Sweeping the world

Chapter 262 Open

Chapter 262 Open

"A muddled account."

In the same place, recalling the whole process of this mission, Chen Ming shook his head, and this thought flashed in his mind.

Chen Ming was not worried about the fact that he hacked Kong Xiu to death.

People from the Star God Society may not know that he did it.

On the bright side, Chen Ming has only been in Tianxing for a few months, and his current strength on the bright side is nothing more than an ordinary star map.

As for Kong Xiu, judging from the other party's previous performance, the other party has already condensed the holy body, which is an out-and-out Astral Spirit Realm.

The obvious difference in strength between the two reduced Chen Ming's suspicion of being exposed.

Besides, even if the other party knew that Chen Ming had killed him, would they really attack him?
Chen Ming didn't think so.

His apparent identity is that he is the chief disciple of the Jieyuan lineage, and he may even have the opportunity to inherit the mantle of the Jieyuan lineage in the future, so he is an important person no matter what.

As long as the Star God Society does not cover the sky with one hand and still has scruples among the stars, then more or less he will have some scruples and cannot act recklessly.

Of course, if Chen Ming can make enough money here at once, then the result will not matter anyway.

After all, he was reincarnated here just to collect some source power.

Seeing Kong Xiu's solution and looking at the golden coffin in front of him, Chen Ming didn't move, but turned around and looked at Yang Xiong on the side, with scrutiny in his eyes.

"Captain, don't do anything, just speak up if you have something to say."

As if frightened by Chen Ming's eyes, Yang Xiong smiled apologetically in front of his eyes, changing from his previous hippie smile: "If you have any questions, feel free to ask, as long as I know, I will tell you."

"You have never been so obedient before."

Looking at Yang Xiong in front of him, Chen Ming shook his head and said.

Before, Chen Ming took Yang Xiong and others to seal the ruins. Yang Xiong acted foolishly and cut corners, which brought him a lot of trouble.

"Isn't that for detecting the ruins?"

Hearing what Chen Ming said, Yang Xiong's face suddenly became bitter: "This guy has a map of the ruins, so he can know where to enter, but I don't. I can only find the loopholes by myself so as not to lose him."

"I managed to keep up, but I didn't expect to fall into the hands of you, captain."

"You're out of luck."

Chen Ming said casually, and then continued to ask: "What are you doing here? What is the dark alliance?"

"As you can see."

Yang Xiong struggled to get up from the ground, then pointed at Kong Xiu's corpse and shrugged: "Just to prevent him from taking the star corpse away, I plan to search this ruin."

"As for the Dark Alliance. This is an independent but widely distributed force. There are not only stargazers, but also warriors from the sky, Moluo people and Pan clan."

He spread his hands, and said, "You can understand it as the power of the Heavenly Star Holy Land, but it's much looser, and its members are also widely distributed."

"I said so, do you understand?"

"Roughly understood."

Chen Ming nodded calmly, expressing his understanding.

"I think you don't have to kill me."

Looking at Chen Ming, Yang Xiong was covered in cold sweat. At this moment, he forced out a smile and said, "Although you are also a member of the Star God Society, since you killed that guy, it means that you and these people are not of the same mind. .”

"According to what that kid said before, you are just a Star Warrior, right?"

He said: "Perhaps you don't know, there are several levels of identity in the Star God Alliance, which can be divided into four levels: Star Warrior, Star Envoy, Dark Star, and Bright Star, which correspond to different identities."

"As a Star Warrior, you are at the lowest level in the Star God Society. This means that the Star God Society doesn't value you at all, and treats you as a dispensable pawn."

"In that case, why do you have to work hard for them?"

He talked endlessly, trying to shake Chen Ming's mind. While talking, he was still observing Chen Ming's reaction.

However, on the opposite side, Chen Ming's face was calm. From this look, there was no sign of being moved by him.

Secretly observing Chen Ming's reaction, seeing this, Yang Xiong felt a chill in his heart, and kept saying, "You may not be clear, but anyone who enters the Star God Association will be cursed by the Star God, and they will also be cursed by the Star God." It's the thing that suppressed you just now."

"The Star God Curse is an important means to maintain the Star God Association. Through the Star God Curse, the higher the status level, the harder the suppression of the lower level."

"The person just now was just a star warrior. You may still be able to break free with your own will through the order he gave through the Star God Curse, but if the person who gave the order next time is a dark star or even a star star, then you have nothing to do with it." You can't stop it, even if you are told to die, you have to do it."

"Are you willing to accept this situation?"

"Do you have a solution?"

In the same place, Chen Ming's face was calm, he didn't say much, but his heart moved, and he asked quietly.


Yang Xiong nodded quickly, as if he had grasped a life-saving straw: "According to the methods of the Star God Association, my members of the Dark Alliance have specially developed a set of Star Spirit Curses, which can be unlocked as long as they are successfully practiced."

While speaking, he took out a pale white crystal stone from his arms and threw it directly to Chen Ming.

"This is the photo stone, which records the practice method of the Star Spirit Mantra."

Taking the photo stone casually, his spiritual sense sensed it slightly, and after confirming the method in it, Chen Ming nodded slightly: "Your life is saved."

After the words fell, before Yang Xiong could heave a sigh of relief, he heard Chen Ming's voice continue in front of him.

"That body is yours too."

With a calm face, Chen Ming pointed to Kong Xiu's corpse in the distance, and said, "Any comments?"

Is this trying to make me take the blame?
Yang Xiong was taken aback for a moment, then quickly reacted, and quickly shook his head and said, "No objection, no objection!"

After finally saving his life, if he dares to have an opinion at this time, he probably won't need any opinion anymore.

Besides, killing Kong Xiu, a member of the Star God Association, was originally his task as a member of the Dark Alliance.

Who will he bear if he doesn't take the blame?
Seeing that Yang Xiong understood what he meant, Chen Ming nodded in satisfaction, then turned around, continued to look at the golden coffin in front of him, and then stretched out his hand to push it gently.

This time there was no obstacle, he easily opened the coffin, revealing the scene inside.

A strange feeling rose from his body. The moment Chen Ming opened the coffin lid, a strong annihilating air rushed straight in. In terms of concentration alone, it was probably thousands of times stronger than the outside world.

Such a strong annihilating aura rushed towards his face, even with Chen Ming's physique, he couldn't help but be affected at this moment. The already thin divine power smiled again, and the star marks of martial arts on his body were also dimmed, weakening several times in an instant .

"Does the annihilation spirit in this ruin come from this coffin?"

Feeling the weakness all over his body, Chen Ming frowned and continued to look into the coffin.

(End of this chapter)

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