Sweeping the world

Chapter 270 Death News

Chapter 270 Death News
"Master, I don't use a sword."

In the same place, under the surprised eyes of everyone around, Chen Ming calmed down and said lightly, "Master, have you forgotten?"

After the words fell, Ye Feng was stunned for a moment, and after a while, a smile appeared on his face: "I haven't seen Ming'er for a long time, but I forgot this."

"Since that's the case, let's keep this sword inscription for the time being. I will give it to you when I find a suitable sword for my master in the future."

"Thank you, Master."

Chen Ming took the long knife, his face was calm, but he sighed softly in his heart, but he didn't say anything after all.

He has already determined that there is probably something wrong with Ye Feng in front of him.

If it was the real Ye Feng, he wouldn't know what kind of weapon he was using, and he wouldn't behave like today.

Of course, this is only one of the reasons why the other party was exposed.

A more important factor than this was the strong sense of incongruity coming from the other party, which made it difficult for Chen Ming to ignore it even if he wanted to.

Not enough in front of everyone present, he didn't say anything, just turned around quietly, stood alone, waiting for the next thing.

The head of the Jieyuan lineage came back from the battlefield, and naturally a grand dance was held here, with surprising performances being performed, which looked very interesting.

During this process, Ye Feng sat at the head with a smile, just sitting there quietly, occasionally making comments.

Time passed slowly.

When it was approaching dusk, the dance in front of me ended, and everyone present took their leave one by one, and left from here.

In the end, there were only a few people left in the entire hall.

"Everyone come here today."

Looking at the quiet hall at the moment, sitting on the high platform, Ye Feng had a calm smile on his face, and said to the few people left at the moment: "I just came back, Mr. Ye still has something to do, so I won't continue chatting nagging."

After saying this, he got up from where he was, and walked towards his room under the leadership of his servant.

In the same place, looking at Ye Feng's leaving figure, Chen Ming looked calm and thoughtful.

"Ming'er, why don't you leave?"

On the side, Wu Wan'er spoke, looking at Chen Ming's expression in surprise.

"No, I'll wait a little longer."

Facing Wu Wan'er, Chen Ming smiled calmly, and said, "Master comes back once in a while, I still have some questions to ask Master."

"Senior Sister, if you have nothing to do, you can leave first."

"fair enough."

Looking at Chen Ming, Wu Wan'er nodded, with a smile on her face: "You don't mean to ask Master for a knife?"

She said so, and before Chen Ming could reply, she couldn't help but smile, waved at Chen Ming, and left.

In the same place, quietly watching Wu Wan'er's figure gradually disappear, Chen Ming's face was calm, but he sighed in his heart.

At this moment, all the people in the surrounding halls have left, only the servants are left, and they are still cleaning up the hall.

Seeing this, Chen Ming turned around, went to the kitchen and took a pot of tea, then left slowly, walking towards Ye Feng's place.


Walking to the cave where Ye Feng usually retreats, Ye Feng's voice came first from the cave before Chen Ming came forward to knock on the door.

"Master, it's me."

Chen Ming's face was calm, and he said lightly: "I saw that Shizun had been drinking just now, so I brought some tea to quench Shizun's thirst."

"It's Ming'er."

Listening to Chen Ming's words, the people in the cave were silent for a while, and after a while, they said, "No need."

boom! !

In the cave, before Ye Feng finished speaking, Chen Ming pushed the door open with a bang, and walked in directly.

"Master, were you calling me just now?"

Walking into it, with tea in his hand, Chen Ming looked at Ye Feng innocently, and sat down in front of Ye Feng without waiting for him to speak.

On the opposite side, Ye Feng looked at Chen Ming who had barged in with a dazed expression, and opened his mouth, wanting to let him out, but looking at Chen Ming who had already sat down in front of him, he still didn't say anything.

"Ming'er, it's already so late, did you come to me just to give me a cup of tea?"

Looking at Chen Ming who was sitting opposite, Ye Feng said helplessly.

"Naturally not."

Sitting quietly against Ye Feng at the same spot, Chen Ming first poured a cup of tea for Ye Feng, and then sighed softly.

