Sweeping the world

Chapter 332 The Golden Stele

Chapter 332 The Golden Stele

When Chen Ming was a thousand years old, he reached the peak of the Venerable.

At this time, he circled around and found that most of the old friends were gone at this moment, only those few people remained.

For thousands of years, Yang Ming once appeared in the world and came up to visit Chen Ming.

At that time, his cultivation was already different from the past, he had already broken the limit of heaven and man, and became a venerable.

From his mouth, Chen Ming also got a piece of news.

Yang Ye, the emperor of the previous generation, was also promoted, and he is also a venerable at this moment.

Similarly, Yang Sheng lived up to everyone's expectations and successfully surpassed his previous life and became a venerable.

This is a horrifying fact.

If you count Qianzu, among the current venerables, four of them came from the Daqian royal family.

Even, if you count Mu Linglong, who was once a great empress, there are five in total.

This is an extremely terrifying power, extremely terrifying, even before the merger of the two worlds, it is shocking enough and will cause a shock.

After all, at that time, the combined power of the entire upper realm was only five venerables, and after excluding Linglong, there were only four.

But at this moment, just the strength of the big party has already exceeded this amount.

If it is an ordinary person, I am afraid that I am already restless at this moment.

But Chen Ming remained calm and continued to explore among the ancient lands.

He continued to explore in the distance, and finally found a stone tablet in an area.

Outside the stele, an old man was standing there quietly, staring blankly at the golden stele in front of him, with deep confusion in his eyes.

Looking at the old man, Chen Ming was very surprised.

It was not because of the appearance of the old man, but because of the strength of the old man.

The strength of the old man in front of him is not simple, he surpasses the heaven and man, he is a venerable.

In today's era when the vitality of the world is completely exhausted, there is still an unknown venerable in the world. If this matter is revealed, it will undoubtedly be shocking and shock the world.

Chen Ming was also very surprised, and was very surprised by this.

Standing quietly on the spot, he observed carefully before realizing the identity of the old man in front of him.

At the beginning, Mu Linglong had mentioned to him that there were a total of six venerables in the Eastern Realm, one of them had a problem with his practice, and the other one was missing, and he didn't know where he went.

The old man in front of him must be one of those two.

Standing quietly, Chen Ming looked at the old man in front of him.

The cultivation base of the old man in front of him is extremely tyrannical. Although it is not as good as Chen Ming's at this moment, the true seed has begun to condense in his body, and there is a rudiment of the true seed blooming.

However, compared to Chen Ming, the mental state of the old man in front of him obviously had some problems. He stood there like this, staring blankly at the golden stone tablet in the distance, and remained silent.

He didn't seem to notice Chen Ming's arrival, and he didn't react at all. He just squatted there quietly, staring into the distance in a daze, not paying any attention to the disturbance around him.

Sensing his state, Chen Ming stood up silently and looked into the distance.

Not far away, a golden stele stands quietly.

The stone tablet looks very simple, although it is made of stone, it presents a golden luster, and there are bursts of divine patterns emerging on it, which looks extremely beautiful.

With Chen Ming's gaze, a mysterious and unique texture emerged on it, looking like it, it looked solemn and solemn, a golden light intertwined and shone, rippling here, making this place look extremely beautiful and detached.

"A stone tablet with a long history, at least tens of thousands of years ago."

Standing quietly in place, looking at the stone tablet standing in the distance, this thought flashed in Chen Ming's mind.

The stone tablet in front of me looks very old, and it exudes a unique martial arts charm, which appears spontaneously on it, and it seems to contain infinite mysteries, which makes people can't help but focus on it, and don't want to stop for a moment.

Standing quietly on the spot, looking at the stele, after a while, Chen Ming frowned.

On the stone tablet in front of him, he clearly felt a unique force circulating, attracting people's minds.

If the mind is not strong enough, when staring at this stone tablet, the power of the mind will be consumed too much, and finally the mind will be exhausted unconsciously and die.

Of course, for low-level fighters, this is naturally a serious problem, but for Chen Ming's level, since he has already noticed it, then naturally nothing will happen.

So, beside the old man, there was an extra chair.

Chen Ming sat on it, just beside the old man, quietly looking at the stone tablet in the distance.

In this way, it took half a year before he fully understood the message contained in the stone tablet in front of him.

The stone tablet in front of me records nothing but the system of martial arts.

In ancient times, some powerful people had a premonition that martial arts would decline in the future. In order to prevent the complete loss of martial arts of their ancestors, they forged stone tablets and engraved their own system and understanding of martial arts on them.

On this golden stele, there is no real martial arts method, what is there is only the perception and understanding of various levels of martial arts, and a concept.

For latecomers, just the ideas and perceptions contained in it are enough.

Based on this, if you thoroughly understand the ideas contained in it, you can completely recreate a school of martial arts, and you don't have to stick to what the predecessors created.

From this golden stone tablet, Chen Ming also gained a lot.

From this stele, he realized the Tao of a higher level, which surpassed the level of the Venerable.

"I see."

Sitting quietly on the chair, looking at the stele in front of him, Chen Ming's eyes burst into divine light, and a flash of enlightenment flashed in his mind.

According to the records on the stone tablet in front of him, the cultivation of warriors can be roughly divided into three realms.

Acquired, Zhang Qi, and the final Hualing
The so-called "acquired days" refers to the stage at the beginning of martial arts training, from the time when the body is first tempered, until the body is tempered to the extreme, and the soul is derived. This stage is roughly the same as what Chen Ming understands.

As for palm qi, it contains all stages from innate to celestial beings.

At this stage, warriors gradually grasp the energy of heaven and earth to strengthen themselves, until finally their own momentum is born, that is, the mastery of palm energy, that is, the so-called heaven and man.

As for the final spirit transformation, it is the Supreme One.

At this stage, warriors absorb the power of heaven and earth to reach the peak, and then gradually detach themselves, irrigate with their own blood and soul, and give birth to the only true species, gradually isolated from heaven and earth, and become a small world by themselves.

According to the above statement, at this moment, Chen Ming is the second heaven of spirit transformation, the only true species is born and perfected, the connection with heaven and earth is gradually disappearing, and the influence of heaven and earth on it will be greatly slowed down.

If you want to go one step further, you have to cultivate the only true species, irrigate it with your own source, until it finally reaches the peak, break it up, and open up your own internal body world.

This stage is also called broken.

(End of this chapter)

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