Sweeping the world

Chapter 259 Lurkers

Chapter 259 Lurkers

On the mighty flat ground, a ruin is being excavated.

The faint morning sun shone down from the sky, illuminating the dim earth brightly.

Chen Ming walked among them on foot, quietly watching the scene in front of him.

"This relic was discovered ten years ago. At that time, it was only thought to be an ancient tomb. After excavation, it became what it is today."

Beside Chen Ming, a middle-aged man in gray clothes and covered in dust explained to Chen Ming.

"Does this ruin have a long history?"

Listening to the middle-aged man's explanation, Chen Ming asked with great interest.

"of course."

The middle-aged man was very interested, and he seemed to have deep research in this area: "According to the current understanding and investigation, this ruin is at least millions of years old."

"Millions of years ago, during that time, it seems to be the time when the Star God was active."

Chen Ming's face was calm, but this thought flashed in his mind.

In the distance, a figure came towards him, wearing a yellow shirt.

"Brother, there is no problem with the seal in the north!"

Liu Ling walked towards Chen Ming, looking at Chen Ming with a cheerful smile on her face.

"Well, let's go and look at the other sides."

Looking at the sweat on Liu Ling's body, Chen Ming smiled: "Go and rest first."

"Brother, I'm not tired."

Liu Ling shook her head, with a smile on her face, she took the initiative to walk to Chen Ming's side: "Let's go together."

"it is good."

Seeing her like this, Chen Ming didn't refuse, but just nodded slightly.

It has been more than three months since they came here.

In the past three months, under Chen Ming's deliberate friendship, he has become very familiar with his teammates.

His status is very high, a direct disciple of Jie Yuan's lineage, he can definitely be regarded as a noble status here, and his cultivation base is also good, and he can easily get closer with him by giving pointers from time to time.

But even so, Chen Ming still couldn't find out the lurking member of the Star God Association.

It can only be said that the other party is really good at lurking, and too calm, and three months have passed, and he didn't even make a fuss.

"But no matter how calm you are, it's time to show up."

In the same place, walking on the road, Chen Ming muttered to himself.

The reason why Chen Xuansheng gave him this task was not without reason.

According to what Chen Ming learned, this ruin is actually being sealed.

This is a relic that has been sealed since ancient times. It has been lurking here since ancient times. It was only because the seal in the relic was broken that it was exposed.

Chen Ming's trip was to repair this part of the broken seal and perfect the seal of this place again.

Once the seal is completely perfected, the ruins here will be sealed.

Therefore, if the members of the Star God Society want to sneak into this ruin, then the best opportunity is in the recent period.

"According to the information obtained from my senior sister, the ruins here are obviously very dangerous. There is a large amount of annihilation energy in it, which has formed a curse here. It has not been completely wiped out so far, so I chose to seal it up."

Walking on the road, observing the ruins in front of him, Chen Ming's face was calm, and he thought silently in his heart: "But judging from Chen Xuansheng's reaction, this ruin is obviously not that simple."

The so-called annihilation spirit is a unique phenomenon in this world, and it is also an extremely dangerous thing.

This kind of thing is not much for mortals. If you stay here for a long time, your body will be weaker at most.

But if you are a practitioner, you will be knocked out of the mundane world at once.

Whether it is a warrior or a stargazer, they will gradually weaken in the annihilation atmosphere, their cultivation will be suppressed, or even melted, and they will eventually be reduced to a useless person.

Because of this, this ruin will be sealed up, and it will take a while to dig in after the annihilation in it further dissipates.

The purpose of the Star God Society is to send people to sneak into the seal before it is completely perfected.

"At most half a month, this ruin will be completely sealed."

Looking at the ruins in the distance, Chen Ming thought in his heart: "No matter who that person is, he must show up during this period of time."

I searched around the ruins for a while, and after a while, other than Liu Ling, the rest of the teammates also slowly arrived. Only Yang Xiong was left, and he didn't know where he was.

"Where's Yang Xiong?"

Chen Ming looked around and asked.

"He's still patrolling outside and hasn't come back."

Among the people around, the pale young man who looked a little weak spoke up and said so.

"Then wait."

Chen Ming calmly nodded his head.

They waited on the spot for a while, only to hear a slight sound of footsteps outside, and then they saw Yang Xiong walking over from the outside.

"Now that everyone is here, let's start."

Looking at Yang Xiong who just came in and didn't know where he was fooling around before, Chen Ming's face was calm, without saying anything, he directly started to assign tasks to the areas they were responsible for.

During this process, Chen Ming secretly observed.

Except for Yang Xiong, everyone was very serious and listened very carefully.

"It's too obvious."

Observing Yang Xiong's reaction secretly, Chen Ming frowned secretly: "Is it really him?"

After a while, he asked people to disperse, and each went to perform his own tasks.

He sat silently on the spot, thinking quietly.

Time passed slowly.

The sky outside quickly darkened, and soon it was night.

At night, Chen Ming sat quietly in a corner, his eyes closed tightly, and the breath from his body gradually dissipated without leaking a single bit.

He was waiting quietly.

It's just that he sat here for a long time, but in the end he didn't wait for anyone to come, and there was no sign of him at all.

"Aren't you coming tonight?"

Feeling the tranquility of tonight, this thought quietly flashed in Chen Ming's mind.

Although the matter of sealing is near, judging by the time, there are still several days left. The lurker may not come here tonight, maybe it will be a few days later.

Just as Chen Ming shook his head, thinking that tonight would be in vain, a hazy breath flashed in the distance, causing Chen Ming's body to pause.

There was a slight sound of footsteps coming slowly from a distance, and then a figure appeared.

It was a youth who didn't look very young, his appearance was not handsome, he could only be described as handsome, he was wearing a black robe, which was hard to spot in the dark night, his pale face was stern, very elegant.

"It's him."

Looking at the man in the distance, Chen Ming was a little surprised.

The boy in front of him was one of his companions, his name was Kong Xiu.

During this period of getting along with each other, the other party's performance was mediocre, just like that simple and honest man, with no sense of existence, but he did not expect that the last lurker was him.

(End of this chapter)

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