Sweeping the world

Chapter 318 In the Imperial Capital

Chapter 318 In the Imperial Capital
"The words are good"

The white-haired young man smiled, agreeing very much.

The venerables are potential opponents to each other, and if they can kill each other, they will definitely not hesitate too much.

You must know that every additional venerable is equivalent to one more person to share the resources that are not much at all.

One less person is equivalent to a little more points.

The difference among them is naturally clear to the few of them.

"I can already feel the breath of that woman, right in the very center of this world."

In the same place, feeling the once familiar atmosphere, the white-haired young man looked surprised: "After many years passed, after she fell from the upper world, she was reincarnated into this world without a sound, and even occupied the most prosperous center of vitality in this world in one fell swoop. "

"It seems that this trip, we must go."

He smiled, then raised his head, silently, looking into the distance.

The next moment, the space rippled, and the figures of the three people disappeared in place.

Not long after, the figures of the three of them appeared in the Daqian Imperial Capital.

They stood on the streets of the imperial capital in Daqian, quietly admiring the scenery in the imperial capital.

"It's really busy."

Looking at the street in front of him, the white-haired young man smiled and said softly, "How many years has it been?"

"Since thousands of years ago, there seem to be fewer and fewer pictures similar to today."


Standing quietly outside them, Xuanwu's tall figure is very conspicuous, standing here quietly, together with the young man, looking at the scene in front of him.

In the upper realm, there are very few such prosperous places.

This prosperity does not refer to people's livelihood, but to martial arts.

As the Venerable of the Upper Realm, ruling the boundless land, after thousands of years, what kind of prosperity has not been seen?
But the mighty martial arts in the Daqian Imperial Capital in front of him is really hard to see in the upper world today.

At this moment, after experiencing the recovery of the great world, the vitality of this world has reached its peak. With the support of abundant vitality, warriors emerged one after another. In the streets and alleys, traces of warriors can be seen almost everywhere. The wind is at its peak.

This scene of martial arts at its peak and full of vitality, even though the three of them are venerables from the upper realm, they couldn't help being slightly dazed at this moment, and there was more nostalgia in their eyes.

"Thousands of years ago, the Eastern Realm was the same, but it changed after all"

Looking at the prosperous and prosperous scene in front of him, some nostalgia flashed in the eyes of the young man, and finally shook his head slowly: "Let's go."

"To meet our old friend."

"I have a hunch that she is probably already waiting for us in front at this time."

Standing still, he said so.

So, the three of them continued to move forward without too much delay here, and came directly to Daqian's palace in a flash.

In the imperial palace of Daqian, a pretty figure stood alone, wearing a golden robe, even though there was a veil on his face, it was hard to hide the peerless and radiant grace.

Standing quietly on the spot, Mu Linglong turned around and looked at the three figures who suddenly appeared in front of her, without any surprise on her face.

"Just the three of you?"

Looking at the three people in front of her, Mu Linglong's face was calm, with a calm and indifferent spirit: "Where's Xuan Ming?"

"He's a laughing stock now."

The other two didn't answer, only the white-haired young man said with a smile: "When you fought, you were seriously injured and dying, and had to be reincarnated into the lower world. He was also seriously injured and had to heal his wounds."

"In order to heal his injuries as soon as possible, he spent a lot of money and sneaked into this world distractedly. He wanted to search for the spiritual essence of this world to heal his injuries, but in the end he stepped on the iron plate and was opened by a person along the door of the two worlds he opened. gone."

"Now he has no time to care about you. He is looking for that strong man who crossed the border all over the world, and wants to suppress him."

Standing quietly on the spot, as if thinking of some interesting scene, the young man smiled and said, "By the way, the strong man who came across the border calls himself Yang Hua."

"Dagan Taizu."

On the opposite side, hearing this name, Mu Linglong's eyes froze.

As the former empress of Daqian and now the queen mother, she is naturally very clear about the past deeds of Daqian Taizu.

The name Yang Hua was exactly the taboo name of Daqian Taizu.

She was also a little surprised by the whereabouts of Daqian Taizu.

Daqian Taizu crossed the gate of the two realms by himself in the secret realm of Tianzhou, and there was no news after that, but he didn't expect to hear news here today.

Seeing it this way, after arriving in the upper realm, Daqian Taizu was also not silent, and unexpectedly held back a venerable so that the other party could not come here.

Based on the enmity between Mu Linglong and that person, she was sure that as long as the other person had a little spare energy, he would come to look for her desperately.

If he didn't come here now, he must have been really held back by Daqian Taizu and had no spare energy.

"We've been old friends for many years, and I don't want to fight you unless it's absolutely necessary."

Looking at Mu Linglong in front of him, the white-haired young man smiled, and said, "After all, to a certain extent, fighting will also leave hidden wounds, deplete our origin, and shorten our lifespan."

"You leave from here, give us this place, and we will stop here, and the well water will not interfere with the river water from now on."


In the same place, listening to the young man's words, Mu Linglong's face was calm, she just smiled and said: "I have been in this world for more than a hundred years."

"For more than a hundred years, I have been preparing for this day."

Looking at the three people in front of her, she opened her mouth like this and said lightly.

The voice fell, and the situation suddenly rose on the spot.

The palaces in the distance began to shine continuously, and among the huge and gorgeous palaces, dense patterns began to recover spontaneously. Each divine pattern seemed to be inscribed by nature, containing the most essential power between heaven and earth.

The huge divine power was roaring, thousands of palaces gathered slowly, and faintly condensed into one body. Suddenly, it seemed that this land began to come alive, showing a majestic vitality.

No, not just the palace.

At this moment, in the entire imperial city, there are golden divine patterns soaring to the sky, enveloping a huge vitality, and condensing into a whole with the imperial palace a moment ago.

The earth was shaking, bursts of divine light flickered at this moment, and the spiritual veins buried under the earth were rioting. Motivated by Mu Linglong, it turned into a real force and was drawn to come.

For more than 100 years, Mu Linglong has been pulling Lingmiao from various places and moving to the Imperial Capital. The spiritual veins accumulated over a long period of time have long been unknown. How thick is it? The strength caused all three of the white-haired youths to change their colors.


The three white-haired youths changed their colors, and were immediately stunned by Mu Linglong's big handwriting.

(End of this chapter)

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