Chapter 324
"Yueshan Secret Realm, the reason why it is called Yueshan Secret Realm is naturally because it is located in Yueshan Mountain"

Walking to Yueshan, among the three of them, Zhongqiu uttered a voice, and said to Chen Ming with a smile: "The reason why Yueshan Patriarch established the Yueshan School here is because he discovered this secret place, so he chose to set up a school here. .”

"Back then I failed to break through to heaven and man, and was on the verge of death. It was also in this secret realm that I was able to successfully reincarnate."

Facing Chen Ming and the two of them, he spoke like this.

"Let's go up."

Chen Ming was silent for a while, then opened his mouth and smiled: "I haven't been here for a long time, so it's a little strange."

"This time, it's just a good time to take another look."

"Revisiting the old place, as it should be."

Zhong Qiu nodded and said, "Let's go up."

After the voice fell, he took the two of them and walked up first.

The ancient road of Yueshan is still the same as in the past, narrow and difficult to walk, even if it is a strong adult man, it will take several hours to walk from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain.

Naturally, the three of Chen Ming didn't have to do this, but they still walked very slowly, just walking slowly, admiring the scenery along the road.

But even so, they only walked for half an hour before reaching the top of the mountain.

On the top of Yueshan Mountain, it is not a piece of ruins as Chen Ming thought, but it looks very flat.

There are many buildings here, and there are still many workers busy on it at the moment, and a hall is being built around.

There were disciples wearing the costumes of the Yueshan School who supervised the work. After seeing Zhongqiu, they hurriedly stepped forward to pay respects: "Master."

At the same place, Zhong Qiu nodded, then waved his hand to let the disciple go down to work, then turned around and said to Chen Ming, "I am the head of the Yueshan School, and the inheritance of the Yueshan School cannot be passed on anyway. broke in my hand."

"So, since that year, I have been thinking about looking for opportunities to rebuild the Yueshan faction, but only in recent years have I started to do it."

"pretty good."

Chen Ming nodded, stood quietly on the spot, and looked into the distance.

From his angle, he could clearly see the outline of the entire Yueshan Mountain. It was very clear, but faintly coincided with Chen Ming's memories of that year.

The re-established Yueshan School retains most of the outline of the year, but has been greatly repaired.

The Second Civil and Military Academy where Chen Ming practiced martial arts back then is still there, but the people who were with him back then don't know where they are now.

"Let's go."

On the spot, Zhong Qiu said, and then led the two of them forward.

Soon, they came to the depths of the back mountain, inside a cave.

After coming here, Chen Ming was very surprised.

Because of this place, he had been here before, and he had killed evil spirits here in order to gain source power and become an innate.

As if aware of Chen Ming's detection, Zhong Qiu turned around and said, "This place was originally set up to protect the entrance to the secret realm of Yueshan, not a real dungeon."

"The many evil spirits here back then were only captured by the ancestors of Yueshan and used to guard the gate."

"It's just that in the future, Yueshan's disciples are worse than the next generation, gradually declining, and this place has become a veritable forbidden place."

He said so, then reached out and pushed gently, opening the entrance to the secret realm.

A golden door appeared in front of it, and it was slowly opened with Zhong Qiu's arrival, and a brand new world could be faintly seen in it, with a strong vitality flowing.

Looking at this place, Chen Ming stepped into it, and then his expression changed.

As he stepped into the secret realm, the power of the secret realm to conceal the outside world completely dissipated.

Being in it, Chen Ming could easily feel the aura of some old friends in this secret place.

Afterwards, Zhong Qiu raised his head, looked at Chen Ming, and said, "They are here."

As soon as the words were finished, several figures came from a distance. Among them, a girl in white clothes with long hair had an exquisite appearance and gentle eyes. She was standing in the distance, staring blankly at Chen Ming.

Sensing her gaze, Chen Ming turned around and smiled at her: "Senior Sister Fang, long time no see."

The woman in white was none other than Fang Jia, whom he knew very well when he was in the Yueshan School.

Over the years, some fat little girls have grown up and become the delicate and beautiful girls they are today.

Of course, Chen Ming is the same.

At first, when he first came to Yueshan, he was only a 13-year-old boy, but now more than ten years have passed, and he has changed a lot more or less.

When the two met again, their eyebrows met, and they seemed to have a lot to say, but they didn't know where to start it, and for a while, they seemed very silent.

Fortunately, after a while, the two became familiar again, talking to each other and telling their past stories.

"Back then, we all thought you were dead, so Brother Shanjian carried you to the mausoleum in the back mountain. We dug a grave for you, found a coffin, and buried you in it."

Walking quietly on a plain, Fang Jia sized up Chen Ming who was next to him, and said, "Now that I think about it, it's a good thing we didn't leave you in the wilderness, otherwise you might have been killed by someone outside before you came back to life." The beasts of the Holy Land were flayed alive."

"How did I hear that you were planning to cremate me at the beginning?"

Chen Ming glanced at her, and when he mentioned this, his eyes were a bit unfriendly: "It was only because it didn't burn in the end that I finally gave up."

"this one"

Fang Jia smiled awkwardly and silently lowered his head.

This is indeed a big oolong.

Fortunately, Chen Ming was in a special situation back then. If someone else came up and did not die on the battlefield, but died at the hands of his own people, it would be very wronged.

In the same place, looking at Fang Jia's appearance, Chen Ming also smiled, changed the subject, and just let her go.

After a while, Yamami also came.

Over the years, this young man who had a very good relationship with Lu Qi has matured a lot. Now he is wearing a green shirt and rushing over like that.

When Chen Ming met him, he was filled with emotion again.

More than ten years have passed, and unlike Chen Ming who is still alone, Shan Jian has already married a wife and had children, and now has two children, and the family is considered happy.

At this moment, he is working hard to rebuild the Yueshan faction, and he goes out all day to watch the construction outside.

"I grew up in Yueshan, and Yueshan is my home to me."

Facing Chen Ming, he smiled and said, "Since I'm still alive, I hope to build this home well and give myself a home."

On the side, Fang Jia thought the same way.

Regarding this, Chen Ming smiled and said, "If you need my help, just ask."

"Anyway, I was once a disciple of Yueshan Sect."

Looking at Fang Jia and the two, he said so.

(End of this chapter)

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