Sweeping the world

Chapter 293 Changes in the Upper Realm

Chapter 293 Changes in the Upper Realm
"In your mind, where is the Upper Realm?"

Standing on the same spot, facing Chen Ming, the queen's face was calm, and she said lightly: "Enriched with vitality? The strong are everywhere? The territory is vast, and the treasures of geniuses are inexhaustible?"

"Isn't that so?"

In the same place, listening to the Queen's words, Chen Ming frowned and asked back.

According to common sense, a world with a higher world ceiling would inevitably be more prosperous.

The strong do not appear out of thin air, they also need the support of vitality and resources, and it is impossible to appear out of thin air.

Since there are existences like the Venerable who transcend heaven and man in the upper realm, the martial arts must be extremely prosperous. Only warriors with sufficient bases can give birth to such existences that transcend the boundaries.

But judging from the mouth of the queen in front of him, it seems that this is not the case?
"If the Upper Realm in the past was indeed what you imagined, but the Upper Realm today is already different."

In front of her eyes, the queen shook her head, and when she said this, her eyes couldn't help but look reminiscent: "In today's Upper Realm, even though it has surpassed the top experts, it is already out of date. When it comes to martial arts, say Maybe it’s even worse than this world.”

"how so?"

Chen Ming frowned and asked.

"The decline of the vitality of heaven and earth."

The queen shook her head, and said: "Since thousands of years ago, the vitality of the upper realm has been constantly declining, and it has continued until now."

"At this moment, the vitality of the upper realm is already inferior to this realm."

Facing Chen Ming, she said lightly: "There is a problem with the will of the upper realm, and the entire great realm begins to fail, so that the vitality is exhausted, and the subsequent martial arts become weaker and weaker."

"Most of our group of venerables are those who were promoted before the fall of Heaven's Will, but except for us old guys, the entire upper realm cannot even be photographed today."

"This is one of the reasons why we are so concerned about this world."

She shook her head and said, "The energy of the upper realm is fading, but this world is still in its new life. Although the suppression of God's will is more serious, it still has its potential."

"Because this piece of heaven and earth has not yet merged into the upper realm, and the vitality of the heaven and earth is still there, I wait for the lower realm, just to gain some more vitality, so that I can live for a while longer."

"That's why I'm waiting for the lower realm."

The lifespan of a warrior will be affected by the heaven and earth.

Theoretically speaking, celestial beings have a lifespan of at least a thousand years. If they do not fight against humans, but consume too much of their own origin, and counting the reincarnation ability of celestial beings, they can even survive for thousands of years.

The realm of the Venerable is higher than that of heaven and man. In theory, his life span will only be longer than that of heaven and man, and will not be shorter.

But all of this is under the condition that the vitality of heaven and earth is sufficient to support it.

People need to eat and drink to live, and warriors need to consume vitality to survive.

There is a big difference between people whether they have vitality or not.

If there is plenty of energy, even a mortal can live a hundred years, and he will still be strong and healthy at the age of ninety.

The same is true for warriors.

Martial arts gods have at least a thousand years of life, but if they don't have the slightest vitality to support them, they can live longer than others, but their lifespan will be greatly reduced.

"You descended to the realm, just for this?"

At the same place, Chen Ming was silent for a moment, and then spoke.

"You are still young and have enough life energy, so naturally you don't understand how we feel."

Seeing Chen Ming's reaction, the queen shook her head, and said lightly, "You will understand the importance of opportunities only when your life span is near the end, your physical body is exhausted, and your soul is exhausted."

"We came from the upper realm. Even the youngest ones are thousands of years old now. It is not far from the end of the lamp."

"At this moment, this world is our only chance of survival."

"If you don't seize the vitality now, it will be too late when this world is integrated into the upper realm in the future, and all the vitality in this world is dissipated."

Listening to her words quietly, Chen Ming did not send a glance, and remained silent from the beginning to the end.

"You and I don't need to be hostile, but we can join forces."

Looking at Chen Ming from the side, the queen continued to speak: "The vitality of this world has just recovered, and it is still relatively abundant, but it cannot withstand the plundering of too many people."

"Therefore, I also don't want other venerables to descend to the realm."

"On this point, you and I should be consistent."

Facing Chen Ming, she spoke unabashedly.

This is a typical example of the pioneers pitting the latecomers, completing the road by themselves, leaving others with nowhere to go.

She went down to the realm by herself, and her attitude changed immediately, making it impossible for the other venerables to come down.

In a way, though, that's not necessarily a bad thing.

It is better for a venerable to descend to the realm than a group of venerables to descend to the realm.

As the venerables of the upper realm, this group of people has a huge appetite. If they really come down in groups, I am afraid that there will be nothing left in this world in the end.

At the same place, Chen Ming remained silent for a long time, and then continued to ask the queen about the situation in the upper realm.

Regarding these, the queen knew everything, and told her everything she knew.

As a venerable from the upper realm, she naturally knows a lot of secrets, and some secrets that ordinary people cannot know are just common things in her mouth.

During the conversation, Chen Ming also had some vague impressions of the upper realm.

Naturally, the Upper Realm is not really called the Upper Realm, but should be called the Eastern Realm.

The eastern boundary is not the only one. Between the boundary seas outside the boundary, there are naturally other great realms, but they are very rare.

A great realm like the Dagan World is a very rare realm for the people of the Eastern Realm, and it is worth fighting for these upper realm venerables.

After talking for a long time, Chen Ming walked away from here.

Although they didn't say it explicitly, the two had reached a consensus silently.

Chen Ming stayed quietly in his Dingzhou, as the governor of Dingzhou, and the queen only stayed in the imperial capital, as her grand queen.

The two do not interfere with each other.

After a few days, Chen Ming received the news.

The imprisoned members of the Chen clan, together with Chen Qizhi and Chen Yu's family members, have all walked out of the imperial capital and are no longer imprisoned.

Seeing this, Chen Ming also felt relieved.

After Chen Qizhi and others left the imperial capital, the purpose of Chen Ming's trip had been achieved.

However, he did not return to Dingzhou immediately, but walked outside the imperial capital on foot and came to a Taoist temple.

The road in front of him was gradually deserted, and the surrounding people gradually became scarce.

As far as the eye can see, the outline of Qingfeng Temple is already clearly visible.

In the small pavilion in front of Qingfeng Guan, Chen Ming saw an acquaintance.

That was Mingwei's disciple Deqing.

A few years have passed, and this young man who was only fifteen or sixteen years old has faded away, and now he has turned into a tall and straight young man.

He was alone, with a broom in his hand, and was cleaning the long pavilion. When he saw Chen Ming's figure, he put down the broom in his hand and walked towards Chen Ming.

"I haven't seen you for a few years, but Uncle Chen still has the same demeanor."

(End of this chapter)

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