Sweeping the world

Chapter 326 Meeting Qianzu

Chapter 326 Meeting Qianzu

The world in the east is very wide.

Walking on this land, Chen Ming began to have a definite understanding of this point.

In the past, when he was in Dagan, he thought that the world of Dagan was already very broad.

The entire Dagan 72 states, in terms of area alone, are already several times larger than the country he was in in his previous life. If the vast and sparsely populated Western Regions, Southern Regions, Northern Desert and other places are included, the area will never be inferior In the world where he lived in his previous life.

This area is already not small, but the area in the east is even bigger.

Just the area that Chen Ming has traveled in the past six months is already several times that of Dagan World.

And this, these are far from all.

On the way, Chen Ming once estimated.If the area of ​​the entire Eastern Boundary is added up, all the areas add up to about twenty Dagan worlds.

It is a very terrifying and appalling area, and it will scare a lot of people if it is said.

But in such a vast world, the inspiration is very dim.

In these years, Chen Ming has traveled to many places, except for a very few areas, most of them have lost their inspiration, and there is almost no vitality left.

Of course, vitality is not completely gone.

In fact, vitality, as a basic force in the world, cannot disappear.

It's just that when the vitality is weak to a certain extent, for ordinary people, this is no different from disappearing.

Being in an area with thin vitality, even a martial artist who has successfully practiced martial arts will feel awkward unconsciously, just like ordinary people suddenly walking into a low-oxygen area, very uncomfortable.

In such an environment, it is very difficult for a warrior to keep himself from being affected, let alone continue to practice.

No matter how good the talent is, no matter how strong the aptitude is, the genius will not be trapped in this environment, and will be completely trapped to death.

Of course, where there is thin vitality, there will be places where vitality is relatively strong.

And these places are generally occupied by some powerful warrior forces, and they teach disciples in these places.

In order to control the consumption of vitality and not consume too much vitality, the number of people in these places is often limited. Therefore, in this world, opportunities to practice martial arts are extremely rare.

To practice martial arts alone, it often takes a whole family to make offerings to achieve success.

In these places, Chen Ming occasionally stopped to observe, to observe the martial arts practiced by the people from the Eastern Realm.

The final result made him shake his head.

As Mu Linglong once said, the Eastern Realm has experienced several times of extermination of martial arts promoted by the Venerable in thousands of years.

Thousands of years of martial arts destruction have wiped out most of the martial artists in the eastern realm, and most of the once advanced martial arts have been destroyed. Only a few venerable palaces have collected them.

Most of the martial arts that are circulating in the outside world at this moment are just second- and third-rate ordinary martial arts, not even a single martial arts that goes straight to the innate, and it can be seen that it is withering.

These are just a few places with more vitality.

In most areas of the eastern border, martial arts has become something for fitness.

Without vitality, except for a few talented people, most people can't practice anything.

And these places have also become like some low-level martial arts worlds in Chen Ming's previous life memory. Although the status of the warriors is still aloof, they have lost to the secular forces.

In response, Chen Ming shook his head, then continued to turn around.

Then, another half a year passed.

He traveled around constantly, collecting martial arts from various places while traveling.

Although this world has experienced wars being wiped out again and again, only thousands of years have passed, and the traces of the past cannot be completely erased, and there are always some fish that slipped through the net and are left behind.

After a long time and the loss of vitality, most of these martial arts are left with only a few fragments. If ordinary people practice according to the above things, not only will they not be able to practice anything, but they may cause some problems in their own practice.

But for Chen Ming, these were not problems.

What he needs is not the so-called specific martial arts, but just the different concepts revealed in these fragments.

Every novel discovery can always bring him a little gain.

In this way, he moved forward and traveled slowly.

A few more months passed, and in one area, he felt a strong fluctuation, accompanied by the collision of two forces.

So, he looked forward, just in time to catch a glimpse of two figures fighting each other on a mountain range.

Among the two figures, one of them was dressed in black, a middle-aged man with a straight nose and a somewhat aggressive face.

As for the other person, it was a strong man Chen Ming had seen before.

Dagan Taizu!

I haven't seen him for many years. At this moment, Daqian Taizu's appearance has not changed much. His aura is still so domineering and unparalleled, full of imperial spirit. With every move, the acupoints on his body spontaneously open, like small worlds. Open up, incomparably shocking.

In his hand, he held a red long knife like a dragon, which was shining with the infusion of divine power at this moment, bursting out with terrifying majesty.

Earth Divine Soldier, Qiantiandi Sword!

Standing quietly on the spot, looking at the two facing each other in the distance, Chen Ming's heart skipped a beat.

The auras of the two people in front of them are peerless and powerful. Among them, Daqian Taizu naturally needless to say, but the middle-aged man with a burly figure and an unruly complexion has an aura as deep as a god, and he is indeed a respected person.

This should be what Mu Linglong and Chen Ming said, among the last three venerables in the upper realm, the only one who is quite normal is named Xuan Ming.

Under Chen Ming's gaze, Xuan Ming and Qian Zu fought in the distance, starting a peerless conquest.

The great battle started here, and the mighty divine power rushed straight into the sky, as if it was going to tear this huge mountain into pieces.

However, to Chen Ming's surprise, in the battle between the two, it was Qianzu who suppressed Xuanming.

This is extremely incredible.

Although Daqian Taizu entered the Eastern Realm early, he obviously didn't have enough spiritual veins for him to break through. Although the aura on his body has improved at this moment, it still stays in the realm of heaven and man.

But Xuan Ming is a venerable.

In the realm of heaven and man, rebelling against the venerable, not only did not retreat, but also gained the upper hand. What kind of feat and strength is this?
In situ, after observing carefully for a while, Chen Ming suddenly realized again.

In the body of a celestial being, it is impossible for an ordinary celestial being to rebel against the venerable, even at the peak of the celestial being.

But Daqian Taizu is different.

This is a ruthless man who has traversed an era. He once placed himself on the imperial mausoleum, arbitrarily arbitrarily ruling the world's spiritual veins for hundreds of years. Although he was limited by God's suppression and has not been promoted to a venerable, his true realm should have been reached long ago, not inferior Xuan Ming in front of him.

In addition, he is also the master of the divine weapon, not only possessing the Tianming emperor body, but also holding the ground divine weapon Qiantiandi sword, combined, he is capable of fighting even against the venerable.

Of course, the most important reason for this result is Xuan Ming's own shortcomings.

According to Mu Linglong, she had a decisive battle with Xuanming back then. After the first battle, Mu Linglong had to abandon her body, and Yuan Ling was reincarnated in the lower realm. Xuanming was also seriously injured and was on the verge of death, almost falling directly.

Thinking about it, Mu Linglong's injuries from back then still linger on his body, and they haven't healed yet, which led to his present appearance.

Otherwise, facing Qianzu with the power of the venerable, even if he can't take him down, it shouldn't be like this.

In the same place, looking at the two sides fighting, Chen Ming shook his head, did not move, just watched the confrontation between the two quietly.

After a while, the great battle here ended, Xuan Ming turned and left, leaving only Qian Zu in place.

In the same place, holding Qiantian Emperor Saber, looking at Xuanming's far away figure, Qianzu was about to leave, but his heart moved, and he couldn't help but look in the direction of Chen Ming below.

To be precise, what he saw was not Chen Ming, but Yang Sheng beside Chen Ming.

On Yang Sheng's body, he felt an aura originating from his blood.

Is this young man in front of him his descendant?

(End of this chapter)

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