Sweeping the world

Chapter 331 Disappearance 3

Chapter 331 Disappearing Part Three

Chen Ming continued to walk in this world.

At this moment, a full 300 years have passed since the merger of the two realms.

In the past 300 years, everything has changed slowly.

When traveling in the outside world, occasionally Chen Ming would come back to Daqian for a whim.

There are very few changes in the trunk.

Because of the chaos caused by the venerables of the upper realm, in the territory of Dagan, except for Yueshan and other places, the large and small holy land sects have disappeared, gradually degraded, and turned into another appearance.

The entire world of Dagan is empty, and the holy land that troubled Dagan for a while has become history.

The Yueshan faction is developing better and better.

With Chen Ming's support, and Zhong Qiu, a celestial being in charge, the Yueshan Sect at this moment has recruited a large number of disciples in the Dagan territory, and has become the most popular holy place.

On Mount Yue, Chen Ming met Zhong Qiu and Fang Jia who had been away for many years.

Over the years, the aura on Zhong Qiu's body became stronger and stronger, and now, he was close to the peak of heaven and man.

It can be seen that he was already able to start trying to break through, but he chose to suppress himself instead of being promoted in order to improve his own foundation and polish the foundation for the future.

However, even so, his promotion is actually not far away, and within a hundred years at most, he can take that last step.

For this, Chen Ming congratulated, Zhong Qiu smiled and waved his hands.

"When I reach your level, come and congratulate me."

He looked at Chen Ming's figure, his eyes were bright, and he said so.

As a grandmaster of a generation, although his cultivation was not as good as Chen Ming's, his eyesight was still there, and he could tell at a glance that Chen Ming's current state was special and he was in an extremely special stage.

"Your state is very special at the moment, I can't feel the vitality fluctuations on your body."

Facing Chen Ming, he said frankly, "It's like a mortal thing."

"Perhaps, at this moment, you are not far from that last step."

He said so, expressing his envy for Chen Ming's current state.

To this, Chen Ming shook his head.

He is still far away from the last step, far from the last step.

However, compared to Zhong Qiu and the others in front of him, his transformation has indeed begun, and he is officially ahead of them.

After visiting Zhongqiu, Chen Ming looked at Fang Jia.

Fast forward 300 years, the half-grown girl at the time is now old, her lifespan is approaching her limit, she is about to die, she looks like an ordinary old man.

Calculate the time, it is indeed almost the same.

Her talent is not bad, but it is still far behind the top group of people. Even with Zhong Qiu's constant teaching, her current cultivation is no more than the source, and her lifespan is approaching the limit.

As for Shanjian, he died of old age more than 100 years ago. After his death, he was buried on the ancestral land of Yueshan and was supported by the descendants of Yueshan.

In a way, he got what he wanted.

Chen Ming silently accepted this, and then personally baptized Fang Jia.

He baptized Fang Jia with Buddha's blood, restored his vitality, extended his life by nearly a hundred years, and restored him to his peak state.

However, at this point, it is basically the limit.

If there is no external influence, after a hundred years, if Fang Jia has not broken through and is promoted to the next step, he will still be doomed in the end, and will be reduced to a piece of loess and become nothingness.

However, this is a process that people will inevitably go through, and even His Holiness cannot change it.

After leaving Yueshan, Chen Ming went to a distant place and started a new journey.

Compared to the past, this time, he specially advanced along those ancient lands, some fierce places that no one went to in the past, barren and hidden ruins, all welcomed his figure.

He is following the relics of the past.

In ancient times, since the mysterious world and this world were one, on this land, there must be remnants of the former mysterious world, buried in a corner.

Chen Ming wanted to find these, so he walked along some ancient ruins, and spent a lot of time slowly searching with his own power.

After his investigation, he finally found a lot of things.

In some ancient ruins, there are some items left over from the past era, and even martial arts.

From these things, Chen Ming felt some power from the ancient times, and gained something from them.

From these things, Chen Ming felt the vastness and prosperity of the past era.

There must have been an extremely prosperous era in the land of the Eastern Realm that I walked over. The Venerables were not considered top-notch, and there were stronger ones above the Venerables.

It was only later that the will of heaven in the eastern realm became silent, and the vitality continued to weaken, and the martial arts in this realm slowly began to degenerate, becoming what it is today.

In this way, he practiced while exploring the ancient sites, and a hundred years passed quickly.

A hundred years later, Fang Jia was sent by the Yueshan faction, and Fang Jia had died of old age in the secret realm of Yueshan.

Before she died, Chen Ming was by her side and accompanied her through the last journey of her life.

During this period of time, Zhongqiu was also promoted to Venerable, and Yue Shandao's divine power was further stimulated, and it has gone a step further now.

After Fang Jia's death, Chen Ming left again to continue his journey of searching for ancient sites.

At this stage of his life, Chen Ming's mood is constantly changing with the continuous death of his old friends.

Gradually, he began to no longer care about the passage of time, and sometimes he was in a daze, even thinking, for several months.

Perhaps, this is the mentality of those venerables in the past.

When old friends from the past pass away one by one, and there are few friends left in the world, time means nothing to them.

However, compared to those venerables, Chen Ming is still moving forward.

He has supernatural powers, and occasionally when his practice comes to a standstill, he will try to travel to different worlds to see.

Over hundreds of years, he has gone through many journeys.

Some of the worlds he travels are very dangerous, some are very peaceful, some are doomsday, and some look like ordinary cities
Overall.Most of these worlds have vitality, and in some worlds, the vitality is not weak, but the power system that has really developed is extremely rare, and even if there is, it is extremely weak.

However, even so, Chen Ming gained a lot when the worlds came down one by one, and his own cultivation was constantly growing in the process.

More than 500 years later, when Chen Ming was a thousand years old, the seeds in his body began to change.

After a long time of absorption, the true seed in his body absorbed the essence of his whole body. At this moment, it finally completed its transformation, like a baby conceived in October, finally matured.

His soul and physical body began to transform, invisible, the aura all over his body began to gradually fade, and at this moment, it almost completely disappeared, without any aura.

Chen Ming's sense of existence began to become extremely weak.

This kind of weakness is not really the case, but represents that his connection with this world is becoming weaker.

People born between heaven and earth naturally have an inseparable relationship with this heaven and earth. The relationship between each other is like a father and son relatives, which is extremely close.

But at this moment, with the gradual perfection of the true seed in Chen Ming's body, some kind of change seemed to have taken place in his body, and the connection with heaven and earth quickly began to become weaker.

To a certain extent, this also means that this world's restraint on him is gradually weakening, so that in this world, his sense of existence is rapidly becoming weak.

At this moment, Chen Ming, even if he stood in the crowd, as long as he didn't take the initiative to make a sound, even if he stood there for a day and a night, no one would notice.

Along with this process, the vitality that Chen Ming absorbed was also gradually decreasing, and his dependence on vitality was greatly reduced.

This seems to indicate a process.

As the cultivation base gradually deepens, the warrior's reliance on the vitality of the heaven and the earth will continue to increase, and in the end, even the connection between the entire heaven and the earth will be severed.

Time passed slowly, and in the following time, various changes slowly occurred.

(End of this chapter)

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