Chapter 256

"Can't you?"

Sitting quietly in his room, looking at the letter in his hand, Chen Ming frowned.

Three days have passed since that day.

During these three days, in order to know the details of Chen Xuansheng and his gang, Chen Ming inquired through various existing channels.

However, no results.

Neither Jinliu's channel nor Wu Wan'er's side could find the forces behind this guy.

The only thing that can be found is Chen Xuansheng's identity. He is a cross-domain businessman from a small world. He has been unknown in the Star City for many years and is nothing special at all.

Some things learned from Wu Wan'er made Chen Ming even more vigilant.

He once asked the other party and mobilized the observation records of Xingzhou Realm and Tianxing City. The most recent record on it was when Chen Ming came from Xingzhou Realm to participate in the assessment.

This is obviously not true, because if that's the case, who killed Tang Que and the others?Who sent their heads?
"Things are getting more interesting."

Sitting there quietly, Chen Ming looked calm, and finally shook his head silently.

a few days later.

In the familiar mansion compound.

"Have you made up your mind?"

In the hall, Chen Xuansheng made a cup of tea for Chen Ming himself, and then spoke.

"of course."

Sitting on the side, Chen Ming showed a smile on his face: "He who understands current affairs is a hero. Your Excellency invites you so kindly. If I refuse, I don't know what to do."

"I just don't know what you need me to do."

He looked at Chen Xuansheng in front of him and asked.

"There are not many things you need to do."

Chen Xuansheng got up from the spot, and said, "Do you know the ancient star god?"

"I've heard of some."

Chen Ming nodded and said so.

"The ancient star god is the origin of everything and the ancestor of stargazers."

Standing where he was, Chen Xuansheng spoke, revealing a secret.

"The ancestor of the stargazers?"

Chen Ming's heart moved, and he thought of something in an instant.

"A stargazer visualizes the star map, and uses it to link up with the power of the stars, so as to become stronger."

"So, have you ever thought about where this star power comes from?"

Looking at Chen Ming, Chen Xuansheng asked.

"Could it be." Chen Ming frowned, already understood the answer.


Chen Xuansheng nodded: "The so-called star power does not come from heaven and earth, but from the ancient star god."

"You know, we did an experiment hundreds of years ago."

"We captured the people of Tian Yu and Moluo, and even paid a huge price to capture a Pan clan."

"We placed them in the central star room and let them practice under the same conditions, but the result was surprising."

"Shenwu Dao in Tianyu can be practiced by the four major races, and the difficulty is only related to their aptitude, but the cultivation of star power can only be completed by people from the star realm like us."

"Do you know why this is?"

At the end, he paused, looked at Chen Ming and asked.


Chen Ming frowned, and followed the other party's words.

"Because the people in the star field like us are all descendants of the ancient star gods, and the blood of the ancient star gods flows in our bodies."

Chen Xuansheng shook his head, and said, "It is precisely because of the existence of this blood that we can sense star power through visualization. Individuals with strong bloodlines of star gods can even awaken their own star life just like you."

"Our purpose is to gather star awakened people like you to accomplish one thing."

"what's up?"

Chen Ming frowned, feeling an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Resuscitate the star god who was silent in ancient times."

Looking at Chen Ming in the same place, Chen Xuansheng said lightly with a smile on his face.

His tone was very calm, and he spoke very easily, as if doing an ordinary thing.

There was silence for a moment.

Sitting there quietly, Chen Ming also fell into silence, not knowing what to say at this moment.

Revive the ancient star god?

Even if you think about it with your feet, you can understand the danger and difficulty of this matter, let alone Chen Ming.

But he didn't say anything, just sat there quietly, and after a while he said: "It's indeed a very lofty goal."

"Your reaction is much calmer than I imagined."

Looking at Chen Ming's reaction, Chen Xuansheng was a little surprised, and said with a smile: "Among the people I met before, some of them heard about this and still called me a lunatic."

"It's just a goal."

Chen Ming said calmly: "No matter what, there is always a goal."

"What if it comes true?"

"I like that."

Chen Xuansheng smiled, picked up the cup of tea in front of him, and placed it in front of Chen Ming.

Try it. "

He smiled and said, "I made it specially for you, and I added a lot of good things in it, so don't waste it."

Chen Ming nodded slightly, without the slightest hesitation, directly took the teacup in his hand, with a calm face, and drank it in one gulp.

After drinking the first sip of tea, a faint fragrance wafted out of his nostrils, and the blood in Chen Ming's body surged, and the already extremely strong body of the Jieyuan Holy Body was further improved, gaining the nourishment of some kind of power.

Just this cup of tea saved Chen Ming at least half a year of practice.

But this is far from over.

After the heat faded away, Chen Ming could feel a chilly, frightening force spreading to every part of his body, spreading all over his body.

For this, Chen Ming's face was calm, and he was mentally prepared.

The Chen Xuansheng in front of him is definitely not a good person, since he has said so much to him, how can he not have the slightest countermeasures.

However, he didn't care about it.

After all, the world in front of him is not his world, this body is not his body, and it doesn't matter if he is raped.

As long as he can survive until the moment he leaves this world, it doesn't matter.

On the opposite side, watching Chen Ming's decisive action, Chen Xuansheng showed some appreciation in his eyes.

"You can keep these few things."

He took out a token and a mask, and put them in front of Chen Ming: "This is our certificate, and it is also something that can prove our identity."


He seemed to remember something, smiled and said, "From your previous actions, you need a star stone?"


Chen Ming nodded, not intending to hide the matter at all.

"That's just right."

Chen Xuansheng smiled: "Some time ago, a new item just arrived, and it just happened to be sent to you."

He took out a treasure bag from his arms and put it in front of Chen Ming.

Chen Ming nodded, took the treasure bag, and got up to leave.

Chen Xuansheng didn't want to stay either, and let Chen Ming leave.

Back to his residence along the way, Chen Ming immediately began to test himself.

The results of the inspection were very strange.

Now after this period of time, the abnormality of the previous period seemed to have completely disappeared. No matter what method Chen Ming used, he couldn't detect the abnormality in his body.

(End of this chapter)

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