"Besides delivering tea, I really want to ask you something."

"Oh, what's the matter?"

Ye Feng took the tea calmly, listened to Chen Ming's words, and spoke with a calm expression.

"That is"

Chen Ming sighed softly, then raised his head and looked directly at Ye Feng: "Who are you?"

After the voice fell, the place was suddenly quiet, and the entire cave was as peaceful as death.

Ye Feng's hand holding the tea was stiff, but his expression didn't change at all. After a long time, he opened his mouth and said, "Ming'er, what are you talking about?"

"Are you still pretending?"

In the same place, Chen Ming sighed softly, a stern look appeared on his originally calm face.

The next moment, a sudden burst of divine power burst out, and a golden fist suddenly broke through the air, breaking through the space barrier in an instant, like a god moving a mountain, with unparalleled power, and engulfing all causes, it roared towards the world. Ye Feng slammed it hard on the face.

boom! !

A terrifying muffled sound erupted, and the power of the Jieyuan Holy Body exploded here. At this moment, it was almost impossible to react.

Faced with this terrifying blow, Ye Feng didn't say a word in front of him, but just sighed softly, and then held it up with one hand, star marks flickered on his palm, weakening the power of the holy body.

At the same time, on his body, mysterious star traces representing the power of the holy body flashed, and radiance bloomed on it. Every move, it seemed that the stars were shattered, and the scene of everything dying to silence emerged.

This is also the sacred body, but it is not the Jieyuan sacred body of the Jieyuan lineage.

Sitting there quietly, watching this scene, Chen Ming's heart suddenly became cold.

On the opposite side, seeing that Chen Ming was no longer making a move, Ye Feng also put away his vision of the holy body, quietly picked up Chen Ming's teacup, and poured Chen Ming a cup of tea.

"How did you find out?"

Putting the poured tea in front of Chen Ming, looking at Chen Ming, his face was calm, and he asked with some doubts.

The practice system of this world, whether it is a stargazer or a god of martial arts, all focus on the practice of the body and divine power, and there is not much practice of spiritual awareness and divine will.

Therefore, it is difficult to distinguish the strength of a practitioner, unless the gap is too large, otherwise it is impossible to see.

Because of this, he was very curious about how Chen Ming discovered his strangeness.

"It's not about cultivation, but about details."

With a calm face, Chen Ming spoke.

He was able to discover the abnormality in Ye Feng's body, which was entirely due to the strong spiritual sense, so that as long as there was a slight abnormality in Ye Feng's behavior, he would feel a strong incongruity and make him alert.

"In detail?"

In the same place, listening to Chen Ming's words, Ye Feng couldn't help frowning.

As for his own imitation, he thought he was already very good, but he didn't expect that it would be discovered on the first day.

This is not a good sign.

"Also, I'm just trying"

In front of him, Chen Ming's voice continued to come.


Hearing these words, Ye Feng felt a little speechless.

With your fist just now, if you were caught off guard, an ordinary protoss might be seriously injured on the spot.

At this level, you told me to just try?
I'm afraid it's not about death.

He was holding back in his heart, but on the surface he shook his head, looking at Chen Ming in front of him, with a trace of coldness in his eyes: "No matter what the result and process are, as a member of my Star God Society, you dare to attack the envoy without authorization."

"Let me teach you a lesson on behalf of Chen Xuansheng."

After the words fell, an unprecedented intense pain surged from all over the body, as if the internal organs were being bitten by countless worms, and it seemed that there were countless knives cutting on the body, and countless scissors scissors on the body. It will be several times more painful, and dozens of times more painful will emerge in the heart, making people feel like they are in a place in an instant, and the idea of ​​seeking death arises.

This is the Star God Curse in Chen Ming's body breaking out, and it broke out in Chen Ming's body under the manipulation of the person in front of him.

Regarding this, Chen Ming's expression remained unchanged, and a ray of star power circulated according to the method of the star spirit spell, completely suppressing the burst of star god spell power in an instant.

"You come here to play my master"

Chen Ming looked calm, looked at Ye Feng in front of him and said quietly: "Then where is my master?"

