Sweeping the world

Chapter 325 Another World

Chapter 325 Another World

On Mount Yue, Chen Ming stayed for a long time.

After all, this is the place where he used to be, and it is home to a deep memory of him.

In addition, Fang Jia and Shan Jian are still here, so he also contributed a little to the reconstruction of the Yueshan School.

He moved a spiritual vein from afar, pulled it under the mountain, and with the power of his own venerable, he left his own perfect formation pattern here, serving as a large formation to protect the mountain.

There is no doubt that this is a great gift.

In the current world, not to mention the value of a spiritual vein, the Grand Formation of Venerables left by him alone is enough to shake the world.

The great formation left by Heaven and Man can stop the Grandmaster, but with Chen Ming's current strength, the formation left by him is difficult for even Heaven and Man to break through.

This is enough to be the most fundamental trump card of a Holy Land, and it is considered precious.

After finishing these, Chen Ming bid farewell to Zhong Qiu and left this place.

He didn't go to other places, but went to the imperial capital, and walked straight to the imperial palace of the imperial capital.

Not long after, he came to a familiar place.

"Your proposal, I can agree."

In the palace, looking at Mu Linglong in front of him, Chen Ming said calmly: "In Dagan territory, the remaining spiritual veins belong to you, and the rest belong to me."

Hearing this, Mu Linglong's face changed slightly, and she understood what he meant.

Now that the time has come, the spirit veins in this world have basically been divided up.

Except for some scattered small spiritual veins, the spiritual veins in the world are divided into five at this moment, Chen Ming has one, Mu Linglong has two, and the other two venerables each have one.

With these words, Chen Ming wanted to hand over the other two spiritual veins to Mu Linglong.

It seems to be a disadvantage, but in fact it is not.

Spiritual veins are not found only in the territory of Dagan, but also in other places.

In the original Eastern Realm, although there were few spiritual veins, the territory was vast after all. In terms of volume, it was more than ten times that of the Lower Realm.

In such a huge area, although there are few spiritual veins in it, the total amount is not much less.

It was this part that Chen Ming liked.

"it is good."

Taking a deep look at Chen Ming, after a little thought, Mu Linglong nodded and agreed.

He had just recovered his cultivation, and he couldn't face the two prime ministers alone.

Moreover, from the death of Xuanwu, it can be seen that Chen Ming's cultivation is probably still higher than hers.

The strong will naturally get more, which is a natural reason.

In the palace, they strike a deal, then move quickly.

In a frontier state, Mu Linglong took the initiative to fight against Heize. In the end, the white-haired youth came and was attacked by Chen Ming.

The four fought in a scuffle, and the battle lasted for half a month, almost destroying the entire border state.

In the end, the white-haired youth and Kuisawa were wounded and fled, and were hit by Chen Ming's seal of myriad emptiness, and were directly injured.

Then came a long hunt.

They crossed a long area, fighting all the way from the border of Dagan to Qianzhou, and then to other areas. It took half a year to finally end the battle.

Hei Ze fell on the border and was killed by Chen Ming's palm.The white-haired young man was seriously injured and dying. In the end, he had no choice but to abandon his physical body and kill himself, leaving a trace of Yuanling to escape.

At this point, the battle is finally over.

The two venerables Kurosawa and the white-haired youth died, and their inheritance was also accepted.

The spiritual veins they plundered over the past few days were obtained by Mu Linglong, and the remaining part in Dongzhou was taken over by Chen Ming's people.

Time passed so slowly.

half year later.

Dingzhou, the Governor's Mansion.

In a garden, Chen Ming stood quietly, looking into the distance.

Not far away, Yang Sheng was sitting quietly, with his upper body naked at the moment, meditating there.

The mighty heaven and earth vitality rolled in, and a breath flowed slowly on Yang Sheng's body, and then one after another divine lines slowly emerged, continuously condensing.

Standing quietly on the spot, watching this scene, Chen Ming smiled and said, "Not bad."

"The ninth divine pattern has been condensed. Presumably in a year or two, you will be able to break through the last threshold and be promoted to Grandmaster."

"I'm still a long way off."

Yang Sheng got up from a distance, walked in front of Chen Ming, looked at Chen Ming, and said with some embarrassment: "It took me so many years to get to this point. I don't know how long it will take to help uncle in the future."

"It's good if you have this heart."

Looking at Yang Sheng, Chen Ming smiled, and said: "You have the current level of cultivation, if you say it, I'm afraid it will frighten a lot of people, it's already very good."

"The next road, just walk slowly, don't worry too much."

Facing Yang Sheng, he said with a smile.

Fast forward more than ten years, the three-year-old child at that time has now grown into a boy and a half.

Before he knew it, Yang Sheng was now 16 years old. At such a young age, his cultivation had already reached the peak of Guiyuan, approaching the realm of a master.

This progress is very scary to say, but to him, it is very common.

As a reincarnation of a celestial being, Yang Sheng's natural capital is extremely extraordinary. Theoretically speaking, there should be no obstacles in practicing all the way to the realm of a celestial being.

With such talent, coupled with Chen Ming's childhood teaching, although it is amazing to have this achievement, it is not too surprising.

However, even though his cultivation level is now close to that of a master, Yang Sheng's personality is still the same as in the past, appearing very gentle and shy. Except for Chen Ming and others, he would be shy even when meeting other people, there is nothing so-called Master demeanor, like a purely shy boy.

With this in mind, Chen Ming patted his head and said with a smile: "I'm going to take a long trip recently. During this time, you should prepare and go with me when the time comes."

"it is good."

Yang Sheng smiled and nodded, looking at Chen Ming, curious: "Where is Uncle going?"

"East boundary."

Chen Ming smiled: "It's been a year since the two worlds merged, and it's time for us to take a look, this is a new world."

Standing in place, looking into the distance, he said so.

Then, not long after, he took Yang Sheng and started Qichen.

But apart from Yang Sheng, there was one more person on Chen Ming's trip.

Chen Wei heard the news that Chen Ming was going on a parade somewhere, so she pestered Chen Ming to go there together.

As a result, the trip that was originally scheduled for two people turned into three people.

They set off from Dingzhou, walked all the way north, walked slowly, passed through the barren grasslands in the north and the deeper desert, and finally came to a brand new world.

Compared with the world within Dagan, this piece of world looks very barren, and the whole world looks very desolate.

This kind of desolation does not refer to human habitation, but refers to the inspiration contained in this world.

The inspiration contained in the world in front of me is very thin, like a person who lacks spirituality. Although he is healthy and looks very normal, he is always lacking.

This becomes more apparent the further you go.

(End of this chapter)

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