Sweeping the world

Chapter 302 Village

Chapter 302 Village

Walking on the road, the two continued to chat while they were on their way.

It can be seen that for the profession of exorcising demons, the young man seems to respect and yearn for it very much. Along the way, he continuously expressed his admiration for Chen Ming, firmly believing that he is a powerful exorcising demons.

Regarding this misunderstanding, Chen Ming shook his head, but did not refute it.

According to what the young man said, the exorcising masters in this world are existences that use human bodies to kill monsters.

If this standard is followed, it is not a bad idea to classify Chen Ming as a demon extermination master.

After all, his identity and position are clear, he is absolutely human in every aspect, and it is impossible to stand on the side of the monsters in this world.

Even, judging from the current situation, in order to collect demon pills and gain vitality promotion, Chen Ming would probably have to deal with monsters in the future, he would have to hunt and kill monsters.

During the conversation, Chen Ming also learned that the young man's name was Hao Shan, and he was a hunter.

It is said to be a hunter, but in fact, in this realm of the underworld, basically no prey can be seen, and what can be seen usually are basically monsters with tenacious vitality.

He is usually responsible for collecting and hunting some weak monsters, bringing them back to his village, and exchanging them for various materials to survive.

The two walked on the wilderness, and after walking for more than an hour, they slowly stopped.

"Master Exorcist, we have arrived."

Walking to a deserted village, looking at the scenery ahead, He Shan was sweating profusely, turned to look at Chen Ming, and spoke to him.

Listening to his words, Chen Ming raised his head slightly and looked forward.

The place in front of him is a village. According to Chen Ming's perception, the place is actually not big, and there are not many people living in it. There are only a few hundred people, and it is only the size of a small village.

However, although the number of people is small and the area is not large, the defense of this place is very strict. There are walls made of mud and boulders everywhere, traps everywhere, and distance horses and inverted piles.

There were several sentry towers standing around, and there were several people standing guard on them. At this moment, they saw Chen Ming and Hao Shan, and hurried down from above.

"Hao Shan, you're back!"

A voice sounded first.

Following the voice, Chen Ming raised his head slightly and looked at the card in the distance.

In the distance, a burly, sturdy and sturdy man ran over from a distance, and walked up to He Shan with a big smile.

"Are you OK?"

When he walked up to He Shan, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then he saw the big bag under his feet, and was startled: "So many prey?"

"Haha, today I have gained a lot."

Seeing his own clansman, He Shan laughed, and while speaking, he also looked at Chen Ming carefully, and was relieved when he saw that he had no other reaction.

So, he pulled a few clansmen in front of him and explained to them what happened this time.

In the same place, after a while, Chen Ming stood quietly in the same place, and Chen Ming clearly felt that the attitudes of the Heshan clansmen in the distance had changed, and there was something wrong with the eyes that looked at him, and there was awe in those eyes And reserved, exactly the same as He Shan who had just met him before.

Facing Chen Ming, a powerful "demon extermination master", they approached cautiously and invited Chen Ming to enter their village as a guest and rest there for a while.They will provide the best food and water to repay Chen Ming for saving Heshan.

Regarding this, Chen Ming was noncommittal, didn't say much, just nodded lightly, and then walked in.

By this time, the news of the visit of an outside demon exorcising master had spread throughout the tribe.

When Chen Ming entered, almost all the people in the village rushed out. Everyone wanted to see the appearance of the exorcist, with awe and curiosity in their eyes.

This world really admires the so-called exorcist too much.

To be honest, Chen Ming also felt a little uncomfortable with this kind of enthusiasm and fanaticism.

As a martial arts celestial being, he had similar experiences in the past when he was on a grand errand, but it was never like this.

These people in front of them are too enthusiastic and fanatical, ranging from frail elderly to three-year-old children, their eyes light up when they hear the name Exorcist, and they look at him like a giant panda.

Walking here quietly, feeling this unique and strange feeling, Chen Ming shook his head, calmed down in an instant, and walked towards the resting place that He Shan and others had prepared for him.

Walking on the road, not long after, Chen Ming paused and looked in a certain direction.

In a corner of the village, in front of a dilapidated wooden house, a pale and beautiful woman was standing there, her eyes were fixed on him, her body was pale and frightening.

Sensing the man's gaze, Chen Ming frowned.

"It seems dead but not dead, living but not alive, what kind of existence is this?"

Sensing the woman's state, Chen Ming frowned secretly, a little puzzled.

On the woman's body, she could feel a kind of turbid vitality, which was similar to the breath of the two monsters before.

But the breath on the woman's body is clearly a living person.

Chen Ming couldn't help being surprised by this unique state.

However, in front of so many people, he didn't delve into it for the time being, but silently wrote down the matter and walked into the room arranged by He Shan.

The room prepared by He Shan is not very good, even after mental cleaning, it is just like this, it looks very simple, but fortunately it is still clean.

It can be seen that the conditions in this village are not good, and rooms of this level may be the best they can offer.

"Master Exorcist." A soft female voice sounded from the front.

In the room, a girl with a soft appearance, who looked about sixteen or seventeen years old, was standing by the bed, wearing very little clothes, only a piece of animal skin, standing there cautiously, looking at Chen Ming, whispering Opened the mouth and said: "I"

"go out."

With a calm face, Chen Ming said lightly, "I don't need anyone to wait on me."


The girl was stunned for a moment, looking at Chen Ming. She felt a little complicated at this moment, but she still didn't dare to disobey her. She nodded quickly and walked out of the room.

Watching the girl leaving, Chen Ming shook his head, sat on the head of the bed, and slowly closed his eyes.

Taking advantage of this moment, he began to feel the will of the world.

In order to break through heaven and man, this time he shuttled directly with his main body, not as distracted as he used to shuttle in the past few times.

Compared with the distraction shuttle, the main body shuttle can directly bring all the power of oneself together, but there is also a fatal problem.

That is world exclusion.

Once in the world of King Wu, Chen Ming was once rejected by the world, and that feeling was very uncomfortable.

But this time, when he came to this world with his own body, the problem of world rejection naturally also exists.

 This is the second addition
(End of this chapter)

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