Chapter 288
"Master Chen, it's me."

Facing Chen Yu, the figure spoke, and then the cover disappeared, revealing its original appearance.

This is a very heroic young man, with a heroic appearance, extremely outstanding, and a very unique temperament, his appearance is somewhat similar to Qian Tianzi.

At this moment, he was bleeding on his chest, holding a sword in his left hand, and holding a child in his right hand.

Looking at this young man, Chen Yu was stunned for a moment, and then quickly reacted: "His Royal Highness!"

Although the prince has been deposed, in the eyes of Chen Yu and others, he is still the prince without a doubt.

"Shang Shu, you don't have to be polite."

Looking at Chen Yu, Yang Ming sighed softly: "I'm no longer a prince, this time I'm here, I still have important matters to entrust to Mr. Chen."

"Prince, please tell me."

Chen Yu stood straight, and at this moment his face was extremely serious: "Your Highness has entrusted me, even if the old minister is smashed to pieces, he will not hesitate!"

"So. Ugh."

Looking at Chen Yu, Yang Ming smiled wryly and sighed, then said, "Chen Shangshu should have guessed about the chaos in the palace."

"Father is not seriously ill, but is imprisoned by the queen."


As soon as the words fell, Chen Yu was frightened and angry: "Your Majesty is imprisoned as a queen. If you are so rebellious, aren't you afraid of being attacked by the world!"

"Of course she's not afraid."

There was a wry smile on Yang Ming's face: "The queen is not an ordinary person, but the reincarnation of a venerable from the upper realm, so she is naturally rampant."

"He took advantage of problems in his father's practice, brought his concubine An and others under house arrest, deposed me, and put his third younger brother under house arrest to harm him."

"At this moment, my third brother has been killed by him."

"King Wu has been killed?"

Before Chen Yu could react to the news that the empress was the reincarnation of a venerable from the upper world, he was stunned by the news again.


Yang Ming looked a little tired, and there was a big hole in his chest, which was bleeding at the moment: "Last night, I sensed something was wrong, and forcibly broke into the third younger brother's house, and directly collided with a grandmaster."

"At that time, the third brother had already been killed. I had no choice but to escape by relying on the power of the Chiming Divine Sword, but I could only bring this child out."

Listening to his words, Chen Yu subconsciously lowered his head and looked at the child in his arms.

In his arms, the child looked about three or four years old, his skin was as smooth as gold and jade, and he was lying quietly in Yang Ming's arms, falling asleep there.

"Who is this child?"

Looking at the child, Chen Yu froze for a moment, then asked.

"This is the third brother's child."

Looking at the sleeping sweet child in his hands at the moment, Yang Ming's eyes were a little complicated, with some sadness: "The identity of this child is not simple, but the reincarnation of heaven and man."

"Heaven and man reincarnated!"

Chen Yu's expression changed again, and the way he looked at the child suddenly changed.

Heavenly beings have the ability to reincarnate. In the past, there were many heavenly beings who were near the end of their lifespans. They knew that there was no hope of promotion, so they planned their retreat in advance, reincarnated with their own true spirits, and followed the martial arts in the next life.

Undoubtedly, the reincarnation of such celestial beings has extremely strong potential. If there are no accidents, at least they can reach the peak of their lives.

To a certain extent, this means that the child in front of him will at least be a celestial being in the future.

A future celestial being?

Chen Yu couldn't help but be moved, a celestial being is enough to recreate the universe, if it is put in the past to recreate a big man, there will be no problem.

Even in the current era when the great world is about to emerge, a celestial being is enough to renew the vitality of the royal family and have a glimmer of hope for a new life.

"I have communicated with my father."

Looking at Chen Yu, Yang Ming's face was solemn, and he said, "At this moment, the entire palace is shaking. It is my father who fought against the venerable from the upper realm, and gave up his life to create opportunities for me."

"But father, he can't last long. After three days, he will definitely die. I only have these three days."

While speaking, his chest trembled, and he couldn't help coughing up a mouthful of blood.

"What does Your Majesty and Your Highness want the old minister to do?"

Looking at Yang Ming's appearance, Chen Yu bowed immediately: "But there is an order, and the old minister will be smashed to pieces for His Highness!"

In the same place, looking at Chen Yu's appearance, Yang Ming opened his mouth, and was about to speak, but couldn't help but coughed up a mouthful of blood.

It looked like he was seriously injured, the wound on his chest was constantly expanding, and a terrifying divine power was spreading from above, which not only made it difficult for the wound to heal, but also tended to spread further.

After a while, he stabilized his injury, took a deep breath, and said to Chen Yu in front of him: "Chen Shangshu, I want you to take this child to find Chen Wuzi, and let this child take care of him. !"

He said in a deep voice: "Dijing has become a dead place now, my royal father can't last long."

"After the death of the father, it will be the time for the empress to attack me and this child."

"I've thought about it, and now, Shang Shu, you are the only suitable candidate."

He coughed up blood, and said: "Chen Wuzi has the talent of heaven and man, once the great world suppresses him, he will definitely be promoted to Grandmaster. Even if he loses in Jieshi, at least he can protect this child well."

"Although I am sure about this matter, it is difficult to be thorough after all. If something goes wrong, Lord Shangshu's whole family will have life and death worries. If you don't want to, you can speak up."

"Did Your Highness underestimate Chen!"

Chen Yu straightened his body, his face was serious, and he looked at him as if: "I have been in the world for 800 years, my Chen family has been blessed by the emperor, and the world has eaten the emperor's salary. How can I not die for it, let alone this body!"

"Please rest assured, Your Highness, even if I, Chen Yu, am crushed to pieces, as long as this body is still alive, I will protect the emperor and grandson thoroughly!"

"The strong wind knows the strong grass, the loyal ministers are seen when the country is in trouble, and the true colors are seen only when life and death."

Looking at Chen Yu, Yang Ming sighed softly, stopped trying to persuade him, straightened his face, and said, "I will entrust this child to Shang Shu, and I will take my third brother's family all the way west later."

"I am holding the Emperor Ming Divine Sword and I am bringing my third brother's family. The Queen's followers will definitely focus on me."

"Shang Shu can make preparations today, and go out of the city at night, so don't attract attention!"

"The old minister understands."

Chen Yu greeted him solemnly, then picked up the child from Yang Ming's hands, and watched Yang Ming turn around and leave quietly.

After Yang Ming's figure completely disappeared, he sighed deeply, turned around and left with the child in his arms.

He asked people to go down to prepare the carriage and dry food, and prepared to leave the city at night and go to Dingzhou.

On that day, there was a fire in the imperial capital, and some people were fighting in the city, suspected of being a master, causing a commotion.

Then at night, Chen Yu led his people away overnight, heading north all the way.

Because of the commotion caused by Yang Ming during the day, the queen's influence was completely attracted by Yang Ming, the former prince, and she didn't notice him.

However, when he left like this, the clansman sent by Chen Ming to deliver the letter was lost, and they had to continue going south to look for Chen Qizhi.

(End of this chapter)

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