Sweeping the world

Chapter 258 Companion

Chapter 258 Companion
"Send it to the ruins?"

In the same place, listening to Chen Xuansheng's words in front of him, Chen Ming frowned.


Chen Xuansheng nodded, and seeing Chen Ming's expression, he also said, "Don't worry, this is not difficult, and it won't make it difficult for you."

"If it doesn't work, we have other records."

Looking at Chen Ming, he said in relief.

At the same place, Chen Ming was silent, and it was not until after a long time that he nodded and said, "I see."

After a while, after receiving a reply from Chen Ming, Chen Xuansheng left satisfied.

In the same place, Chen Ming sat quietly, his eyes flickering.

a few days later.

According to the agreement with Wu Wan'er, Chen Ming walked to a hall.

This was the first time he had performed the mission sent by the Tianxing Holy Underground. In order to avoid accidents, he came very early, a few hours before the appointed time.

He thought it was early enough, but he didn't expect that there was someone earlier than him.

Walking to the appointed place, a beautiful young girl in a white robe was standing there. It seemed that she had been here for a while.

"Brother Chen."

Seeing Chen Ming's figure, the girl's eyes lit up, a bright smile appeared on her face, and she bowed to Chen Ming.

Although she is older than Chen Ming, and her idea of ​​getting started is probably earlier than Chen Ming's, but at this time, facing Chen Ming, she wants to call him senior brother instead.

The reason for this is nothing else, just because Chen Ming is a direct descendant of Jie Yuan's lineage.

In Tianxing City, the lineage of Jieyuan has a high status, and Chen Ming is a disciple of the main lineage. Most of the ordinary disciples may have started earlier than him, but after seeing him, they would call him senior brother instead.

Chen Ming had long been accustomed to this, and now he just nodded lightly, without saying anything.

His appearance made the girl in front of him look a little disappointed, but she didn't dare to say anything more.

The place fell into a calm, and time passed slowly.

As the mission time approached, the people who participated in the mission also arrived soon. After a while, a large circle of people surrounded Chen Ming.

In addition to the girl who came earlier, there was also a simple and honest middle-aged man, a pale boy.

All three of them are ordinary disciples in Skystar City.

"Is everyone here?"

After a while, Chen Ming slowly opened his eyes and spoke quietly.

"Most of them are here."

The girl who arrived earlier stepped forward and said, "There is one last person left, Yang Xiong from Donghua Branch."

"Do you need to leave first?"

She looked at the time, looked at Chen Ming and asked.

The task this time was arranged by Wu Wan'er, and the personnel transferred were all disciples of the subordinate branch of the Jieyuan lineage, and naturally Chen Ming, the main disciple of the lineage, was the leader.

If any important matter occurs in the team, it should be decided by him.

"Wait a minute."

In the same place, Chen Ming looked around and frowned.

From now until now, he has been observing his teammates around him.

According to what Chen Xuansheng said before, there will undoubtedly be at least one member of the Star God Society in this mission.

But Chen Xuansheng didn't tell him the identity of this person, he just let him play by ear.

Because of this, from just now until now, Chen Ming seemed to be silent, but in fact he had been observing his surroundings, trying to find out who was hiding.

But judging from the current situation, it is the latecomer who is most likely.

At the same place, seeing Chen Ming ordering to wait, the three people around didn't say much, just waited silently.

For them, Chen Ming is the leader here, as long as they speak, there is no room for them to refuse.

Moreover, there is indeed still a moment before the agreed time.

Just like that, the place fell silent, and several people stood there quietly, waiting quietly.

This waited for half an hour.

It wasn't until the appointed time arrived that a figure appeared in the distance.

"Huh? Did everyone come so early?"

The person walking towards him from a distance was wearing a yellow coat and looked to be in his early twenties. When he was walking towards him, he was holding a pork knuckle in his hand and was gnawing on it. From his appearance, he looked like several I haven't eaten for days.

"Yang Xiong!!"

Looking at the young man approaching in the distance, Chen Ming hadn't opened his mouth yet, but the girl who arrived at the side first had an unshakable expression and strode forward: "How dare you keep Senior Brother Chen waiting for so long!!"


In the distance, Yang Xiong looked playful and smiling, and didn't react much to the scolding of the girl in front of him: "Isn't it just the appointed time, I didn't know you would come so early."

"Besides, Brother Chen didn't say anything."

"You!!" The girl felt angry and wanted to go forward and continue to say something,

"Liu Ling, forget it." In the distance, Chen Ming's voice came quickly.

Standing in place, looking at Yang Xiong and the two in the distance, Chen Ming's expression was calm: "The time has come, don't delay any longer."

"Now that everyone is here, let's go immediately."


Liu Ling gave Yang Xiong a hard look, and after listening to Chen Ming's words, she quickly nodded in agreement, her attitude was completely different.

Yang Xiong shrugged his shoulders, his expression looked a little helpless, but he didn't say anything, and hurriedly followed.

From Tianxing City to Xizhou, it takes a long distance. If you want to go there, even if it is a Star Spirit Realm, I am afraid it will take several years.

Therefore, to go to such a long-distance area, the protoss array has always been used to teleport.

This time is no exception.

"Five people in total."

Before walking to the star spirit formation, as the leader, Chen Ming made the registration, while secretly observing his teammates, trying to find out the members of the Star God Alliance.

Liu Ling sat quietly for a while, looking at Chen Ming from the corner of her eyes.

Yang Xiong looked left and right, and seemed to be very interested in the surrounding formation.

As long as the seemingly simple and honest middle-aged man, and the pale boy, at this moment, I don't know when they caught up with each other, and they are chatting slowly in the corner.

At first glance, it seems to be normal, but there are suspicions.

But generally speaking, Yang Xiong's suspicion is the biggest.

There is a lack of awe in the opponent.

As a direct descendant of the Jieyuan lineage, ordinary Tianxing disciples would be more or less in awe of Chen Ming, thus restraining some of their behaviors.

But this kind of situation seems to be completely invisible to Yang Xiong.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that the other party is missing a muscle.

After a while, the procedures for invoking the protoss formation were completed, and a thin light slowly lit up in front of my eyes.

Chen Ming turned around and said calmly, "Let's go."

After the words fell, he walked into the formation first.

A hazy feeling came quickly, accompanied by a faint feeling of fainting, somewhat similar to motion sickness, but completely different from that.

When this feeling disappeared, the scene in place suddenly changed.

(End of this chapter)

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