Sweeping the world

Chapter 329 Disappearance 1

Chapter 329 Disappearing One
Standing quietly in place, Chen Ming's face was calm, quietly watching the figure of Qian Zu disappear in the distance.

Before he knew it, half a month had passed since he met Qianzu here.

In half a month, both sides have gained a lot, and each has gained something.


Behind him, a faint voice came.

Chen Ming turned around and looked back, just in time to see behind him, Chen Wei was staring at him blankly, with a dull expression on his face.

For the past half month, she has been very silent, staying by Chen Ming's side all day, rarely speaking, changing from her cheerfulness in the past, she seems a little dull.

For this, Chen Ming naturally knew why.

The reason why Chen Wei lost her memory and was picked up by Chen Ming was precisely because she was hit by Qian Zu in the Daqian Emperor's Mausoleum.

When we meet again at this moment, even though the situation is different and the memory is gone, I still have some instinctive reactions, just staying by Qianzu's side, I feel subconsciously afraid.


Chen Ming turned around, patted her head carefully, and smiled kindly: "Those are all over."

"With me by your side."


Chen Wei nodded her head hard and looked at Chen Ming with a smile gradually appearing on her face.

Here, they continued to walk forward, walked forward slowly, and continued to start their journey.

While they were traveling, the outside world was slowly changing.

About ten years later, there was a roar from the eastern land, and a majestic momentum rose.

Under the horrified eyes of countless people, in mid-air, a venerable blood spilled into the sky, heralding the rise of another venerable.

Venerable Xuanming fell, and was torn apart by Qianzu in the face-to-face confrontation, and his blood spilled into the sky.

Later, on top of his corpse, Qianzu was promoted, and after Mu Linglong, he became the second venerable to be promoted in the world.

Not long after he was promoted, he returned to Dagan and broke into the Dagan palace alone.

That night, a storm arose within the royal family, and the Great Grandfather reappeared, fighting Mu Linglong in the palace.

The result of this battle is not known to outsiders, but they only know that on the next day, Yang Ye, the emperor of the previous generation, was born again and walked out of the imperial capital.

After Yang Ye was born, he did not succeed to the throne again, but acquiesced to the current situation and recognized his son Yang Yi as the emperor.

For some reason, he did not stay in the imperial capital, but chose to follow Qian Zu and practice together with Qian Zu.

Time passed so slowly.

Another ten years have passed.

Chen Ming moved his base camp from Dingzhou to the eastern border, and started a new practice.

Based on the Chen family's children and based on Hemdan's Wudang army, he quickly occupied a huge area, divided the states and counties into 170 three states, and established the country as Chen.

At Chen Ming's current level, the reason for this is of course not for the so-called secular authority, but for better cultivation.

Taihua Tianzizhang's martial art is based on the emperor's veins, and it will be easier to practice under certain circumstances.

The reason why Chen Ming founded the country is also because of this.

In addition, this is also a guarantee for the Chen clan.

After knowing the existence of the mysterious world, he has the heart to go there.

And judging from the situation learned from the past classics, after it is broken, if you want to come back, it will probably be extremely difficult.

Once Chen Ming goes to the mysterious world, he probably won't be able to come back in the future.

After he left, there was a kingdom left, and together with some means left by him, it would be enough to guarantee the life of the Chen clan in the future, at least for thousands of years.

As for after that, we can only look at the good fortune of the descendants themselves.

Time passed slowly, and before you knew it, it was another 200 years.

200 years in the blink of an eye.

After such a long time, Chen Ming's appearance has not changed, he still looks like that boy, the blood in his body is vigorous, and his energy is getting stronger.

Heaven and man have at least a thousand years of lifespan. Chen Ming, as a venerable, does not count as a reincarnation, and has at least three thousand lifespans in one life. A mere 200 years is less than one-tenth of his life.

For him, this time is nothing, but for some people, 200 years is enough to consume a lifetime.

Chen Ming's biological father, Chen Qizhi, was like this.

200 years have passed, and Chen Qizhi's life is about to come to an end, just like a candle that is about to burn out, it is about to go out.

Calculate the time, in fact, it is almost the same.

Chen Qizhi's cultivation was not strong. According to common sense, he should have been buried in the ground more than 100 years ago. It was only Chen Ming who prolonged his life with his own blood essence, and forced him to survive until this time.

But now, after all, he has come to the end of his life.

"You can still live."

In an exquisite courtyard, Chen Qizhi was lying quietly on a rocking chair. Looking at his appearance, Chen Ming said seriously: "I can continue to prolong your life, at least another 100 years."

"No need."

Facing Chen Ming, Chen Qizhi shook his head, his face looked very calm: "When I was young, I often thought that it would be great if this person could not die."

"But when it's time to live, I feel that it doesn't seem to be interesting."

He shook his head and told his real experience: "I have stayed here these years, and I have fewer and fewer acquaintances around me, and every old friend left before me. It's boring, why don't you go down early and go to accompany your mother."

"Now that I think about it, I've had a pretty good life."

He smiled, the smile on his face was very bright, and he was a little complacent: "When I was young, I was young and frivolous. At that time, I couldn't learn Chinese or martial arts, but I wanted to make big things all day long. In the end, I made a lot of troubles until I got married. Your mother, it is slowly calming down."

"When I was in my early thirties, I became a celebrity again. I was praised everywhere I went. Oh, I have earned enough fame."

"For the rest of my life, I will have you again."

He kept talking there, without stopping for a moment.

On the side, Chen Ming looked at him with a smile and didn't speak, just watching Chen Qizhi quietly, like a calm listener.

In any case, as a son of man, he respected Chen Qizhi's choice and chose to follow the old man's wishes.

In the following time, he did not continue to travel, but built a hut next to Chen Qizhi's residence, and just lived next to him, preparing to accompany Chen Qizhi in his last days.

With Chen Ming's support, the old man's health is not bad. Although his life span is not long, his body is still in good condition.

The problems that some old people encounter in their later years do not exist in him.

When Chen Ming lived in seclusion here, Yang Sheng often came to visit.

Unlike Chen Ming, who is still alone, Yang Sheng had already married at a very early age. Now that 200 years have passed, he even has many grandchildren.

However, like Chen Ming, his appearance has not changed, and he still looks like a young man. Standing with Chen Ming, he does not look like a master and apprentice, but rather a peer.

The old man liked Yang Sheng very much. He watched him grow up since he was a child, and looked at him like his own grandson, so every time he came over, he was very happy, and he wanted to entertain him with the best things.

Time passed so slowly.

Fifteen years later, on a peaceful night, the old man died without a sound, and passed away without pain in his sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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