Sweeping the world

Chapter 316 The Last Peaceful Time

Chapter 316 The Last Peaceful Time

Standing quietly in place, looking at the Yuanli interface in front of him, Chen Ming's expression remained unchanged, his eyes flickering.

This destiny is what he awakened after traveling through the world this time.

However, even though he was awakened by traveling through the world this time, Chen Ming could feel that this thing had always existed on his body, and it was only this time that it was affected by God's will that it really surfaced.

"But, Jie Zi?"

Looking at the data displayed in the column of Destiny in front of him, Chen Ming fell into deep thought.

He has more than one destiny.

It can be seen that the "jiezi" he possesses, the source of this destiny should be the world just now.

After defeating the abyss, he almost brought the whole world back on track with his own power. For that world, Chen Ming is indeed worthy of the name of the world.

If you are in that world, presumably the intermediate level after this world can become advanced.

It was only after leaving that world, losing the blessing of God's will in that world, and Jiezi's destiny was lowered by one level, that he became like this.

However, the destiny of the son of the world was obtained by Chen Ming himself in the previous world, so what about the rest?

As if feeling his confusion, in front of Chen Ming's eyes, the purple source power interface began to change, and the handwriting in the column of Destiny began to become blurred, transforming into another appearance.

The word Tyrant began to blur and gradually transformed, revealing the appearance of a black dragon.

The evil spirit is faint, like a cloud of mist. In the middle of the battle, the black dragon soars into the air, showing its fierceness, exuding an invincible and unstoppable domineering aura, like the supreme overlord who stepped on the blood of all spirits to reach the peak. overbearing.

The golden dragon's aura flickered, and beside the black dragon, a golden flood dragon suddenly soared up, with golden scales standing on its body. Although it was ferocious, it exuded an upright and peaceful, majestic gentleness, resolute and courageous, but not blindly fierce. There is still room.

"This is."

Feeling this familiar aura, Chen Ming was shocked, and for the first time showed surprise.

He subconsciously looked at the "Emperor" column, and saw purple air rising there, a purple dragon undulating, and during the dance, a little bit of the aura of Emperor Chen's veins slowly emerged.


Immediately, Chen Ming realized clearly in his heart, and realized the origin of these destiny.

Among the four destiny he possessed, Jiezi was undoubtedly a gift from heaven from the previous world.

As for Tyrant and King Ren, most of them came from Zhao Ji and Xu Qing in the world of Tongxuan.

These two people respectively uphold the destiny of Tyrant and King. If we say where the two fates of Tyrant and King Ren most likely come from, it is undoubtedly these two people.

As for the last emperor, the source is somewhat complicated.

In the ascension of the purple dragon, Chen Ming could feel the aura of his own blood, the aura of Tianchen that was in line with the body of Emperor Tianchen.

The ancient great emperors ruled the heaven and the earth, and each of them was in charge of the universe, and their merits participated in the good fortune, and they had great merits for the heaven and the earth.

Their descendants have inherited their blood, and theoretically speaking, they have also inherited a trace of the aftertaste of their ancestors, and have a line of emperor.

After Chen Ming awakened the body of Emperor Chen, he presumably inherited a sliver of vitality from the ancient emperor Chen's family without a sound, and had a line of emperor's veins.

But that's not all.

In that purple dragon, Chen Ming could feel that although there was the aura of the Emperor Chen family, it was more of another aura that he felt familiar with.

Yang Jing!
The destiny of the emperor obviously came mainly from Yang Anjing, and the aura of the emperor Chen's family only accounted for an insignificant small part.

"Sailing day by day, I will save you today, and you will save me in the future"

Standing quietly at the same spot, Chen Ming had this thought inexplicably, and then he couldn't help shaking his head, feeling inexplicably complicated.

There is no doubt that these fates are the greatest rewards Yang Anjing and others have given him in the past.

He helped them back then, but they also helped Chen Ming in their own way.

Although, when Chen Ming helped them back then, he didn't expect this return.

In the same place, after a long time, Chen Ming calmed down, shook his head, and slowly walked out of the retreat room.

