Sweeping the world

Chapter 292 Relative

Chapter 292 Relative
In the majestic palace, two figures walked quietly in it.

"Has a lot changed here?"

Walking on the steps, looking at the surrounding scenery along the road, and walking on the road, the queen said softly.

"A lot has indeed changed."

On the side, Chen Ming nodded slightly and said so.

Can it be changed?

At this moment, because of the terrifying battle a while ago, almost the entire palace collapsed, and the heavenly and human formation that originally guarded it collapsed directly, as if it had been demolished by someone.

It would be strange if nothing had changed.

"Everything in this world is changing, no matter people or things."

Looking at the collapsed palaces around, the queen looked calm, and sighed softly: "At the beginning, when I first arrived, many palaces here had not yet started to be built, but at this moment, they have collapsed again."

"And so are you."

"At the beginning, when I first met you, it was the time His Majesty summoned you."

"That time, His Majesty summoned you in the palace, and I was by the side."

Looking at Chen Ming in front of her, the queen sighed softly: "To be promoted to return to the source at such an age under such a heavy oppression in this world, there are few people with this talent even in the upper realm."

"At that time, I knew that you would definitely not be in the pool in the future, but I didn't expect that you would improve so fast."

"I didn't expect you to hide so deeply, Madam."

Chen Ming shook his head, and said lightly, "A venerable from the upper realm has hidden in His Majesty's palace for such a long time. I'm afraid I wouldn't believe it if it didn't really happen."

"Sometimes things are like this in the world. Before some things happened, no one thought of them."

Standing in front of Chen Ming, the Queen's face was calm, and she said calmly, "If you hadn't come here in person this time, who would have thought that you, Wu Zi, who was raised by the King of Wu, would be a martial artist."

She said it lightly, and when she said this, she couldn't help showing some surprise on her face.

How many years has it been since the complete release of the great suppression?There unexpectedly appeared a real Martial Dao celestial being, if this matter were to be revealed, it might break the sky.

A single Empress Dowager could also be interpreted as the reincarnation of a venerable from the upper realm, who has been lurking in this realm for hundreds of years.

Chen Ming is different.

His age is there, and after careful calculation, he is only twenty at the moment.

At this age, it is a great achievement for ordinary people to be promoted to innate, and it can be called a celestial arrogance, let alone a celestial being.

No matter how much you praise, no matter how amazing you are.

In the same place, the two of them walked here quietly, chatting with each other, without any fumes.

But secretly, the auras of the two are constantly colliding.

The power of heaven and man that belongs to heaven and man keeps emerging on the two of them, pulling and twisting each other, trying hard to suppress the other's power, and they are constantly staggering here.

On the surface, it seems to be calm, but in fact it is full of murderous intentions.

At this moment, with the entire imperial palace as the center, within a radius of tens of miles, it has been enveloped by the two forces of heaven and man.

As big as a grass and a tree, as small as a speck of dust, they are all within the envelope of the two powers of heaven and man. Life and death can be cut off with a single thought, and the universe can be reversed with a single thought. Life and death can be taken away, all in a single thought.

In this kind of confrontation, the two kept fighting until there was a muffled bang in the air, and then the two took a step back at the same time, and retreated behind them.

The next moment, it was as if a thunderbolt flashed across the air. In the same place, Chen Ming's face was calm, and his right arm was gently raised. The slender five fingers were entangled like a horned dragon, forming a complex and mysterious fist mark, engulfing boundless vitality, The fist hits forward.

At the same time, on the opposite side, the queen's five fingers were slender and fair, and divine light shone from the palm of her hand, and she slapped it down.

boom! !

It was as if a thunderbolt flashed across the air, and a gust of wind blew up on the spot, centering on the two of them, everything around them began to collapse.

Above the sky, thunder and thunder streaked across the sky, the cycle of life and death, the ultimate meaning of the transformation of yin and yang manifested, under the infusion of boundless vitality, it directly turned into a huge millstone, trying to crush everything here.

During the rotation of the grinding disc, bursts of knife light flickered, flying together with bursts of divine light, completely destroying this place.

This situation lasted for a while, but gradually subsided.

After the storm in the original place calmed down completely, in the place where the two were, the two faced each other, but they stopped at the same time with a tacit understanding.

"It's not a bad thing to be the Venerable of the Upper Realm."

Standing quietly on the spot, among the ruins, Chen Ming looked calm and stood with his hands behind his back: "Your Majesty's strength is the only thing I have ever seen in my life."

"You're not bad either."

The queen took a deep look at Chen Ming, her face seemed to be very calm, but actually her heart was already surging.

After all, she is not a native of this world, but the reincarnation of a venerable from the upper world, and her realm is even higher than that of the heavenly beings in this world. At this moment, she has the opportunity to recover the will of heaven in this world. The ordinary heavenly beings are definitely not her opponents.

But the Chen Ming in front of her was far beyond her expectation.

At only twenty years old, it is already a miracle to be promoted to heaven and man, and facing her right now, it is not at all a disadvantage.

This is no longer a category that can be explained by so-called talent.

"Tianchen Emperor Body really deserves its reputation."

After being silent for a moment, the queen took a deep look at Chen Ming, and then said, "What do you want?"

While speaking, her whole body restrained her breath, and she didn't even protrude out of the originally diffused spirit, and she fell into a complete calm.

Apparently, facing Chen Ming at this moment, the queen was also not sure of winning, so she stopped trying.

"The entire Chen family still has a way to go to the upper realm."

Looking at the queen, Chen Ming calmed down and said lightly.

The queen didn't choose to do it, and he didn't intend to do it either.

In the final analysis, it was of no benefit to him to reincarnate with an empress like the empress.

If you really want to fight, you can definitely beat it. It's amazing that you can kill the opponent by adding points.

But even if he loses the queen, not only will he not benefit much, but he will be extremely passive.

Many holy places in the world will stare at him from now on, regard him as a great enemy, and will definitely confront him.

Although Chen Ming was not afraid, if it was not necessary, there was no need to fall into this situation out of thin air.

"A way to go to the upper realm."

Looking at Chen Ming in front of her, the Queen's expression became a little playful: "Why, you also want to go to the Upper Realm?"

"Upper Realm, that place is not a good place"

"Maybe, even the situation in this world is worse."

She shook her head and said so.

"What are you talking about?"

Hearing this, Chen Ming frowned and asked.

PS: I recommend a book by an old author, "Outstanding Youth of the Ming Dynasty"

(End of this chapter)

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