Sweeping the world

Chapter 254 Invitation

Chapter 254 Invitation

"arable land?"

Chen Ming was stunned for a while before he realized it.

At this moment, the people in the farmland in the distance also noticed Chen Ming's arrival.

It was a man with a tall and straight figure and a square appearance. His skin looked a little dark, and he had an approachable temperament.

Putting down the farming tools in his hand, he walked aside, looked at Chen Ming and said hello: "Chen Yaoshi?"

Although he was asking, his tone was very certain, as if he had met Chen Ming a long time ago.

"it's me."

Chen Ming nodded first, and asked curiously, "Have you seen me?"

Different from the eyes of ordinary people when meeting for the first time, when the person in front of him saw Chen Ming, there was no hesitation in his eyes, as if he had seen him long ago.

Chen Ming has always been the most sensitive to such details after studying Buddhist scriptures all the year round, and he will never feel wrong.

"I have indeed seen it, and I have seen it more than once."

The man smiled and said, "The heroic posture you showed during the assessment that day was really amazing."

"Are you examining the people at that time?"

This thought flashed through Chen Ming's mind, and he was a little stunned.

In that assessment, his performance was really eye-catching. If the man in front of him was present at that time, it is normal to have some impression of him.

He has no impression of the person in front of him at all, and it can be explained.

After all, there were too many people that night.

Looking at Chen Ming, the man greeted warmly: "Come in and have some tea."

"it is good."

It's all here, Chen Ming naturally wouldn't refuse, nodded lightly, gave two instructions to the servants at the side, and then walked forward.

Walking on the road, Chen Ming was also secretly watching around.

The place in front of him looked very ordinary. Although there were some traces of the Great Protoss Formation on the periphery, Chen Ming could tell that it was just something used to get rid of mosquitoes, and it was of no use to people of their level. .

The scene inside the building also looks so-so. Not only is it not luxurious, but it can almost be called streamlined, or simple.

How dare a place like this be called Baibao Pavilion?

Chen Ming felt a little skeptical about his decision to waste his time here.

But out of politeness, he didn't say anything, and followed the man with a calm expression, walking forward slowly with him.

Soon, they came to a hall.

Compared with the furnishings in other places, the furnishings in the hall are very simple. Apart from a set of tables and chairs, there is only one potted tree standing there quietly, looking very lonely.

"Please sit down."

At this low rebound, the man smiled at Chen Ming, motioned him to sit down, and then said, "I haven't introduced myself yet, my name is Chen Xuansheng."

"About the purpose of my invitation to come this time, do you know?"

"Didn't you come here to purchase the healing solution?"

Chen Ming frowned, looked at the man in front of him and asked back.

During this period of time, due to the popularity of the healing liquid, many people were keenly aware of the opportunity, so they inquired about the news around the bush, and finally found Chen Ming through various channels.

Chen Xuansheng in front of him was also one of them, because he offered a high price and asked for a large amount, so Chen Ming came here to take a look.

"Purchasing healing fluid is of course my goal, but it's just a trivial matter."

Chen Xuansheng smiled and said, "But compared to this, relatively speaking, I am more interested in you."

"If possible, I hope we can reach a more in-depth cooperation."

"You want to buy the formula?" Chen Ming was a little surprised.

"Do not."

Chen Xuansheng shook his head with a smile: "If it's just a formula for the healing liquid, I can't let me come to see you in person."

"What I'm really interested in is your person, or the martial star life in you."

After saying this, he looked up at Chen Ming's face, wanting to see his reaction.

However, to his surprise, Chen Ming's expression didn't change much when he broke the secret straight away, but his brows were slightly wrinkled: "How do you know?"

The news that he is the star of Wuqu is only known to a few people in Tianxing City.

Neither Ye Feng nor the Wu brothers and sisters are likely to tell this matter.

The other Wu Qu responded, and that Wang Yuntian might know about it, but even if he knew, as long as he wasn't stupid, he wouldn't tell the news to others and startle the snake.

"No doubt."

Seeing Chen Ming frown, Chen Xuansheng opened his mouth and said with a smile: "Not many people in Star City today know about the fact that you are a martial artist, but in other places, there are quite a few people who know about it."

"For example, the Xingzhou world where you were born."

Chen Ming was a little stunned, but at the same time secretly frowned.

In order to prevent the disciples of the sect from acting recklessly in the lower realms, the Heavenly Star Holy Land has strict regulations, and they are not allowed to go to many lower realms without the laws of the upper realms.

The Xingzhou Realm is the lower realm governed by the Heavenly Star Holy Land, and even if it is so strict to its own disciples, it is even more so to outsiders.

The Chen Xuansheng in front of him was able to enter many lower realms under the blockade of the Heavenly Star Holy Land. Just this ability is enough to shock people.

"Going to the lower realm is very difficult for ordinary people, but it is nothing to us."

Looking at Chen Ming, Chen Xuansheng smiled, and said, "Do you know, what means do you rely on today's Star Holy Land to go to the worlds?"

"It's the Star Spirit Formation."

Without waiting for Chen Ming to answer, he directly spoke the answer: "And the protoss array was originally one of the means we gave to Tianxing back then."

He didn't say the following words, but Chen Ming could understand.

Since the methods used by others were used back then, wouldn't it be easy to do something behind the scenes, open a back door or something.

As soon as he thought of this, his heart turned cold: "What do you want to do?"

"I just want to ask you if you would like to join us."

Chen Xuansheng shook his head, and said, "I have been observing you since you first entered Tianxing."

"After you entered Tianxing, you have been collecting all kinds of secrets and mysteries, as well as star stones."

He smiled: "We have all these things here. As long as you are good enough, you can get more things from us than you did before."

"As the star of Wuqu, if there is no accident in the future, you must face Wang Yuntian."

"I know Wang Yuntian very well. With his personality, even if you don't go to him, he will come to you sooner or later."

"You are very talented, which is very good, but at this moment, you are only in the realm of the star map, and it may take several years to be promoted to the protoss."

Having said that, he paused for a moment, and then a smile appeared on his face: "Wang Yuntian has already completed the Eucharist at this moment, and he is only one step away from being promoted to Venerable. Ask yourself, is it possible to catch up in a few decades?"

(End of this chapter)

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