Ye Feng looked at Chen Ming in amazement, admiring his calm expression, and said, "Of course he's dead."

After the words fell, Chen Ming fell silent immediately. Although he had already vaguely guessed the result, he couldn't help but froze after he really knew the news, feeling a little dazed in his heart.

"He deserved his death."

On the opposite side, looking at the expression on Chen Ming's face, Ye Feng said: "He was besieged by Tianyu and my Star God Association, a total of more than ten venerables, but he still did not surrender, and finally died in a glorious battle."

"His body was placed by me personally, and I buried it in a desolate valley. It's probably already rotting by now."

He spoke calmly, simply stating a fact.

"I see."

At the same place, Chen Ming sighed, feeling a little complicated at this moment.

He didn't do anything else, just got up silently and walked out, his figure looked a little thin.

During this process, Ye Feng neither stopped nor said anything, but when Chen Ming was about to leave completely, he couldn't help but speak.

"and many more!"

After the words fell, Chen Ming's thin body paused and stopped slightly in front of him.


Looking at Chen Ming, Ye Feng's expression seemed a bit tangled: "Will you not be in pain?"

He looked very serious, looking at Chen Ming's figure and asking this question very seriously.

But regarding this, Chen Ming put on a cold face and left directly.


Looking at the figure of Chen Ming when he left, Ye Feng shook his head and poured himself a cup of tea: "Young people are frizzy when they do things, and they don't have any respect for old people."

"Do you think so, Chen Xuansheng?"

Facing the empty room, he shook his head and spoke alone, with a bit of teasing in his voice.

"I think so too." Behind him, a hoarse, low-pitched voice came from the empty corner that was originally empty.

Wearing a black robe, Chen Xuansheng walked out of the corner calmly, looking at the figure of Chen Ming leaving in the distance, his face also had a look of surprise.

"Aren't you going to give me some explanation for this matter?"

Gently raised the teacup in front of him, drank the tea in it, Ye Feng said lightly: "After all, he is your subordinate."

"Explain? What's there to explain?"

With a calm face, Chen Xuansheng walked up to Ye Feng alone, sat down where Chen Ming had just been sitting, and just met Ye Feng's eyes.

"He is indeed my subordinate, but at the beginning, I just thought that his aptitude was good, and he had the possibility of absorbing the star soul."

Sitting opposite Ye Feng, he spoke softly.

"What's the result?"

Ye Feng had a playful look on his face: "Did he successfully absorb the star soul?"

"not at all."

Chen Xuansheng shook his head, but even though he said so, there was no hint of discouragement on his face: "But his talent is really good, isn't it?"

"At least, you were caught off guard just now, and you were very embarrassed by his blow."

"Heh, a 13-year-old Eucharist."

Speaking of this, a sneer appeared on his face: "13 years old, what are you and I doing at 13 years old?"

"This person's talent can be described as peerless, but it's a pity that he can't be used by you and me."

"Has it been decided?"

Ye Feng was wearing a light robe fluttering, with a playful look on his face: "Your talent is so high, are you really willing?"

"It is precisely because of his high talent that it is absolutely impossible to keep him!"

There was a sneer on Chen Xuansheng's face, and his usually approachable face looked cold at the moment: "You have also seen what he looks like just now."

"Looking at him like that, it's clear that he has a deep affection between master and apprentice, and he always remembers the kindness of that old guy Ye Feng in his heart."

"And who directly killed Ye Feng? Could it be us!"

The sneer on his face became more and more intense, and the coldness in his eyes gradually became stronger: "He is still silent at the moment, but because his cultivation base and position are below ours, he keeps silent."

"However, given his talent, he may catch up with us sooner or later, and it will not be easy to win the bishop's appreciation."

In the same place, listening to Chen Xuansheng's words, Ye Feng frowned first, then stretched his brows, nodded and said: "That's the reason."

"So, instead of coming to settle the matter at that time and wait for him to take revenge on us, it's better to nip this sign off first."

His face was calm and looked peaceful, but the words he said made people feel extremely cold.

