Sweeping the world

Chapter 287 The Venerable Reincarnation

Chapter 287 The Venerable Reincarnation

"You are already a grand master!!"

Thousands of miles away from Gongjue, An Fei changed color in the face of Qian Tianzi's blow, trembling all over, standing there motionless, like a target.

It's not that she doesn't want to move, but that she can't move at all.

Her whole mind was completely intimidated by Tianzi Qian from the moment he punched him. At this moment, her whole body was locked by his fist, and she couldn't exert any strength at all.

Like a dragon or a tiger, the boundless mighty force that came like a god and demon exploded.

"No, Your Majesty, you can't!!"

Watching Tianzi Qian's movements, Concubine An let out a scream, her eyes shrank sharply.

boom! !

Boundless light and rain splash.

Qian Tianzi stood under a divine light, and countless acupoints all over his body emerged like small worlds.

He looked at Concubine An, her body was motionless, her complexion was as hard as stone, and the Dragon Fist in her hand did not change a single bit, and he struck down with a bang.

In an instant, everything became quiet, and then the turbulent dragon energy erupted, and in an instant, it seemed that there was a faint sound of dragon chant resounding here.

The vitality of heaven and earth flew in all directions, and the dragon-shaped energy rushed to the surroundings, blasting to the top of the ten thousand palaces, and knocked out a gap in the formation that has guarded this place for hundreds of years.

In the distance, above the palace, pieces of divine lines are flying, and the lines left by the masters of the past are revived, carrying vast divine power, pulling the majestic vitality of heaven and earth to cover this place, as if turning this place into a A sacred pure land.

Standing here, Qian Tianzi is heroic and majestic, without saying a word, looking coldly towards a certain end.

In that direction, a beautiful woman stepped forward.

She was wearing a golden bismoke sweater and a pleated skirt, and a golden veil on her face, which made her beautiful face look hazy, and it could only be vaguely seen that this was a peerless beauty.

"Why is Your Majesty so angry?"

The beautiful woman walked up to Emperor Qian, her whole body was normal, like an ordinary mortal woman, she looked at Concubine An's dead body and head at her feet, and let out a long sigh: "One night husband and wife, one hundred days of grace, Your Majesty will return It's heartless."

"If I'm really heartless, how can you have today?"

The dry prince looked at the woman coldly, his expression remained unchanged: "What time is it?"

"A long time ago, or in other words, from the very beginning, it has been me."

The woman was silent, and said: "Or, it has always been me."

"When Your Majesty was young, I was seriously injured and reincarnated in this world, here."

"Then His Majesty brought me into the palace and made me a queen, and it's all me."

"Good, good, good!!"

Qian Tianzi made a sound, staring at the woman closely, his expression was still calm, but with a bit of indifference: "In the past, I took all precautions and wanted to keep the venerable from the upper realm out of the realm."

"But I didn't expect that my queen is actually the reincarnation of a venerable from the upper realm!!"

"It's really good!"

"Why is that so, Your Majesty?"

Looking at the emperor, the queen sighed softly: "People are not grass and trees, so who can be ruthless."

"A century-old couple, as long as your majesty doesn't move, I won't do anything to your majesty."

Qian Tianzi was indifferent, without saying a word, just looked at the queen so coldly.

The two did not speak a word, quietly confronting each other here.

On the surface, it seems to be peaceful, but in the dark, the secret wrestling has already begun.

Silently, two unrivaled souls collide with each other, one is like a dragon and tiger, has the power of an emperor, the other is lofty and unpredictable, indifferent and disappointing, lofty and unpredictable like a god-man.

Afterwards, the two unique forces collided together, driving vitality to bombard each other, rushing toward each other along their respective trajectories.

The floor between the two suddenly shattered, as if being slashed by the sharpest long knife, directly leaving a bottomless crack.

Afterwards, Tianzi Qian stepped back and spit out a mouthful of crimson blood.

In the confrontation of power, he lost in the end, losing to the queen in front of him.

It's not that he lacks talent. In fact, the talent of Qian Tianzi who was able to become a grand master a hundred years before the severe oppression of God's will is absolutely shocking.

