Sweeping the world

Chapter 271 Beheading

Chapter 271 Beheading
"You may not be able to kill me."

In the same place, looking at Ye Feng standing in front of him, Chen Ming looked calm, and said quietly: "If you really have the confidence to kill me, why don't you let go of the person in your hand and fight me dignifiedly."

"That won't work."

Listening to Chen Ming's words, Ye Feng kept the same smile on his face: "I managed to catch him. If you want me to let go, it depends on whether you have the ability."

"In the final analysis, you are still one step late."

"If you had come here earlier, with your strength, the two of you may not be able to give this girl a glimmer of hope to escape."

"You just came here at this moment, do you have any fear in your heart?"

With a playful smile on his face, he asked with a smile.

"Whether you are afraid or not, you might as well try it yourself."

Chen Ming's face was calm, even up to this moment, the expression on his face was not moved at all: "As for why you came here at this time, I just prepared a big gift for you."

After finishing speaking, he calmly threw the package in his hand forward, and a chubby thing flew out immediately and landed in front of Ye Feng.

After breaking away from the cover of the package, it was possible to see the true face of that thing, which was a hideous and distorted head.

As for the appearance of the head, Ye Feng's face changed drastically: "Chen Xuansheng!!"

boom! !

In an instant, the unrivaled prestige erupted, accurately capturing the moment when Ye Feng's face changed drastically, and the moment he lost his mind, he shot. The blade glow that opened up the world skipped over and fell straight down.

"not good!"

Sensing everything about him contained in this blade glow, Ye Feng's pupils shrank, and the charm of his figure flowed, as if a picture was silently passed by, and he quickly backed away.

Above his body, the power of the holy body was erupting, and Ye Feng was roaring with all his blood, standing under a divine light, like a god.

After all, he is a venerable, not an ordinary person. Even if he was caught off guard by Lin Yuan's knife, he managed to escape and was not seriously injured by the knife.

However, the purpose of Chen Ming's knife has been fully achieved.

Linyuan's nine postures are vertical and horizontal, and the sword glow is flickering here. When the residual power on the spot disappears, Wu Wan'er in Ye Feng's hand has already disappeared.


Standing on the spot, waiting for the prestige of that knife to disappear, Ye Feng was a little confused, looking at Chen Ming with a little bit of surprise on his face: "What a powerful sword technique."

"I told you earlier."

In the same place, the trees fell down, the dust started to rise, and then Chen Ming's voice came from the mist.

With a calm expression, he held Wu Wan'er in one hand, and moved forward with a knife in the other, with a calm expression: "I am best at knife skills."

After the words fell, Ye Feng was silent for a long time, and then he said: "Are you from the Dark Alliance?"

Just now, he had already tried to activate the Star God Curse in Chen Ming's body, intending to directly suppress Chen Ming.

But the final result undoubtedly disappointed him.

He recorded how he activated the Star God Curse in Chen Ming's body, but he didn't get any response.

This can only illustrate one point.

The Star God Curse in Chen Ming's body has been completely removed.

And the only one who can do this is the Dark Alliance.

"The Star Spirit Curse, I did get it from the Dark Alliance, but I am not a member of the Dark Alliance."

Looking at Ye Feng, Chen Ming's face was calm, and he just said lightly: "At this moment, I only represent myself."

After the words fell, he raised his right arm slightly, and then swung it hard.

The horrifying prestige was suppressed again, and the horrific majesty was suffocating. Sometimes it seemed to be lifted into the sky by me, and sometimes it seemed to be pushed down under the deep sea. It made people feel a hazy confusion and inversion feel.

And hidden under this obscurity is an unrivaled murderous intent.

boom! !

Standing forward, Chen Ming swung with one hand, his divine power soared to the sky, the unrivaled divine power suddenly suppressed, as the blade waved, there seemed to be endless divine patterns rising, which contained terrifying power enough to destroy everything.

The light of the sword fell, and within a few miles, a dead air rose up. Even the faintest vitality could not be avoided, and it was directly wiped out by this lore knife.

This is a lore knife aimed at vitality, it is specially aimed at vitality, the world will turn in one thought, and everything can be killed if it withers!

A dark golden palm print skipped across the sky, and the power of the Holy Body pressed across the world, blatantly crushing it, colliding with the lore that made everything wither and vitality decline.

boom! !

The divine power erupted, and at the same place, this valley was directly broken, and all vitality was annihilated. It was directly affected by the aftermath of the battle between the two, and even extended all the way outward.

During this turmoil of divine power, one could faintly hear roars like thunder, resounding like thunder, and it continued here for a long time, as if a new storm was about to be stirred up.

That was Ye Feng's unwilling roar.

At this moment, the power of his holy body is fully activated, and he is bombarding Chen Ming with all his strength. The direction of his fist is like a storm, and the momentum is so strong that it seems to tear this world apart. His combat power is unparalleled .

However, even so, he was still being tightly suppressed at this moment. No matter how he hit or roared, it was useless, and he was always suppressed from the beginning to the end.

"No! I don't believe it!"

In mid-air, looking at Chen Ming who was holding Wu Wan'er in one hand and a knife in the other, he was full of disbelief and roared unwillingly.

Although the young man in front of him is not very old, he is really too strong. Even if he confronts the enemy with one hand, he is still firmly suppressed at a disadvantage, and he has no ability to resist at all.

This has almost completely surpassed the Venerable Realm, and it is only one step away from breaking through the final boundary and reaching that frightening achievement.

Even the real Ye Feng, who was besieged and killed by ten venerables in the starry sky battlefield, was no more than that.

As soon as he thought of this, he was terrified.

When Ye Feng was besieged on the starry sky battlefield, there were still comrades around him.

At this moment, the enemy in front of him was not inferior to Ye Feng back then, but he was the only one left around him.

"If this continues, I will die!"

He couldn't help it, he was in a trance, and this idea couldn't help but arise.

He was not Chen Ming's opponent. If he continued like this, he might end up in the same fate as Chen Xuansheng.

"Go to the main hall, to the priest!"

He couldn't help but flash this thought in his mind, and then the figure retreated, the power of the holy body exploded, and he hit Chen Ming, then the figure quickly retreated, and the unparalleled divine technique was activated, and the figure appeared a hundred meters away in an instant.

He still has confidence in his own body skills, and he claims that few people can match them.

Chen Ming's combat strength may be higher than him, but in terms of body skills and supernatural powers, he may not be able to match him.

After a while, a bad premonition rose in his heart.

Too quiet.

The surrounding world is dead silent, except for the sound of birds and insects, there is no other sound, it is so quiet that it is suffocating.

"He didn't come after him?"

This thought flashed through his mind, and then he felt that the scene in front of him seemed to be changing constantly, as if the sky and the earth were turning upside down, and the sky was spinning.

At the same place, he saw a headless corpse, wearing familiar clothes, although the head was lost, the body was still running forward.

"that's me?"

This thought flashed in his mind, and then everything in front of him disappeared, completely falling into dead silence.

Behind him, looking at the corpse whose head and body were divided into two, Chen Ming calmly retracted the knife.

(End of this chapter)

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