Sweeping the world

Chapter 301 Demon Pill and Alien Qi

Chapter 301 Demon Pill and Alien Qi

"You don't know either?"

Looking at the young man in front of him, Chen Ming was taken aback for a moment, but after looking at the other party's attire, he didn't think it was strange anymore.

The person in front of him looked downcast, and his status probably wasn't too high, otherwise he wouldn't have come to this place alone.

"Take me to your gathering place."

With this in mind, he stopped talking nonsense and spoke directly.

Since the person in front of you is not clear, then find someone who is clear.

This person in front of him is just an ordinary person, not as good as Chen Ming, who can travel thousands of miles in one day.

Since he can appear here, it means that there must be a gathering place nearby, otherwise it would be impossible to come here.

"Yes Yes."

The young man didn't dare to disobey Chen Ming's order, and nodded submissively, but he couldn't help hesitating when he got up to leave.


He looked at the corpses of the two demon wolves lying on the side, with some hesitation on his face, looked at Chen Ming cautiously, and said, "Aren't you going to deal with these two monster beasts?"

"deal with?"

Chen Ming looked at the two black wolf corpses on the ground and carefully sized them up.

In his eyes, the two black wolves on the ground were filled with that turbid vitality, which seemed a bit distorted and unique.

But also because of this, the strength of the two black wolves is very good, and they almost have the strength of second- and third-rate warriors.

To Chen Ming, he naturally looked down upon this level of strength, but to ordinary people, it was almost crushing level of strength.

As soon as he thought of this, his face was calm, and he nodded lightly: "I won't deal with it."

"If you are interested, you can deal with it yourself."

As soon as the voice fell, a rich look of joy appeared on the young man's face.

He first knelt on the ground, kowtowed to Chen Ming several times, then took out a dagger from his body, and began to deal with the corpses of the two demon wolves.

On the side, Chen Ming quietly observed his movements and looked at him calmly.

Under Chen Ming's gaze, the young man skillfully peeled off the furs of the two black wolves, and dug out some important internal organs, leaving only the last flesh and bones.

It can be seen that he didn't want it, but because of his limited strength, he couldn't carry more things, so he only took the most precious parts, and kept some less valuable parts.

"grown ups."

After clearing the two black wolves, the young man carefully explored the bodies of the two black wolves, dug out two black gems, carefully wiped them clean, held them in the palm of his hand, and carefully placed them in front of Chen Ming.


Looking at the young man's movements, Chen Ming didn't intend to pay attention at first, but when he saw the two black gems in his hand, he couldn't help being stunned again.

"Such pure vitality?"

In the hands of the young man, above the two black gemstones, an extremely pure and sharp vitality emanated from them, making Chen Ming stunned.

Compared with the Dagan world, the vitality of this world is generally turbid, with a strong pollution, which cannot be used directly.

But the vitality contained in the two black gemstones in front of me is different, not only extremely pure and concise, but also has some unique characteristics.

Compared with ordinary vitality, this kind of vitality is sharper and stronger, like a knife, full of a kind of chilling and violent aura.

"What is this thing called?"

Standing quietly on the spot, looking at the two black gemstones, Chen Ming asked with a calm face.


Hearing Chen Ming's words, the young man was taken aback for a while, and he realized it after a while, and quickly said, "This is the demon pill of these two monsters!"

"The demon pill of the monster?"

Chen Ming nodded lightly, reached out to take the two gems, looked at the young man in front of him, and said, "You call this a monster?"


The young man nodded, and he answered what Chen Ming asked, with a submissive look.

Chen Ming didn't ask any more questions, he just turned around calmly and let the young man in front of him lead the way.

Walking on the road, following quietly behind the young man, Chen Ming held the two black gemstones he just got in his hands, hesitated for a moment, then exerted a little force, choosing to absorb the vitality in the two gemstones.

He wanted to try the nature of this alien vitality, and what was so special about it compared to ordinary vitality.

Out of caution, at the beginning, he didn't choose to draw too much, only a negligible amount.

With Chen Ming's movements, the golden gem began to fade gradually, and a little golden vitality escaped from it and poured into Chen Ming's body.

As soon as a ray of vitality entered his body, Chen Ming's body reacted immediately, and the acupoints all over his body opened spontaneously, absorbing this ray of vitality into his body.


Feeling the changes in his body, Chen Ming was slightly taken aback while walking on the road.

The effect of this vitality is amazing.

It was just a ray of vitality, absorbed into the body, it actually strengthened his physical body.

Compared to him, this increase is not high, but it is also very astonishing.

He has reached the realm of heaven and man, and has Buddha blood and emperor body in his body. In terms of physical body alone, even if he is also a heaven and man, it is absolutely impossible to be stronger than him.

With his physical body so tyrannical to this extent, to Chen Ming, most of the geniuses and treasures in this world have already lost their effect on him. No matter how much he uses, he can't improve his cultivation.

But at this moment, just a little spiritual energy poured in, and it made him feel the strengthening of his physical body.

"An excellent body forging material, if it is used to replace the ordinary vitality promotion, the effect will be much better."

Feeling the changes in his body carefully, this thought flashed in Chen Ming's mind, and then he squeezed his palm slightly with force.

With a soft bang, the two golden gemstones he held in his palms were instantly shattered, turning into pure vitality for him to inhale into his body and fill them into his acupuncture points.

"Are there many such monsters around here?"

Walking on the road, looking at the young man walking cautiously in front of him, Chen Ming asked with a calm expression.

"There aren't many in this area."

The young man was carrying a large bag on his shoulders, and while carefully exploring the way ahead, he replied, "But there are many other places, as well as the outside world."

"According to the village chief, the outside world is full of monsters."

He said cautiously, then looked at Chen Ming behind him, and asked with some expectation: "My lord, are you an exorcist?"

"Exorcist?" Chen Ming was a little puzzled.

"It's someone who takes demon extermination as his profession."

Speaking of demon masters, the young man seemed a little excited: "I heard from the village chief that there are many demon masters in the outside world, and each of them has unique skills, and can kill powerful monsters as a human being."

"My lord, you are so powerful, you must be a powerful exorcist!"

"Perhaps." Chen Ming said with a calm face, noncommittal.

(End of this chapter)

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