Sweeping the world

Chapter 264 Harvest

Chapter 264 Harvest
"When did it become so easy to fuse the star soul?"

In the same place, looking at Chen Ming in front of him, Yang Xiong was a little dumbfounded. It took him a while to accept this fact, and he complained silently.

Things like star souls are the source of star gods, and it is no exaggeration to call them the source of gods.

To control the origin of the gods with a mortal body, it is destined to be full of difficulties, and if you are not careful, you will fail directly and be backlashed by the star soul.

As easy as Chen Ming, he had never even heard of it, let alone seen it.

Where he was, the changes on Chen Ming continued.

With the influx of power from the god's corpse, some dense star marks began to manifest on Chen Ming's body, spontaneously emerging, covering Chen Ming's body.

The star trace is mysterious, it seems to be full of unimaginable power, mysterious and magnificent, there are little stars on it, suddenly, it seems that there are endless scenes of shattered stars being manifested and emerging.

Under the action of this force, Chen Ming's body is changing, an astonishing transformation is going on, the already condensed body of Jie Yuan manifests spontaneously, and begins to deduce to a higher level, in just a moment The time has shortened many years of practice.

I don't know how long it has passed, but Chen Ming slowly regained his senses.

At this moment, unprecedented majestic power is surging in his body, and every move seems to have an unrivaled power added to him, far stronger than before.

"Is this the power of the Star God? Even after falling for such a long time, the little power left is still so terrifying."

Standing quietly on the spot, Chen Ming muttered to himself, and the purple source interface appeared in front of his eyes.

Source Power: 34551
Martial Arts: Seal of Great Compassion, Sacred Method of Traveling Myriad Voids, Dragon and Elephant Moving Mountain Method Fourth Level, Sacred Method of Cutting Yuan.
Supernatural powers: Tianxin, the spirit of heaven and earth

Bloodline: Reincarnation of Wuqu Xingming (Intermediate)
The Yuanli interface in front of him manifested, and the Yuanli number on it directly changed from [-] to [-].

This is an unprecedented increase in terror, and these increases are not all.

Standing in place, Chen Ming could feel that in his body, there was a spirit lurking in his body at this moment, sleeping in his body, bringing him a steady stream of increase in source power.

That is the power and blessing of the star essence.

After possessing the source of this star, even if Chen Ming didn't leave, the source power on his body would increase all the time, almost without a limit.

Feeling all this, Chen Ming lowered his head and looked at the coffin in front of him.

In the golden coffin, the faint golden light is still blooming, but at this moment the sleeping girl has disappeared.

It seems that because the last source was absorbed by people, in the coffin, the girl's body gradually faded into starlight and dissipated, leaving only a purple crystal.

"Bringing traces of the star gods of the past, it is equivalent to her last imprint of life"

Looking at the purple crystal, Chen Ming's heart moved, he reached out to grab it, and carefully put it in his arms.

On the side, seeing Chen Ming's movements, Yang Xiong said cautiously: "Well, can I go?"

Hearing what he said, Chen Ming turned around calmly, stretched out one hand, tempered the blood essence with a little divine power, turned it into a demon seed, and slapped it directly into Yang Xiong's body.

"you can go now."

After sending the demon seed into Yang Xiong's body, Chen Ming finally nodded and said lightly.

For this, Yang Xiong showed bitterness.

Although he didn't know what Chen Ming gave him just now, it definitely wasn't something good.

At this moment, there is still a burst of burning heat spreading in his chest, as if the fire is burning on it, it is extremely uncomfortable.

"rest assured."

As if aware of the thoughts in his heart, Chen Ming said lightly: "This thing usually won't affect you, on the contrary, it is quite beneficial to you."

"The only downside is that if I die, you will also be implicated by me and die on the spot."

"I said so, do you understand?"

"Understood, understood."

Yang Xiong had a bitter expression on his face: "Don't worry, I will definitely not tell about you, Captain."

"It's best if you think so."

Chen Ming nodded noncommittally, and then said, "Let's go out."

After the words fell, he turned around calmly and walked towards the outside world.

Behind him, Yang Xiong's face was full of bitterness, but he didn't hesitate much, and he jumped directly to follow.

The next day.

When the golden morning light illuminated the earth, Chen Ming walked out of his room as usual.

On the side of the road, he met Yang Xiong face to face.

The other party still had the look of being idle and listless, but he just greeted Chen Ming from a distance, and Liu Ling, the girl next to Chen Ming, couldn't help scolding him a few times.

A few days passed by, and soon, the task was over, and everyone returned to Skystar City.

"came back."

After greeting Wu Wan'er, Chen Ming returned to his room.

This mission caused quite a stir.

Although Kong Xiu was just an ordinary disciple on the surface, he was a disciple of the Heavenly Star Holy Land after all.

Although his disappearance did not cause much disturbance, it also attracted a little attention.

Wu Wan'er's side was fine, but the Star God Society's side probably wasn't so easy to deal with.

Presumably, Chen Xuansheng will visit Chen Ming soon.

However, Chen Ming no longer cared about this.

Let's just ask, let alone Yang Xiong, a member of the secret alliance, standing in front of him, even if he is really exposed, what can he do with him?

The big deal is to turn your face.

After that trip to the ruins, Chen Ming had inherited the legacy of the ancient star god, and Chen Ming already had the confidence to turn his face.

However, in order to prevent this situation, Chen Ming also needs to make some preparations at this moment.

"As expected, the effect of the Star Spirit Curse is only mediocre."

Taking out the picture stone that Yang Xiong gave him, and practicing the Star Spirit Curse contained in it, Chen Ming shook his head.

The Star Spirit Mantra that Yang Xiong gave him can indeed wear down the power of the Star God Mantra.But the degree of this attrition is very weak, and it is impossible to completely eliminate the power of the Star God Curse.

This was within Chen Ming's expectation. After all, the Star God would exist for so many years, and the basic means by which he relied to control his members was not so easy to decipher.

But for Chen Ming, this condition was enough.

Without the slightest hesitation, he concentrated his thoughts on the Star Spirit Mantra, and the purple source force was directly activated, and the deduction began.

The first layer of the Star Spirit Curse. The second layer. The third layer. The ninth layer.

A unique mysteries were circulating. When the star spirit curse was deduced to the ninth level, a large number of star spirit mysteries directly emerged in Chen Ming's mind.

"Enough is enough"

Standing quietly in place, Chen Ming's thoughts surged, and the star power in his body circulated in a unique trajectory in an instant, immediately suppressing the original power of the star god curse.

With just one thought from Chen Ming, the power of the star god curse entrenched in his body can be completely eliminated.

(End of this chapter)

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