Sweeping the world

Chapter 317 The Arrival of the Venerable from the Upper Realm

Chapter 317 The Arrival of the Venerable from the Upper Realm

In the quiet morning, Chen Ming was sitting alone in the garden, holding a somewhat worn-out ancient book in his hand.

On his side, Chen Wei was wearing a purple dress, quietly accompanying him.


After a while, Chen Ming put down the book in his hand, stood up quietly, and looked up at the sky in the sky.

In his line of sight, the entanglement of the two wills of heaven has reached the extreme at this moment, and an aura that is very different from this world is emerging above the sky, and it is rapidly approaching this world at this moment.

God's will is roaring, and in the faint, the whole world is trembling, moving along a certain inexplicable trajectory, which makes people feel very horrified.

The fusion of the two worlds has officially begun.


Behind her, Chen Wei stood alone in a purple dress, with a delicate and soft face. She got up at this moment and looked at Chen Ming blankly, wondering what she was thinking.

Not far away, at this moment, Yang Sheng was dressed in white, holding a scroll in his hand, and subconsciously raised his head at this moment, the instinctive throbbing of the heavenly spirit in his body sensed some unusual changes.

Imperial Capital, in the imperial palace.

Mu Linglong was in the tall pavilion, quietly raising her head, looking at the distant sky.

"Are you here?"

Standing quietly on the spot, she looked up at the sky, and muttered to herself, with some nostalgia and a little coldness in her eyes.

"Old friends we will see each other soon."

In the same place, she muttered to herself, then walked down the tall building alone, and walked towards the outside world.

Except for Dingzhou and Dijing, there are people in Dagan at this moment who silently look up at the sky, aware of the changes in the world.

This change was only felt by the top few people at the beginning, but it became more and more obvious in the following days, and finally reached the point where some mortals could easily notice it.

Above the sky, a great sun gradually rises, juxtaposing the scorching sun that already existed.

Two suns appeared in the sky at the same time, this unique change, as long as you are not blind, you can spot it.

Under Chen Ming's gaze, the newly-appeared golden sun gradually changed, gradually turned from imaginary to real, and gradually merged with the original golden sun.

This unique change also represents the providence of the two worlds, and they have really begun to merge at this moment, and it is really at the last moment.

"The Governor!"

In the distance, Gongsun Shang brought people to the outside of the long pavilion, and was looking at Chen Ming at the moment: "There are many foreign people appearing outside the city at this moment, and they are hurting people outside the city at this moment."

"Send someone to notify Hermdan."

Chen Ming's face remained unchanged, and he said lightly: "Let him lead the army to suppress it."

"No army!"

Gongsun Shang's face changed, and he couldn't help but said: "Isn't it a little bit to send Wudang army to suppress just a few foreign warriors?"

The so-called Wudang Army is not an ordinary army, but a large army trained by Chen Ming with the method of warfare, and it is commanded by Hemdan.

The art of war lies in gathering crowds. A lone non-commissioned sergeant is only at the level of an ordinary third-rate warrior, but once thousands of people gather to form an army formation, even the grand master will be suppressed in an instant.

Such a large army is indeed a heavy weapon, but now it is only to suppress a few foreign warriors, it is too much to make a fuss.

"That's just a pawn in the lead."

Standing quietly on the spot, Chen Ming didn't turn around, but said calmly: "In a few days later, more and stronger fighters will appear, and even a large army will be dispatched."

"In these days, you are in charge of government affairs. Together with Hermdan, you must stabilize the situation."


Gongsun Shang's heart trembled, and he nodded quickly in front of Chen Ming, saying yes.

The scene in front of me didn't just happen in Dingzhou, it also happened in Dijing, Tianzhou, and even other places.

All of a sudden, the whole world seemed chaotic.

However, except for a few areas, although there are some chaos in most places, the general situation is still stable.

The first batch of warriors who appeared were just pawns exploring the way. Although they had some strength, they were nothing to Dagan who was at the peak of the world today.

Not to mention the few heavenly beings at the top, even those few masters can solve these people.

Soon, after the initial turmoil, these people also learned to be obedient, and lurked down one after another, no longer causing a large commotion.

This calm lasted only a few days, and soon, a new round of conquest broke out.

boom! !

Unparalleled Conquest started, and near a frontier state, there were bursts of sound inheritance, and there was a faint aura of heaven and man coming out, shaking here, almost triggering changes in the sky and the earth in Banzhou.

Unparalleled Heaven and Man launched a conquest, and a fierce battle broke out there, attracting everyone's attention.

The war lasted for a whole day before subsiding.

According to a grandmaster who happened to be nearby afterwards, he felt the aura of the Yueshan Dao, an earthly weapon, in it.

As soon as the news came out, it immediately aroused people's discussion.

In the frontier, on a barren desert oasis, a few tall and majestic figures like gods and demons stood quietly and appeared here.

"It's really a living world, I feel the breath of life."

A majestic, tall middle-aged man stood quietly in mid-air, looking at the land in front of him, and said with some sighs.

"Yes, rare vitality."

The other person spoke. It was a young man who looked very young. He looked handsome, and he seemed to be young, but behind him was a head of white hair fluttering. In his eyes, there was some vicissitudes and the breath of time. .

In addition to these two people, there was a tall figure standing beside him, wearing a black armor covering his whole body, and his face was also covered with a visor, so he couldn't see his face clearly. Fat, standing quietly behind the two of them.

The majestic aura dissipated here, and a terrifying aura like gods and demons enveloped the area silently. Even if they did nothing, it still cut off the vitality of this place, and all the inspirations were absorbed by it.

"Kurozawa, don't you want to express your opinion?"

The white-haired young man turned around, looked at the Xuanjia man in the corner who didn't look at him, and couldn't help but speak.

"What's there to say?"

The Xuanjia man said lightly, his voice was low and hoarse: "Don't forget the purpose of our coming here."


The white-haired young man smiled and said, "The inspiration in this world is powerful, and it won't dissipate too quickly in a short time. How about taking this opportunity to meet old friends first?"

"I can already feel his breath."

"If you can, kill her first."

Behind him, Xuan Wu said lightly, his tall figure looked very burly: "She was born in this world, suppressed by the will of God in this world, her strength will not be as good as before."

"Take advantage of this opportunity to do her, and there will be one less person to share with us."

 This chapter is a supplementary update yesterday afternoon

(End of this chapter)

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