Sweeping the world

Chapter 328 Shattering the Void

Chapter 328 Shattering the Void
"If I simply wanted to be promoted, I would have been able to do so as early as when I first arrived in this world."

In the field, Qian Zu shook his head and said: "The reason why I am not like this is that I use fighting to support fighting, and use the hands of this person to hone myself."

Using a venerable as a whetstone to hone himself, Qianzu's courage is really incomparable.

In situ, Chen Ming observed carefully for a while, only to be a little surprised to find that what Qian Zu said was true.

Between Qian Zu's body and flesh orifices, there is a majestic breath of vitality surging, far exceeding the level of ordinary celestial beings, and comparable to the Venerable.

He has already completed the first step of a celestial being towards a venerable, the vitality and flesh are transformed, his body has quietly transformed, and now he is the body of a venerable, but he is stubbornly stuck on this step, controlling himself not to take it out .

As Qianzu said, he could really be promoted at any time, just to polish himself and polish his foundation to the extreme, so he stopped abruptly and did not take that last step.

As for the huge vitality needed to be promoted to the Venerable, it is no longer a problem for Qian Zu at this moment.

The end of the body and spirit transformation means that the most critical step has passed. After that, although vitality is still needed to support them, that weight is nothing to them.

Realizing this, Chen Ming nodded.

In the same place, they did not leave immediately, but stayed here for a long time, exchanging ideas here.

At their level, there are not many people in the world who are qualified to exchange ideas with them, so they will naturally meet at this moment, and naturally they will not miss it.

They talked here, exchanging their knowledge over the years, as well as some doubts they encountered in their own practice.

"In the past of the Eastern Realm, there was a splendid martial arts prosperity, and it is suspected that there are traces of the ancient emperor and the ancestors of the princes."

Facing Chen Ming, Qian Zu said so.

During these years, he fought against Xuanming in the upper realm, but in the intermissions, he would also visit the Quartet and obtain some things from it.

"In ancient times, the infinite heaven and earth were originally one."

In the same place, Qian Zu continued to speak: "Whether it is the world where Da Qian is located, or the east world, they were all part of a certain world in the past."

"My Yang family's ancient books have recorded that, according to the ancestors, that world should be called the Mysterious Realm, and it is a big world where the ancient emperors really operated."

"Mysterious Realm."

In the same place, hearing this, Chen Ming's heart moved.

Undoubtedly, the great emperors of ancient times and the ancestors of all sons and saints in recent times undoubtedly existed.

Not to mention the many traces they left behind, that is, the blood of their descendants, they still live in this world today.

The ancestor Qian in front of him is the blood of the ancient Emperor Ming clan, and the Emperor Qiantian sword in his hand is even known as the soldier of the Ming clan back then.

So, since the ancient emperors were real, where did they all go?
For this problem, the ancestors in the past have given many explanations.

Some say they're dead, some say they're gone, others say they've been lost in the past.
Qian Zu in front of him gave a definite statement.

The ancient emperor did not disappear, nor did he not exist, but went to another world, so he could not be seen in this world.

"Mysterious Realm."

Hearing this name, Chen Ming's heart moved.

His current cultivation base has reached the realm of the venerable. In terms of cultivation base alone, no one in this world is his opponent.

But because of this, the road ahead of him has been blocked, and there is no way.

The strongest person in this world is the Venerable, and there is no trace of the stronger person.

If the mysterious world exists, there must be many strong people in it, and it is even possible that there is a Taoism passed down by the ancient emperor.

In that world, the upper limit of martial arts will obviously be higher.

"When I was in Daqian, I explored the Quartet and destroyed the Holy Land in all directions, and finally came to a result."

On the spot, Qianzu continued to speak, and spoke slowly to Chen Ming.

"If you gather the power of several peak venerables and condense them on key nodes, it may be possible to open a door and open the passage to the mysterious world."

"This process, also known as fragmentation."


When the voice fell, Chen Ming was stunned for a while, and it took him a long time to react.

Broken, this concept is somewhat similar to the broken void described in his previous martial arts.

It is very appropriate to reach another world from a low-level world by breaking the interface.

"However, do you need the cooperation of several peak venerables?"

In the same place, listening to this condition, Chen Ming fell into deep thought.

Chen Ming didn't know to what extent the so-called peak lord had reached.

However, Chen Ming reckoned that even though he was not far from the peak of the Venerable Realm at this moment, he was still a considerable distance away.

In other words, the so-called peak of the Venerable is at least stronger than him at the moment.

This condition is neither harsh nor high.

If only one person is needed, Chen Ming is confident that he will be able to reach this level in the near future.

But it is very difficult for many peak venerables to work together.

"Based on the records I have seen, at least three people are needed to break through the boundary gate and truly break it."

Facing Chen Ming, Qian Zu said, "The more people there are, the more likely they will be successful."

"I see."

Listening to Qianzu's narration, Chen Ming nodded.

This also explains why those venerables from the upper realm did not leave during these thousands of years.

Based on the level of these upper realm venerables, among the few venerables that have appeared in the past, it is estimated that there is one peak venerable, let alone three venerables.

Qianzu crossed a realm, and after coming to the east realm, he used Xuanming as a whetstone to hone himself. Presumably, he also wanted to lay the most solid foundation and prepare for being promoted to the peak venerable in the future.

"Compared to the past, our generation is the most promising to achieve this goal."

Sitting quietly on the spot, Qianzu continued to speak, and said to Chen Ming: "When I was still in the lower realm, I saw a man who was recognized as the master by the divine soldier Yueshan Sword. Most likely this level can be reached.”

"Is the person you mentioned named Zhongqiu?"

In the same place, Chen Ming shook his head, inexplicably thinking of the scene in the Tianzhou Secret Realm in the past in his mind.

The relationship between Zhongqiu and Qianzu cannot be easily explained.

If Chen Ming remembers correctly, it seems that the tomb of the Qianzu in front of him was dug by Zhongqiu with his men, but the tomb was not dug, and a living Qianzu was dug up instead.

At that time, the suppression of God's will was still in place, and Zhong Qiu's cultivation had only just returned to the realm of a master, so if Qianzu wanted to kill him, it would not be a problem at all.

The reason why he didn't do anything was probably because Zhong Qiu was the master of Yueshan Saber, so he showed mercy.

"In addition to the Yueshan Saber, I also sensed that the Chiming Divine Sword has been revived during the battle, and it must have a master."

In the same place, Qian Zu continued to speak: "The master of the gods, with the blessing of the power of the earth gods, will be at least a venerable in the future, and it is only a matter of time before he becomes the peak venerable."

On the opposite side, listening to Qianzu's words, Chen Ming nodded in agreement.

After reaching a higher level, the role of the power of the divine weapon has not only not been weakened, but has become more important.

Gai Fan's divine weapon, its predecessors were the weapons of the ancient emperors and the ancestors of the princes. The power of the divine weapon contains the Dao Yun law of the past ancestors. If it is exerted to the extreme, it even has a trace of the power of the emperor.

For the level of the ancient emperor, what is a mere venerable?The same is just ants.

The master of the gods, who can be recognized by the gods of the earth, naturally has great potential. If it is placed in the era when the ancient emperor still exists, he can even be called the heir of the emperor, with infinite potential.

But in this way, in this era, the situation is indeed very good.

Qiantiandi Sword, Chiming Divine Sword, and Yueshan Sword.

These three divine weapons have already recognized their masters at this moment, and their masters all have the potential to reach the peak venerable.

Even if Chen Ming is not counted, it will be enough to meet the conditions required for breaking in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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