said, the land where the star god fell is discovered, and the changes on the front line will be unpredictable. Once the major forces collide, let alone Chen Ming, I am afraid that even Ye Feng will not have much confidence in being able to fight with all his strength. retreat.

"never mind."

At this point, Chen Ming shook his head and looked at the peaceful scenery outside: "It seems not bad to just wait like this."

In the same place, after a while, Jin Liu got up to say goodbye, and left with the things Chen Ming gave him.

Chen Ming was the only one left on the spot.

Source Power: 2884
Martial Arts: Seal of Great Compassion, Sacred Method of Traveling Myriad Voids, Dragon and Elephant Moving Mountain Method Fourth Level, Sacred Method of Cutting Yuan.
Supernatural powers: Tianxin, the spirit of heaven and earth

Bloodline: Wuqu Xingming Reincarnation (Elementary)
The familiar Yuanli interface was revealed. Compared with the penury a few days ago, the number on it is now considerable again, and it is now close to [-].

According to the basic conversion of one thousand star crystals and one star stone, and one star stone worth one hundred source power, Chen Ming earned at least nearly [-] star crystals in the past three months.

Of course, the actual star crystals earned must be more than this, because after getting rich, Chen Ming also bought some other things besides the star stones.

Originally, it took half a year for his Cut Yuan Holy Physique to be perfected, so as to pass through the weak period of transformation, but at this moment, the weak period has ended in three months, because he bought a lot of things to speed up the process.

In addition, he also bought a lot of classics.

He tried to find ways to collect the Heavenly Territory's Divine Martial Dao Secret Code, the Star Spirit Formation, the Star Spirit Holy Law, and all kinds of secret methods and recipes as long as he had the conditions.

The purpose of doing this is nothing else, but to enrich one's own knowledge, to prepare for the future creation of dharma, deduction of source force, and even perfection of the holy dharma of wandering through the universe.

After all, Yuanli's deduction is based on what he has mastered. The more things he masters, the easier it will be to deduce in the future.

Taking advantage of this period of time, he basically collected some of the more basic secret methods on the market.

"Next, let's see what good things are available elsewhere."

Sitting quietly on a wooden chair, Chen Ming took out a letter.

A letter is an invitation to someone to invite him to a party.

"Baibao Pavilion?"

Putting down the invitation card, Chen Ming shook his head and looked outside: "I hope you can give me some surprises."

The next day, early in the morning, Chen Ming walked out of the mansion, accompanied by several servants, and walked towards another place.

Not long after, he came to a Di Fan.

It is a very spacious place, the whole place occupies a large area, but it looks very desolate, as if there are not many people walking around here.

On the side of a tall courtyard, on some plowed land, a man was standing there, plowing the land hard.

(End of this chapter)

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