Sweeping the world

Chapter 265 Grandmaster

Chapter 265 Grandmaster
"It's not the time yet."

Feeling the suppressed star god's mantra in his body, Chen Ming hesitated for a moment, but finally did not make a move.

Now is not the time.

Judging from the current situation, it is unlikely that he and the Star God Society will turn against each other.

It is too early to get rid of the star god curse in the body now.

On the spot, Chen Ming shook his head, and continued to look at the Yuanli interface in front of him.

The consumption of deducing the Star Spirit Curse is not too much for Chen Ming. Even if the Star Spirit Curse is deduced to the ninth floor, it only consumes two thousand source power, which is nothing to Chen Ming at the moment.

So, he settled down and continued to look at others.

Mysterious travel to the holy law of all emptiness, deduction!

In an instant, brilliance danced everywhere, and within Chen Ming's body, divine power and star power moved together, and divine patterns shone with mysterious radiance one after another, bursting into brilliance at this moment.

Indistinctly, behind Chen Ming, scenes emerged one after another.

There are gods neighing and walking on the mountain with their backs on their backs; there are demon heads dancing and roaring towards the sky; there are also peerless warriors holding divine knives and performing nine postures in Linyuan.
Under the deduction of the source force, the divine lines in Chen Ming's body surged, and what he had learned in the past was completely integrated at this moment and turned into a core.

boom! !

A faint roaring sound flashed past, and at some point behind Chen Ming, all the layers of visions disappeared, and a layer of dark golden light emerged, turning into a god-man standing upright, holding a magic knife, bombarding forward.

Imaginative tour of myriad emptiness, great achievement!
The next moment, the terrifying divine power raged, a layer of faint ripples spread from Chen Ming's body, spread out silently, and continued in all directions.

And behind Chen Ming's body, a dark golden demon seed quietly condensed, floating in the center of his body, like another heart, constantly pounding in his body.

This demon seed was ten percent, and in a trance, Chen Ming seemed to have glimpsed a scene.

In a quiet room, Yang Xiong, who had just parted from Chen Ming, had a bitter expression on his face, and was practicing swordsmanship alone in the courtyard.

In his body, there is also a dark golden demon seed flickering.

In addition, in the surrounding courtyards, there were also bursts of inductions from the demon seeds, which accurately transmitted to Chen Ming's body.

Feeling all this, Chen Ming smiled calmly and exited this state.

At this moment in this world, after deducing the divine method of traveling through the myriad emptiness, the source power in his body has dropped significantly, from the original [-] to just over [-].

After paying such a huge price, the harvest is naturally huge.

On the spot, with a thought, dozens of complex and mysterious divine patterns appeared in his body, and an aura unique to the master manifested.

This is not an ordinary master, but a great master.

The threshold for a master is the Nine Dao Divine Patterns. In this world, Chen Ming has already achieved this after inheriting the star life of Wuqu and condensing the holy body of Jieyuan.

After inheriting the star soul in the ruins of that day, he also benefited a lot from the huge realization that came with the origin of the star, reducing the hard work of an unknown number of years in an instant.

Compared with the Grand Master, in addition to condensing enough divine patterns, a grand master also needs to sublimate his soul and turn it into his own martial arts divine will.

Chen Ming hadn't done this before, but now he has done the same after the holy method of Imaginary Traveling to Myriad Illusions has been completed.

He directly jumped over the threshold of a grand master. In terms of combat power, he has already far surpassed the protoss of this world and reached a higher level.

Chen Ming reckoned that at this level, only the elders among the thirteen branches could possibly match or even surpass him at this moment.

With this level of strength, even if Chen Xuansheng is far stronger than him at the moment, it is impossible to be too strong, at least he has the confidence to face it head-on.

Besides, time was on his side at the moment.

The star soul in his body still exists, and as time goes by, the source power in his body is growing every moment, and the speed is far beyond Chen Ming's own imagination.

"Based on this progress, maybe I'm not far away from my next promotion opportunity."

Standing quietly in his room at the same place, Chen Ming muttered to himself, and this thought flashed through his mind.

a few days later.

Outside the mansion where Chen Ming was, a figure walked quietly, wearing a light robe.

Although his face was calm, his eyes were full of pressure, and his palms were tightly clenched, which proved that he was far from being as calm as he appeared on the surface.

Standing outside Chen Ming's mansion, he couldn't even wait for the servants in the mansion to report, so he stepped forward and followed Chen Ming's aura.

The next moment, in a seemingly barren garden, looking at Chen Xuansheng who suddenly appeared in front of him, Chen Ming's expression "changed drastically" at first, and then he reacted instantly, and hurriedly said: "The envoy."

"Tell me about this mission."

Standing in front of Chen Ming, Chen Xuansheng's face was stern, and he said coldly, "How did Kong Xiu die?"

"this matter"

Hearing Chen Xuansheng's words, Chen Ming stood up respectfully, and said what he had already thought about.

He directly told the first half of this mission, but deleted the part about himself, and told the things during that period directly and objectively, without much concealment.

".In this way, that day I followed your envoy's instructions and left a blind spot at the seal. Then when I was about to leave, I found that he had disappeared."

Facing Chen Xuansheng, Chen Ming opened his mouth and said, completely picking up his relationship.

In front of him, listening to Chen Ming's narration, Chen Xuansheng fell into deep thought.

He didn't doubt Chen Ming, not only because the other party had the Star God Curse on him, but also because the other party's behavior was indeed fine.

After all, in this mission, he did not inform the other party of Kong Xiu's identity, but only asked him to open the seal. Now that the mission failed, naturally he could not blame the other party.

Moreover, with Kong Xiu's strength, Chen Ming is far from his opponent, and the possibility of him making the attack is too low.

"Bring over the information for this mission."

After pondering for a while, he didn't know what he thought of, his face became colder, and he said this to Chen Ming.

After a while, Chen Ming's housekeeper came over with a stack of documents and handed them directly to Chen Xuansheng.


After scanning the information, Chen Xuansheng showed a clear expression on his face: "Are you from the Dark Alliance?"

"What else does the envoy need me to do?"

In front of him, looking at the expression on Chen Xuansheng's face, Chen Ming spoke in a timely manner.

"You don't need to do this, I will send others over."

On the spot, Chen Xuansheng came back to his senses. After pondering for a moment, he looked at Chen Ming and said, "After three months, there will be a trial. Remember to prepare well during this time."

"After March?"

Chen Ming nodded: "I see."

(End of this chapter)

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