Ye Feng quietly poured himself a cup of tea, and before his eyes, the green tea was rippling gently.

He took a sip, and then said softly, "What do you want to do?"

"After all, this is also a member of the club, and it is recorded in the directory. It would be inappropriate to kill him without a reason, right?"

"Isn't there a chance recently?"

Chen Xuansheng smiled slightly, and said: "You are in charge of the cleansing of the Jieyuan lineage, and he is a member of the Jieyuan lineage, so just find a reason."


Ye Feng nodded, put down the teacup in his hand, and smiled on his face.


Outside his mansion, Chen Ming set up a memorial tablet for Ye Feng alone, recalling the scenes of getting along with Ye Feng before, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Seriously speaking, the time Ye Feng and Chen Ming spent together was actually very short, but Chen Ming could feel that this teacher was sincere to him.

The other party made plans for his future from the bottom of his heart, seriously considered for Chen Ming, and fulfilled his duty as a teacher to the greatest extent.

Just like Pu Changlin in the past, this is one of the few people in this world who really cares about Chen Ming.

But now, this respectable old man just passed away, silently, even the news of his death was concealed, his identity was replaced by the enemy who killed him, and he wanted to use his identity to do all kinds of ulterior things.

If this old man knew, he would not be at peace.

At the same time, the old man's death completely disrupted Chen Ming's plan.

If Ye Feng was still there, in his capacity, Chen Ming could tell everything directly.

But now, the only trustworthy person has passed away. While Chen Ming sighed, he also felt some hesitation.

Just at this moment, there was a sound of hurried footsteps from outside.

"Master, I have your letter."

Outside, Chen Ming's butler walked over with a letter in his hand.

"A letter at this time."

Taking the envelope casually, Chen Ming opened it, and then froze.

The letter was sent by Chen Xuansheng, with that unique and mysterious imprint on it.

As for the content of the letter, it is also very simple.

"Let me intercept and kill Senior Sister Wu."

Looking at the contents of the letter, Chen Ming's face was calm, as before, but he sighed deeply.

However, although he sighed, it was not enough, the hesitation that had been bothering him before began to disappear, and his heart was at peace at this moment.

In the heart, faintly, there seems to be a new emotion brewing, which is about to explode.

Feeling the emotional ups and downs in his heart, he quietly walked out of the house and walked outside.

In the outside world, a deep black curtain shrouded the area, a faint brilliance was shining, and above the entire sky, stars were flying all over the sky.

Looking bright.

"Master, are you there?"

Wu Wan'er quietly walked into a deep valley, looking at Ye Feng who was standing alone in front of her, with a look of surprise on her face: "It's so good, why are you here?"

"Occasionally, when I'm in a good mood, I want to change places for a walk."

Looking at Wu Wan'er who was walking towards him outside the valley, Ye Feng smiled: "By the way, I also want to see a good show."

"Good show?"

Wu Wan'er was stunned, a little confused: "What's the fun?"

"Naturally, it's a good show of fighting each other."

Looking at Wu Wan'er in front of him, Ye Feng smiled, the expression on his face was as gentle as ever, as if he was looking at his junior: "It's just, I didn't expect that his feelings for you would stop here."

"It just knocked my mind off."

He sighed softly, with a little regret on his face, looking very sorry about it.

"Master, what are you talking about?"

Looking at Ye Feng at this moment, Wu Wan'er hesitated to speak, feeling some bad premonition in her heart.

"Don't you understand yet?"

Ye Feng sighed softly, looking at Wu Wan'er who was dressed in white in front of him, the sigh on his face disappeared, and turned into a calm one.

"I ordered your Junior Brother Ming to come and kill you. I thought that no matter how emotional he was, he was still a smart person, but I didn't expect him to choose the stupidest way."

He looked at Wu Wan'er quietly, with a calm expression on his face, calm and scary: "If he comes over and honestly cooperates with me to kill the remnants of Jieyuan's lineage, I can't find a reason to take him down right now. , but he couldn't bear it, and this is doomed to his end."

"Master, you."

