Sweeping the world

Chapter 261 Kill

Chapter 261 Kill
"The response of Yuanli intensified."

Among the ruins, looking at the golden coffin in the distance, Chen Ming muttered to himself.

After arriving at the ruins, the vague throbbing feeling on his body began to intensify. Every move seemed to be pulled by some mysterious force, making his whole body and mind tremble and throb.

On the side, Yang Xiong and Kong Xiu were still fighting, but Chen Ming didn't care about it at the moment.

The strength of these two people is indeed very strong. They are not very old, but they have already condensed the holy body, which is the realm of the star spirit.

Even if they were in this place, the two star spirits who had condensed the holy body, their star power was tightly suppressed, and their gestures were so powerful that they could collapse mountains and rivers.

But for Chen Ming, it was just like that.

The Dragon Elephant Moving Mountain Method is originally the world's top external practice method. He raised this method to the fourth level. Just the strength of the physical body is equivalent to a master. Among them, it is estimated that there are not many who can compare with him in the flesh.

Although the strength of Yang Xiong and Kong Xiu was unexpected, from Chen Ming's point of view, they were just that.

After hesitating for a moment, he got up, walked forward, and slowly approached the golden crystal coffin.

The golden crystal coffin exudes a faint golden radiance, as if sensing Chen Ming's arrival, the golden radiance on it seems to be brighter.

Indistinctly, a purple light flashed in front of the eyes, and the purple source force interface spontaneously manifested, and the source force number on it was rising rapidly.

boom! boom! boom!
The sound of a beating heart kept ringing in place, and a throbbing feeling that was unique before was rising, which made Chen Ming feel an impulse to grab the things in the coffin in his hands.



However, at this moment, after Chen Ming approached the coffin, the two people who had confronted each other in the distance finally came to their senses, and rushed forward together in a very tacit understanding, clapping their fists and palms down together.

boom! !

A thumping force erupted on the spot, as if the power of the ancient dragon and elephant had been fully revived, moving forward fiercely, and an irresistible, unstoppable force of the world smashed down and exploded violently.

boom! !

In an instant, there were bursts of thunder, as if a small world had opened up and exploded, and the majestic force that erupted violently pushed forward, pushing the two of them away in just an instant.

"So strong?"

Feeling the irresistible majestic force coming from in front of him, Kong Xiu's complexion changed drastically, his already pale face looked even paler, without any trace of blood.

Before he could react, he felt a chill all over his body, and a thumping force pressed down from his body.

In the same place, Chen Ming's face was calm, his sleeves were fluttering slightly, he didn't look like he was fighting with someone, but instead he looked like he was taking a stroll in the garden, enjoying the scenery quietly.

Looking at the two flying upside down in front of him, he stretched out his right arm, and slowly retracted his slender five fingers. He bent up in a unique posture, squeezed into a fist, and struck directly. It was as if a small world was opened in an instant. He hit Kong Xiu hard.

"Do not!!"

Faced with this blow, Kong Xiu's face was ferocious, and he let out bursts of roars, as if he was trying to block the blow, but in the end it didn't work at all, and he was directly sent flying.

Out of some considerations, Chen Ming didn't take his life, but beat him seriously, and prepared it slowly.

On the spot, he turned around and continued walking towards the golden coffin.

The golden coffin stood quietly, and with Chen Ming's arrival, the golden texture on it seemed to be shining brightly, looking like stars in the sky, very beautiful.

Standing where he was, quietly watching the scene in front of him, Chen Ming was a little lost.

In front of his eyes, the purple source power interface flickered, and the number on it was still increasing rapidly at the moment.

After a while, Chen Ming came back to his senses, stretched out his hand gently, and was about to open the golden coffin.


Behind him, there was a sound, and then Chen Ming's outstretched arm paused.

This was not stopped by himself, but by the influence of external forces.

When the person behind him spoke, a mysterious force rose from Chen Ming's body and stopped his actions.

Sensing the changes in his body and the power that suddenly emerged, Chen Ming calmed down and asked with great interest, "How did you do it?"

"As expected, you are also a member of my Star God Society!!"

Behind him, most of Kong Xiu's body was cracked, and his whole body was densely covered with wounds. At this moment, he sat up from the ground with a grim face, and looked at Chen Ming with hatred in his eyes: "How dare an ordinary star warrior attack the star envoy?" !"

At some point, he took a token from his hand, which was somewhat similar to the one that Chen Xuansheng gave to Chen Ming before, except that the star patterns on it were much more complicated and profound, making it look more advanced.

But at this moment, there was a faint light flickering on the token, and it seemed to be echoing with a certain power in Chen Ming's body, controlling Chen Ming's body to a certain extent.

"Is that the token?"

Standing quietly at the same spot, looking at the token in Zhanxiu's hand, and listening to what he said just now, Chen Ming was thoughtful: "It turns out that through the means used that day, members of a higher level will be Why not, can you also control the lower-level people to a certain extent?"

This was something he hadn't thought of before.

"Now, back off for me!!"

On the opposite side, Kong Xiu's face was ferocious, and he ordered loudly.

After the words were finished, Chen Ming hadn't reacted yet, his body moved spontaneously and walked backwards automatically.

Seeing this, Kong Xiu showed a ferocious smile on his face, and his already ferocious face looked even more ferocious.

"Kneel down for me!!"

With a ferocious face, he ordered loudly, wanting to humiliate the opponent in front of him who had caused him a big loss.

However, this time, Chen Ming on the opposite side did not make any movement, and looked at him quietly with a pair of calm eyes. After a long time, he sighed: "Why force me?"

"Originally, I might not kill you"

As soon as the voice fell, the killing intent erupted, covering the place.

On the opposite side, Kong Xiu was stunned for a moment, and a biting chill rose all over his body.

"Do not!!"

The next moment, the world began to dim, and after a while, his head slowly fell, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

In the same place, looking at Kong Xiu's body, Chen Ming shook his head secretly.

It really surprised him that things would develop into this situation.

Originally, it was just an ordinary task, and it had nothing to do with him, but in the end, the person who performed the task was hacked to death by him, which caused trouble.

However, Chen Ming did not regret it.

Back then, he would join the Star God Association just to hinder the opponent's force, and hope to use the opponent's strength to better collect star stones.

There was no friendship between the two parties, but it was mostly persecution, so naturally he would not have anything to feel guilty about.

(End of this chapter)

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