He took the time to return.

Ten years in another world, counting the difference in the passage of time, here is the past half a year.

In half a year, the changes in this world are actually not that big, but the vitality has become much stronger.

But in the void that mortals can't feel, the fluctuation of God's will is unprecedentedly mighty.

Standing quietly in place, Chen Ming could feel that in the dark, the two forces of heaven were intertwined and gradually merged into one.

A more mighty, but more silent providence gradually approached this world, descending step by step.

Under the influence of this new piece of providence, the whole world began to change.

Walking quietly on his Governor's Mansion, Chen Ming could feel that in this world, the vitality that was originally extremely strong was declining, and it had only reached its peak for a few years before showing signs of declining again.

Of course, this kind of sign is very slow. If it continues at this speed, it will take at least thousands of years before it is slowly discovered by the world and has an initial impact on the world.

But the coming of the two worlds will suddenly speed up this progress.

When the two worlds are truly one, the rich vitality on this land will be shared by the upper world.

In the vastness of the upper world, once the vitality here is shared, it will inevitably be diluted countless times at once, reaching a point where ordinary warriors despair.

This is equivalent to pouring a pot of sugar water into a river, and the sugar contained in the sugar water will be quickly loosened.

The merging of the two worlds is such a process, and the vitality of this world will be quickly diluted.

As for these, the warriors in this world are still unaware, and are still indulging in the joy of the great world, but they don't know that the prosperity in front of them will soon be ended.

Ordinary warriors do not have the ability to perceive the will of heaven. Now, except for the heavenly warriors who stand at the peak of this world, and some peak masters who are close to heaven, there are only some people who have already known the news.

"The great world has its ups and downs, and I don't know how long the prosperous world in front of me can last."

Quietly walking outside a long pavilion, Chen Ming raised his head and looked into the distance, standing still in white clothes, thinking lightly in his heart.

Chen Ming returned very low-key.

For him, it was a reunion after ten years, but for others, it was only half a year away.

And half a year is almost nothing to warriors, it is just a time of retreat.

After returning from the shuttle this time, Chen Ming didn't go to other places, and didn't care about anything else, he just stayed at the governor's mansion in Dingzhou, with his relatives in this life.

Chen Qizhi has now settled down in Dingzhou with his clansmen. After many years, he looks a lot older, and his head has started to have gray hair.

After all, counting his age, he is also in his 50s. Although he has practiced martial arts, he has not practiced to the depth after all, and his life span is not much different from ordinary people.

If it is calculated according to the normal range, he may not have many years to live.

However, even though he is in his fifties, the old man is in pretty good health. What he likes most is walking around, looking for some old friends, and bragging about Chen Ming to them.

He has come to this stage in his life, so what regrets can he say.

During the period of staying quietly in Dingzhou, Chen Ming once asked him, is there anything else he wants to do?
Chen Qizhi laughed, then pointed at Chen Ming, saying that he hadn't hugged his grandson yet.

The old man didn't have many heirs in his life. Although he had several daughters from concubines, he only had Chen Ming as his only son. Naturally, he longed for his grandson to be born.

Regarding what the old man said, Chen Ming smiled wryly in silence, and then walked away silently.

Taking advantage of this period of time, he searched in various places, extracted a lot of spiritual veins before the vitality of the heaven and earth declined, and refined them with the power of his own venerable, using his own blood of Emperor Chen of the Heavens as a guide to provide Chen The instrument is baptized.

After doing this, although the old man has not practiced martial arts, he has regained his clarity, and even quietly, he gradually possessed innate strength.

With his current body, even without Chen Ming's intervention in the future, he can still live for at least 100 years.

During this period, Chen Ming also attended several weddings.

Chen Ming's cousin, Chen Ziling got married. Chen Ming personally organized the wedding for him, and the city was full of excitement.

In addition, taking advantage of this rare peaceful time, Chen Ming held a crowning ceremony for Yang Sheng as a teacher.

For a while, several happy events were held together in Dingzhou, and for a while, it seemed very lively.

In this joy, the last days came silently.

(End of this chapter)

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