Looking at Ye Feng and listening to the haul he just said, Wu Wan'er was terrified, and at this moment she finally woke up: "No, you are not a master!!"

"who are you?"

She asked loudly, her face was full of anger.

“Not too stupid”

Ye Feng sighed softly: "It's a pity"

As soon as the words fell, he waved his arms lightly, emitting immeasurable divine power from all over his body, and the majesty of the Supreme Being bloomed in an instant. At this moment, his whole body was surrounded by starlight, just like an ancient star god, walking on the foot of the divine light, with incomparable majesty and sacredness .

boom! !

In an instant, the brilliance of the Holy Physique appeared, Wu Wan'er exploded with star power all over her body, and the Jie Yuan Holy Physique spontaneously emerged, pushing her combat power to its peak in an instant.

However, looking at Ye Feng in front of her and feeling the majestic majesty above the protoss, her complexion changed again and again, and she didn't have the slightest intention of conquering at all. Besides, the speed is extremely fast.

She knew in her heart that she could never be an opponent of a venerable, and the only way out now was to leave this place quickly to find the elders from the lineage of Jie Yuan.

Only then will there be life.

"The Jieyuan Holy Physique of the Jieyuan lineage is not bad."

In the same place, the starlight rolled, a burst of mist rose into the sky, surrounded by a burst of divine light, Ye Feng sighed lightly, and then waved his hand casually.

It was just a random wave, but the space in a radius of several miles continued to collapse, and the mighty divine power rushed out, and a burst of divine power filled the air.

Wu Wan'er's body froze immediately, and the originally sacred holy body began to dim, her body cracked directly, and she spit out a mouthful of divine blood, and was directly severely injured.

In the Heavenly Star Holy Land, the single-wheeled physical body, which can be called the number one cut-off sacred body, was directly broken in a single blow?
There was disbelief in Wu Wan'er's eyes, and she was about to activate the holy body again, but her body flew out involuntarily, and was directly grabbed by Ye Feng with one hand.

"Look, the end result is the same."

Holding Wu Wan'er's neck with one hand, Ye Feng showed a calm smile on his face: "Why resist?"

"It would be nice to just stand there and let me kill you. Why bother to suffer like this?"

After the voice fell, he squeezed his palm hard and lightly.

There was a burst of pressure, and in an instant, the flesh and blood of Wu Wan'er's body exploded continuously, and a small hole appeared directly when it came out.

But even so, the radiance of the holy body was still shining on her body, and there was a faint glow surging above it, forcibly supporting her body under the pressure, without causing it to completely shatter.

Ye Feng was a little surprised by this, and couldn't help but smiled: "I heard before that, although the Jieyuan Saint Physique is the most difficult to condense among the many Saint Physiques of the Heavenly Star, it is the one with the highest combat power and the strongest physical body. From today's point of view, Sure enough."

"But you look delicious like this."

He looked at Wu Wan'er, whose body was shattered in his hands, with only her last breath left, and almost lost her human figure, he couldn't help laughing and said: "Eat you, and I will go find your junior brother and eat him too."

"Swallowing two cut-off holy bodies in one breath, it must have a lot of benefits for my holy body."

He smiled and said so.

"It's a good idea." In the distance, there was an erratic voice, accompanied by slight footsteps.

Chen Ming walked out of the dense forest by himself, holding a package in his hand, and walked out calmly.

The leaves fell, the wind and frost blew, the young man was wearing a white shirt, his appearance was extremely handsome, his long soft hair was hanging down, his temperament was gentle and outstanding, just like nature, a pair of pure eyes looked forward, watching the appearance of the enemy.

The talent is shown, and the hair is hanging down, like the moon in the sky, just like the image of heaven and man.

Indistinctly, a faint Buddha's spirit emerged from him, surging between his brows, adding an image of compassion and compassion.

In the same place, Ye Feng quietly watched Chen Ming coming in the distance, with pure appreciation in his eyes.

"I know why your master and sister like you so much."

There was some appreciation in his eyes, and he smiled slightly: "People are born with high and low, and a person like you, even if you don't do anything, is comfortable to be around."

"I don't even want to kill you."

(End of this chapter)

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