Sweeping the world

Chapter 263 The Corpse of the Star God

Chapter 263 The Corpse of the Star God
In the same place, Chen Ming shook his head, feeling the air of annihilation escaping around him, and then looked down at the coffin in front of him.

At this moment, as the coffin was opened, a burst of purple light flickered, and there were dots of stars on it, as if real stars were manifesting, containing the power enough to destroy the world.

In an instant, an unrivaled majesty erupted and spread all around, as if a high-ranking king suddenly opened his eyes, just a wisp of breath falling down, seemed to be able to shatter thousands of mountains and rivers.

This feeling came and went quickly, and disappeared in just an instant, making people feel that they had hallucinations for a short time.

Chen Ming's body paused slightly, his forward body paused, but quickly returned to normal.

"That feeling."

He recalled the feeling just now, and felt a little terrified in his heart, but he still looked forward without any hesitation.

Following his line of sight, the scene behind the coffin slowly appeared.

In the sacred golden coffin, a small figure lay quietly in it.

It was a little girl who looked no more than ten years old, wearing a moon-white robe, with a delicate and beautiful face, as if she had seized all the good fortune between heaven and earth. Although she was still young, she was noble and sacred, The characteristics of being peerless and alluring have already appeared.

She lay quietly in the golden coffin, motionless in it, and seemed to be asleep, like the Sleeping Beauty in fairy tales, waiting for someone to wake him up.

"Is this the Star God?"

Looking at the little girl lying quietly in the coffin, Chen Ming was stunned, a little surprised.

The little girl in front of her looks ordinary, but it is impossible for ordinary people to be buried in this place.

Since entering this Di Fan and opening the coffin, a sense of terror has arisen from all directions, as if some kind of terrifying existence is recovering, slowly staring at him.

Chen Ming's spiritual sense was also at work, and he sensed a kind of terror on the girl's corpse in front of him, as if facing a higher level of life, even if he didn't do anything, he couldn't help trembling and surrendering.

But opposite to these feelings is the growing desire and throbbing in my heart.

With the opening of the golden coffin, in front of Chen Ming's eyes, the purple source force interface spontaneously emerged, and the source force number on it was jumping rapidly, increasing at an unprecedented speed.

"This star god is still in his infancy." From the side, Yang Xiong sighed.

Looking at the girl's corpse in the coffin in front of him, Yang Xiong's face was complicated, and he said softly: "Since the ancient times, after the Star God Era, millions of years, the corpses of Star Gods have been discovered one after another, but most of them are adults."

"Look at her corpse, it's very complete, without any scars on it, which means that this star god didn't fall due to fighting, but because of some other reasons."

"Her body is well preserved, and it is very likely that there is still a star soul left."

Having said that, his complexion obviously changed, and he looked a little complicated.

"Xinghun, what is that?"

In front of him, quietly listening to Yang Xiong's words, Chen Ming asked.

"You do not know?"

Yang Xiong was taken aback for a moment, and then he happened to meet Chen Ming's expression, with a wry smile on his face: "Okay."

"The so-called star soul, also known as the origin of the star, is the bond of power of the ancient star god, and has various unique features."

"According to the research of some ancestors, if one can find a way to extract the star soul from the corpse of the star god and integrate the star soul into his own body, it is possible to inherit the power and blood of the star god, possess the power beyond the peak, reach the The possibility of the ancient star god realm."

"The reason why the Star God Society secretly sent people here and made great efforts to sneak into the ruins is probably for the sake of the Star Soul."

"How to introduce the star soul into the body?"

Chen Ming opened his mouth and continued to ask.

"This, I don't know either."

This time, Yang Xiong showed a wry smile on his face: "How to introduce the star soul into the body is still a big problem. In the past, only a few lucky people succeeded, and it cannot be copied at all."

"Is there no stable way?"

In the same place, Chen Ming frowned, but did not continue to question, turned around calmly, and looked at the coffin in front of him.

In the coffin in front of him, the girl's body lay quietly in it, it didn't look like she was dead, she was just asleep.

She slept very peacefully, her beautiful face was full of peace, and she didn't seem to have experienced any pain before she died.

Looking at the girl's face, Chen Ming pondered for a moment, feeling a little dazed.

A strong sense of throbbing rose in his heart. Under the effect of the power of origin, Chen Ming seemed to see some scenes that ordinary people could hardly see.

In the girl's corpse in front of him, a residual spirituality was surging, and it seemed to sense his arrival at this moment, looking at him curiously, and greeting him.

Miraculously, Chen Ming stretched out his hand and grabbed the girl's arm under Yang Xiong's surprised eyes.

boom! !

A strong throbbing feeling rose in my heart, as if my whole body was going to be sublimated.

In a trance, through the short-term connection in front of him, Chen Ming seemed to have glimpsed a picture.

A huge star dimmed, and on a vast land, a beautiful little girl stood quietly, wearing a moon-white robe fluttering in the wind, with a pale face and a faint smile.

This is a star conceived in a whole star, which naturally possesses unparalleled mighty power, enough to overwhelm a lifetime and be invincible in the world.

Even if she is not fully mature at this moment, she is still in her infancy, but it is the same.

Chen Ming could feel the power in her body, which far surpassed the current him. Even a breath, a strand of hair, seemed to be able to destroy the stars.

However, even such a powerful life has come to the end of its life at this moment.

As a star god, her lifespan has no limit, but she has a problem.

The star that gave birth to her died halfway and became a place of death, which led to the exhaustion of her own origin. Before she was fully conceived, she died young, approaching the end of her life.

As if aware of Chen Ming's peeping, she raised her head, a smile appeared on her beautiful face.

"Take me to my hometown to see."

The fluttering voice fell, and the purple brilliance bloomed.

At the same place, under Yang Xiong's ghostly eyes, the girl's corpse in the coffin slowly opened her eyes, and dense star marks appeared all over her body, like the incarnation of stars, sacred and majestic, making people dare not look directly at them.

But at this moment, above the corpse, a faint purple light was flickering, and a force was spreading from the corpse, slowly transferring to Chen Ming's body.


Immediately, Yang Xiong was dumbfounded: "This is also okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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