Chapter 289
"Is that what happened?"

In Dingzhou Governor's Mansion, Chen Ming looked at Chen Ziling in front of him, and after a moment of silence, he spoke.

"Not bad!"

Chen Ziling said anxiously: "Chang'an, Second Uncle has lost news now, do you think something will happen?"

He was sent by Chen Yu to Dingzhou to deliver a letter to Chen Ming, and he hoped that Chen Ming would come to meet him soon after he got the news.

But at this moment, Chen Ziling had already arrived in Dingzhou, but there was no news about Chen Yu, maybe he had already been arrested.

"It's really troublesome."

Thinking of the news brought by Chen Yu, Chen Ming couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Regarding Chen Ming, Chen Yu naturally didn't hide much. In the news sent over, he told the whole story in detail.

Chen Ming couldn't help but be amazed by the changes in the royal family.

It is really surprising that the queen is the reincarnation of the venerable from the upper world.

As the reincarnation of a venerable from the upper realm, he imprisoned the emperor, abolished the prince, and killed the king of Wu. Now he has taken charge of the entire Daqian, and has taken the lead in this great world.

"Those people in the Holy Land are probably going to have a headache right now."

The thought flashed through his mind.

This incident is also ironic.

When Emperor Qian was still alive, he tried his best to suppress the forces of the Holy Land, and the people of the Holy Land also tried their best to target Da Qian, wanting to let the Venerable from the Upper Realm whom he relied on come first.

As a result, after the opening of the Great World, the first place where the Venerable from the Upper Realm descended was in Daqian's palace.

Step by step.

Whether it is Dagan or All Saints, this moment is a big loss.

"A big world."

Chen Ming shook his head secretly, then said softly, "I'll go there myself."

"Just right, end this cause and effect,"

He got up, looked into the distance, and said lightly.

Now, on the other side.

"Have you reached the place yet!"

In an old carriage, Chen Yu held the child in his hands and urged anxiously.

"Master, there is still an hour before we can reach Qizhou City."

In front, the driver who was driving said anxiously.

"Okay! Speed ​​up!"

Chen Yu nodded, and said, "We'll be safe once we're inside the city."

He said so, then looked down into his arms, looked at the child in his arms at the moment, and couldn't help but sighed softly.

The journey ahead is not easy.

It was okay at the beginning, although he felt uneasy, the queen's people did not chase after him, allowing him to leave the imperial capital smoothly.

But in the following time, it seemed that Prince Yang Ming had an accident, and more and more people were chasing him.

During this period of time, Chen Yu had tried his best to delay, but in the end he was gradually chased up.

Still, he hasn't given up.

Qizhou City is in front of him, as long as he enters the city, the people behind will catch up, and it will be difficult to find him for a while.

At that time, with Chen Yu's identity and reputation, he will be able to find more ways to delay time.

However, the premise of all this is that he can enter the city.

If you can't enter the city, don't mention anything.

The queen even killed the emperor, and there is no shortage of Chen Yu in her hands.

Thinking of this, sitting in the carriage, Chen Yu couldn't help praying: "I hope there won't be any accidents at Ziling's side, so that Ming'er can receive the news as soon as possible and come over to respond."

He prayed sincerely in his heart, and was so anxious for the first time in his life.

boom! !

From the outside, there was a sound, and then the carriage shook violently, and the strong vibration almost threw Chen Yu off.

After a while, Chen Yu protected the child in his arms, barely stabilized his figure, and said loudly, "What's going on?"

"There's something wrong with the carriage!"

In front, the driver of the carriage responded loudly: "It seems that there is something wrong with the axle."

"My lord, come out first, and it will be repaired immediately."

"it is good."

Chen Yu didn't doubt that he was there, and got out of the carriage with the child in his arms, only to realize something was wrong later.

The place was an endless wilderness. On the wilderness, a carriage was parked here alone, and an old horse pulling the carriage stood there quietly, panting heavily, looking at Chen Yu with big eyes.

But the coachman who spoke before has disappeared at this moment.

Subconsciously, Chen Yu felt something was wrong.

Behind him, a black shadow lurks, as deep and dim as a human shadow. At this moment, it silently touches Chen Yu's back. A huge claw slowly opens, as if it wants to smash Chen Yu's head. grab it.

Chen Yu didn't notice this at all.

The next moment, the huge claws scratched down, and they were about to touch his head.

A sharp and ear-piercing scream resounded, like the hysterical scream of a child, or the voice of a wraith from the depths of hell, full of reason and fear.

At the critical moment, in Chen Yu's arms, the child who had been sleeping soundly opened his eyes suddenly, staring at the black figure behind Chen Yu.

It was just a glare, which looked very peaceful, but it seemed to possess some kind of unique power, which caused the black shadow to explode suddenly, and the sharp claws that were originally stretched out also shrank suddenly.


The screams coming from behind were so obvious that Chen Yu immediately became alert and turned around to look.

Under his gaze, the black shadow quickly curled up and disappeared, and a voice emerged from the surroundings.

"Fortunately, it is the reincarnation of heaven and man, even if reincarnated at this moment, and has not yet practiced, there is such a miracle."

A voice came from the corner, and then a figure walked out slowly.

This figure is not tall, on the contrary, it looks very thin, the skin of the whole person is blue, and the face is distorted, which looks extraordinarily ferocious and terrifying.

If you look carefully, you can see that his body is still covered with scales, which does not look like a human being.

"This is."

Looking at the appearance of this person in front of him, Chen Yu narrowed his eyes: "Evil spirit!"

"Xiemei? That's right."

Opposite Chen Yu, the man smiled darkly, staring at Chen Yu with strange and terrifying eyes, to be precise, at the child in Chen Yu's arms: "What a good child, full of vitality, looks very tasty"

He looked at the child in Chen Yu's arms with an indelible longing in his eyes.

The reincarnated body of heaven and man is destined to be extraordinary, born as an innate spirit body, with an extremely abundant source of vitality, which is extremely attractive to existences like them.

"Unfortunately, the Lord called him by name, but he couldn't eat it."

Glancing at the child, he turned around regretfully, and his eyes gradually fell on Chen Yu: "However, this will have no effect."


Chen Yu's face changed, and he just opened his mouth to say something, when he saw a giant claw several meters high grabbing at him layer by layer, as if it wanted to wring his head off.

Suddenly, his mind went blank.

(End of this chapter)

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