Sweeping the world

Chapter 257 Mission

Chapter 257 Mission
"The physical body, blood energy, and star map have all been checked, and there is nothing unusual. Either I can't check it, or it is lurking in other places, or it is a combination of many places."

Chen Ming stood up calmly, thought for a while, then picked up a pen and began to write on the desk.

Then a miraculous scene happened.

After the first stroke, Chen Ming's arm froze immediately, no matter how he moved, he couldn't write a word.

"As long as you have thoughts in your heart that you want to expose, can't you write them out?"

Chen Ming frowned: "What kind of power is this?"

A layer of haze rose in his heart.

Before he got here, with Chen Ming's power, he couldn't even leave some information on paper, completely cutting off the risk of exposure.

This is by no means what ordinary poisons can do.

It can only be said that Chen Xuansheng and the forces behind him were able to develop to such an extent that there were indeed some means.

Chen Ming put down the pen in his hand, and temporarily stopped thinking about spreading the message, then picked up the treasure bag, and released the spirit array in it.

What was in the treasure bag surprised Chen Ming.

"As expected of a powerful force that has been lurking for many years, once it makes a move, it is a big deal."

Chen Ming was surprised at first, and then a smile appeared on his face.

There is nothing else in the treasure bag, they are all pieces of star stones, there are more than 100 pieces in total, and they are of high quality.

If converted into source power, just this bag is at least tens of thousands of source power.

Unprecedented amounts of money!
Without the slightest hesitation, he directly took out the star stone and began to absorb and transform it.

Source Power: 13781
Martial Arts: Seal of Great Compassion, Sacred Method of Traveling Myriad Voids, Dragon and Elephant Moving Mountain Method Fourth Level, Sacred Method of Cutting Yuan.
Supernatural powers: Tianxin, the spirit of heaven and earth

Bloodline: Wuqu Xingming Reincarnation (Elementary)
As the star stones disappeared in place, the originally exhausted source power was filled again, reaching more than 1 at once.

This is the time Chen Ming obtained the most source power, which can be said to be a huge sum of money.

Looking at the source force number on his body, Chen Ming thought for a while, but didn't move.

The amount of source power of more than 1 points is indeed quite a lot, but at his current level, at most it can only be improved once or twice.

In Tianxing City, in the current situation, he is still relatively safe. He only needs to sell his healing liquid in a safe and sound manner, and there is no need to do anything else.

Time flies by.

The next day, early morning.

"The law of all emptiness starts from the bone marrow, refines on the skin and flesh, and finally ends at the acupuncture points"

In a quiet hall, Chen Ming stood on a high platform in a white shirt, quietly talking about his understanding of martial arts.

What he is talking about is nothing but the divine method of wandering through the myriad emptiness created by himself.

This sacred method has been perfected since he created it, and it has improved a lot compared to when it was first created.

And in the room, it wasn't just the original ten people who listened to Chen Ming's lecture, but dozens of people.

These dozens of people were collected by Chen Ming, among them were slaves bought by someone else, and some were free.

But these people can sit here, but they have one great thing in common.

That is talent.

Compared with the roughness at the beginning, anyone who can sit here and listen to Chen Ming's lecture in person at this moment is the best choice for talent.

The first ten people had already been abandoned by Chen Ming, and they were sent to other places by him to regain their freedom.

However, compared to their original identities, it might not be a bad thing for Chen Ming to do so.

"Young brother is in a good mood."

There was a slight sound of footsteps in the distance.

Wu Wan'er was wearing a long gown, and she looked very smart and beautiful today. She walked slowly from a distance and looked at Chen Ming: "Everyone is very busy, so you are still here, slowly hiding."

"no way."

Chen Ming smiled: "After all, the master doesn't allow me to go to the battlefield, and I haven't assigned any duties. Staying here alone, I can only do this."

"It sounds like a lot of pain."

Wu Wan'er smiled, and said, "But this is actually not bad."

"When you become like us, you will miss the present feeling."


Chen Ming shook his head, then smiled: "Senior Sister, what's the matter with you coming here this time?"

"you caught me."

Wu Wan'er looked up at Chen Ming, and then said, "There is something I need you to do."

"what's up."

Chen Ming stood up, his face looked more serious.

"Preliminary investigation of a ruin."

Wu Wan'er lowered her body, put some documents in front of Chen Ming, and then said, "Something went wrong somewhere in Xizhou. It seems that a small relic was born. You just happen to be free. Take someone there to have a look."

"Is it difficult?"

Chen Ming looked at the asking price on the table and asked.

"If it's too difficult, you won't be allowed to go."

Wu Wan'er laughed and made a joke: "Don't worry, it's just a preliminary investigation of the ruins. It's not for you to go in and investigate. It's not very dangerous."

"I also saw that you stayed in Skystar City for too long, so I found something for you to do."

"it is good."

Chen Ming nodded: "When are you leaving?"

"Within a month, the sooner the better."

Wu Wan'er said, "Before you leave, remember to apply for preparations and take a few people with you."

"Although that area is peaceful, it's not in Skystar City after all, so it's hard to guarantee that there won't be any problems."

"I see."

Chen Ming nodded, expressing his understanding.

Here they chatted for a while.

It was not until a while later that Wu Wan'er said goodbye and left.

In the same place, after Wu Wan'er left, Chen Ming quietly picked up a stack of documents and looked at them there.

After a while, his housekeeper, an old woman who seemed to be of some age, came over: "Sir, there is another guest here."


Chen Ming was taken aback, and said.

"Mr. Chen Xuansheng." The old woman said.


Chen Ming frowned suddenly, and for a while he couldn't figure out why the other party came, but finally he said, "Let him in."

No matter what, he has now boarded the other party's thief ship, and it is unrealistic to turn against the other party for the time being.

After a while, Chen Xuansheng, dressed in a black robe, walked slowly from a distance with a calm demeanor, looking very personable and extraordinary.

"Wu Wan'er came here just now?"

Looking at Chen Ming, he smiled and said, "Did you agree to that mission?"

After the words fell, Chen Ming was stunned, and frowned secretly.

Wu Wan'er had just come here on the front foot, and he came here on the back foot, and he was very clear about Wu Wan'er's purpose for coming here.

What is revealed in this is really shocking.

All kinds of thoughts were circulating in his heart, but on the surface, his face was still calm, and he just nodded silently: "I have already agreed."

"very good."

Chen Xuansheng nodded: "When the time comes, our people will be among those who follow you."

"All you have to do is send him to the ruins."

(End of this chapter)

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