But the person standing in front of him at this moment is not a mortal, but a real venerable from the upper realm.

As a venerable in the upper realm, his talent must be peerless, not inferior to that of the Son of Heaven, otherwise it would be impossible to reach the state of venerable.

And as a venerable, his peak cultivation level is even better than that of heaven and man. Compared with the Qian Tianzi in front of him, the advantage is too obvious.

"You don't have enough time."

At the same place, the queen sighed softly: "Your Majesty, you are amazing to be able to become a half-step celestial being at the beginning of the great world. If you were an ordinary celestial being, you might have escaped at this very moment."

"But it's me you're facing right now."

She spoke softly, with some sighs in her words, but also a kind of confidence that could not be concealed.

As the reincarnation of a venerable from the upper realm, what are heaven and man in front of her?It was just a threshold that she had crossed. Although it was worthy of recognition, it was nothing to some people.

After the words fell, Tianzi Gan's face was calm, without saying a word, he just raised his hand.

In the distance, a palace was shattered, and the original barrier was directly shattered. A thunderbolt flashed through it, flew into Qian Tianzi's hands, and turned into a purple halberd.

The purple halberd is luxurious and looks like a purple dragon hovering at first glance, with the texture of dragon scales appearing on it, lifelike.

On the long halberd, wisps of the power of divine soldiers emerged, and with Qian Tianzi's holding, they blessed Qian Tianzi's body.

This is the Purple Dragon Halberd, not a magical weapon handed down from the Great Grandfather, but a divine weapon secretly forged by Emperor Qian with all the power of the whole country.

Although it is only a human divine weapon, its prestige is extremely astonishing, and it is even comparable to a ground divine weapon when it explodes with all its strength.

With the long halberd in his hand, Emperor Qian's face was cold, and the long halberd pointed at the queen, the meaning of which was self-evident.

"Since last night, there have been constant vibrations in the palace. What happened?"

Standing in the mansion, Chen Yu looked at the direction of the palace, his face was solemn and worried: "Your Majesty, how are you doing now?"

For Chen Yu, who has been in the officialdom for many years, some situations in the royal family have surprised him in recent years.

First, the emperor was seriously ill, the queen was regent, and then the prince was deposed, and the king of Wu was imprisoned. Every move in this is a shocking thing.

The Son of Heaven is seriously ill, which is naturally a big deal, but as a master who is one of the best in the world, how can the Son of Heaven be seriously ill so easily?

Moreover, at this critical juncture, even if Emperor Qian is really seriously ill, he should conceal the news. How can the queen be appointed as regent?

Not to mention, the prince was also abolished and King Wu was imprisoned.

The prince is the eldest son, born with the emperor's veins, and has been recognized by the earth's magic weapon Chiming Shenjian since he was born.

No matter in terms of jurisprudence, ancestry, popularity, status, etc., the crown prince is an unquestionable choice.

King Wu is also talented, not only his own martial arts is outstanding, but also popular, he is a well-known virtuous king.

Such two people can be said to be the two most outstanding princes in the royal family, but at this moment, one is deposed and the other is imprisoned.

Such things are really absurd, and they are signs of chaos.

Chen Yu could clearly see the hidden worries, but he could only be anxious in his heart, powerless to change anything.

After all, he is just an official of the Ministry of Rites. Although he has a high position, he does not have much power, and he has no force himself. Facing such a situation, he naturally has more heart than strength.

"It would be great if Ming'er was here."

Standing where he was, he couldn't help but sigh.

Compared to him, Chen Ming is not only the governor of a state, but also a tyrannical warrior. In such a situation, he is far more useful than him.

He also thought about asking Chen Ming to come secretly, but the news he sent someone over there was that Chen Ming was in a closed door, and now he has refused outside visitors.

In desperation, but also have no choice.

Standing where he was, Chen Yu sighed deeply, and then suddenly felt something was wrong.

In front of him, a black figure suddenly protruded from the corner and walked in front of him without a sound.

Seeing this, he was screaming in surprise, and led the family guard over, but he heard the person in front of him speak suddenly.

"Master Chen, it's me."

(End of this chapter)

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