Sweeping the world

Chapter 303 Chaotic providence

Chapter 303 Chaotic providence


In the quiet room, Chen Ming sat quietly on the head of the bed, with a surprised expression on his face at this moment.

"What's going on in this world?"

He sat on the head of the bed, a little surprised and uncertain in his heart.

Just now, he seemed to have done nothing, but in fact, his own power of heaven and man has been revealed without sound, and he is investigating the will of the world.

But the result of the final search surprised him.

The providence of this world seems to have had some accidents, and it appears extremely weak and chaotic.

In Chen Ming's induction, the heavenly way of this world is in chaos. Unlike other worlds, it is a unified will. Instead, it seems to be torn apart. mess up.

For example, if the providence of the normal world is like a normal person with a sound mind, then the providence of this world is like a lunatic with severe schizophrenia.

Schizophrenia is fine, the key is that it is divided into thousands of pieces.

If this doesn't mess up, it's really going to hell.

Perhaps, this is the reason why this world looks so weird, even the vitality looks weird.

Thinking of this, Chen Ming couldn't help shaking his head.

There is no doubt that this situation of God's will in this world is absolutely abnormal, and most of it has some deep-seated reasons that led to this result.

But to a certain extent, this situation of God's will in this world is not necessarily a bad thing for Chen Ming.

If it is the will of God in the normal world, it will instinctively reject any existence from the outside world, just like bacteria and viruses that invade the human body, they will be cleaned up and counterattacked by the human body itself.

Under such circumstances, Chen Ming couldn't let go of his hands in this world.

But the will of heaven in this world has fallen into such a chaotic state, it is obvious that there is no time to take care of Chen Ming.

This also means that the biggest problem for him to walk in this world will no longer be a problem, and he can do his best in the future.

"That's good news."

In the same place, Chen Ming shook his head, got up from the head of the bed, walked to the door, and opened the wooden door.

Outside the wooden door, an old man wearing a linen robe and looking very old was standing there, looking like he was about to enter Chen Ming's room. Looking at Chen Ming who opened the door first and walked out, he couldn't help but froze in place. .

"Please come in."

Looking at the old man standing outside the door in a daze, Chen Ming smiled, and then said softly, "I have some questions to ask you."

"What do you want to ask, my lord?"

Walking into the house, he found a random place to sit down, looking at Chen Ming in front of him, the old man asked.

Compared with other people in this village, the old man is very special. The most obvious thing is the old man's attitude.

Others in this village showed extreme awe and enthusiasm towards Chen Ming, while the old man in front of him, although his face was also restrained, seemed much calmer.

"You look different from everyone else around you."

Looking at the old man, Chen Ming was a little curious.

"When the old man was young, he was also a member of the demon extermination family from outside."

Hearing Chen Ming's words, the old man sighed softly: "Unlike these little guys here who have never seen a demon exorcist in their entire lives, I have seen quite a few demon exorcisers when I was young."

"I see."

Chen Ming nodded, and asked curiously, "What are the other exorcising masters from the outside world like?"

"Which aspect are you referring to?"

The old man looked at Chen Ming in surprise, and then asked.

"In terms of eliminating demons."

Regarding this, Chen Ming seemed a little interested: "The monster extermination masters in other places, what methods do they use to deal with those monsters?"

"Probably spells, demon soldiers, and some puppets."

The old man recalled some, and finally said: "There are still some who will exercise their bodies to gain the strength to fight against monsters."

"That's basically what I remember."

"Spells, puppets, and demon soldiers. It seems that the world's system of eliminating demon masters is very complicated."

Listening to the old man's words, Chen Ming became interested.

For Chen Ming today, besides seeing different people and things in traveling through the world, the biggest gain is being able to witness the different power systems developed in each world.

All things in this world have a common fundamental principle. No matter what power system, tracing back to the source must be a discovery and application of principles.

By witnessing different power systems, Chen Ming can also gain a lot from them.

This was the case in the previous few worlds, but he didn't know how many surprises the exorcist in this world could give him.

"My lord came here, are you planning to open up territory around here?"

Looking at Chen Ming, the old man opened his mouth and said very seriously: "If that's the case, this old man can give you some help."

"Open up the territory?"

Hearing the old man's words, Chen Ming was slightly taken aback, and after a long while, he understood what he meant from the old man's subsequent explanation.

It turns out that in order to obtain resources to support themselves, some demon masters in this world will go out to open up and open up their own territories in some uninhabited areas.

This world has a vast territory, but due to the large number of monsters, there are very few places that are truly safe and where people can give birth with peace of mind.

The exorcist himself has force, which is enough to protect the stability of one party.

Therefore, many civilians who cannot survive in other places are willing to attach themselves to the demon master and become his subjects in order to obtain safe shelter and their own land.

The old man in front of him obviously regarded Chen Ming as an exorcist who came to the outside world alone to open up territories in other places.

"Sorry, not interested right now."

Regarding this, Chen Ming shook his head and said directly.

He came to this world for promotion, not for playing with the territory.

After coming to this world, Chen Ming felt it.

The ratio of time between this world and Dagan world is about twenty to one.

In other words, one year has passed in the world, and here is equivalent to 20 years.

But at this moment, Dagan World is only half a year away from the intersection of the two realms.

Calculated, Chen Ming can only stay in this world for about ten years at most.

In ten years, even if Chen Ming really wanted to open up the territory, he probably would leave this world before he developed it.

Therefore, Chen Ming expressed no interest in developing territory in this world.

"That's it."

In the same place, looking at Chen Ming and listening to Chen Ming's words, the old man was a little disappointed, but he still didn't give up, and asked with some reluctance: "An, can you take a few servants in this village?"

"I see that my lord, you are alone, and you must be inconvenient in some trivial matters. It will be easier to bring a servant by your side."

This time, Chen Ming did not immediately refuse.

 I made a mistake, it was supposed to be today's chapter, but it was scheduled for tomorrow, and I only found out now

(End of this chapter)

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