Sweeping the world

Chapter 333 3 Ways

Chapter 333 Three Ways

Standing quietly, Chen Ming's eyes were deep.

There is no higher-level content recorded on the golden stele.

This is not because the person who left this monument has not achieved it, but that it is not necessary.

According to the statement on the stele, after reaching the step of breaking, the martial artist alone is enough to open the passage between the two worlds, and it is enough to ascend to another big world.

That is the so-called mysterious world.

"I see."

Standing where he was, Chen Ming was lost in thought.

Judging from the records on the stone tablet in front of him, there is actually more than one way to break through the passage between the two worlds and ascend to another world.

From the information recorded on the stele, Chen Ming knew at least three methods.

The first way is to search for the two-world boundary point and directly enter through the existing two-world passage, so as to enter another big world.

This method was the mainstream in ancient times, and naturally it is not feasible now.

Because with the decline of vitality, the warriors in this world are getting weaker and weaker. Slowly, the passage between the two worlds that was originally opened has lost its original function, and now it is just a ruin.

As for the second method, as Chen Ming knew before, gather the power of more than three peak venerables to break through the passage between the two worlds, open up a temporary passage, and forcefully cross.

The third is the third step of promotion to become a spirit, reaching the state of brokenness by oneself.

At that time, it is not necessary to combine the strength of many people, but only by one's own strength, it will be enough to cross.

This is also the reason why this realm is called broken.

Strictly speaking, the second and third methods are actually the same.

This unique way of gathering the power of the three pinnacle venerables is just a means of trying to carry out because of insufficient strength.

Breaking through the passage between the two worlds in this way is not only risky, but also very dangerous.

Breaking through the passage between the two worlds and crossing the void alone, this kind of thing was originally something that could only be done at the broken level.

Relatively speaking, although the Venerable Peak is close to being broken, he is not in the broken state after all. Forcibly crossing the void is extremely vulnerable to accidents, so the risk is extremely high.

Standing quietly on the spot, looking at the golden light shining on the stele in front of him, Chen Ming fell into deep thought.

After realizing the message on the stone tablet in front of him, gathering the three venerables is no longer his only choice.

As long as the promotion is broken, even if the world is silent and he is left alone, it is enough to break through the passage between the two worlds and reach that other world.

Knowing this, he decided to try, no longer passively waiting for the others to be promoted, but prepared two songs.

While waiting for the successor to be promoted and become a peak venerable, he is also preparing to attack the broken, trying to take himself a step further and stand on the broken level.

To be honest, this is very difficult.

Although he is already a peak venerable, the only true species in his body has been born, and it seems that he is only one step away from being broken, not so far away.

But today's world is no longer suitable for cultivation. During the gestation of the only true species, it needs all kinds of geniuses and treasures to nourish it, so that it can grow from its own origin and reach the point where it can be broken.

It was not easy for Chen Ming to be promoted under such circumstances.

Of course, the reason why Chen Ming could think this way was because he was sure of it.

Although the vitality of this world has been exhausted, it may not be the case in other worlds.

With the power of supernatural power, going to other worlds may not fail to obtain the merits of promotion.

With this in mind, Chen Ming turned around and looked at the old man beside him.

From the beginning to the present, without knowing it, he has been here for a whole year.

During this process, the old man in front of him stood still, just staring blankly at the golden stele in the distance, wondering what he was thinking.

But at this moment, as Chen Ming got up, the old man in front of him finally reacted.

"you are leaving?"

Looking at Chen Ming who stood up in front of him, he turned around numbly, the confusion in his eyes seemed to have subsided a little, he looked at Chen Ming and said.

As he spoke, the confusion on his face gradually subsided, and a little blood appeared on his old face, and he seemed to gradually return to normal.


Chen Ming nodded, and then took a deep look at the old man.

The old man in front of him was in a very special state. According to Chen Ming's perception, the old man stood here, faintly integrated with this place, like a part of the many steles in front of him.

"Your physical condition is very bad, your physical body is exhausted, and your life essence has been exhausted."

Standing quietly on the spot, after observing for a while, Chen Ming said with a calm face.

The condition of the old man in front of him is indeed very bad.

According to Chen Ming's view, the opponent's lifespan should have been exhausted long ago, and the last ray of vitality in his body had been wiped out. According to common sense, he should have died long ago.

But in the other party's body, there is a unique force circulating, forcibly hanging the other party's life, so that it will not fall, but is still alive.

And that unique power is very similar to the power circulating in the golden stele in front of him, it is the same power.

"Yes, according to common sense, I should have died long ago."

Facing Chen Ming, the old man was silent at first, and then said, "It was the power of this stele that kept me from dying, but at the same time, I couldn't leave, and I passively became the guardian of this place."

In situ, the old man said so.

He really deserved to die a long time ago, but he didn't die in the end.

The reason is none other than this golden stele.

The golden stele in front of him has a spirit, and he spontaneously chose him as the guardian of this place, so he took the initiative to protect it and prevent it from dying.

But as a price, he was also bound here, unable to leave.

In the same place, Chen Ming looked at the old man with a calm expression, and finally nodded: "I see."

"You're leaving, can you do something for me?"

Looking at Chen Ming, the old man continued to speak, saying so.

He begged Chen Ming to take care of his descendants if he had time to go outside.

In return, he is willing to hand over what he has learned all his life.

During the conversation, Chen Ming also learned the old man's name, Gu Shang, and Gu Zunzhe.

For Chen Ming today, the matter entrusted by the other party is just a matter of little effort.

So, he nodded and agreed to the matter.

In this regard, Gu Shang was deeply relieved, and according to the previous agreement, he handed over all his martial arts to Chen Ming.

At Chen Ming's current level, ordinary martial arts have not much effect on him, but how vast and profound the Venerable's whole body has learned, and some of the concepts of martial arts in it, even Chen Ming at this moment is touched by it, and has some ideas. A new understanding.

Even for Chen Ming, this is a rare harvest.

After handing over what he had learned to Chen Ming, Gu Shang's face became numb again, and his eyes were filled with confusion, returning to the previous state.

Standing quietly on the spot, looking at his appearance, Chen Ming shook his head, then turned around without saying anything, and left from the spot.

Gu Shang's family members are not hard to find.

As the descendants of the venerable, even after Gu Shang disappeared and seemed to have fallen, although they became much more downcast, they also wandered around, and they were considered a big family.

Chen Ming found people from this clan and placed them under the Imperial Palace of Chen Kingdom, and taught them martial arts. Every year, they were given some places to enter the martial arts academy, which was regarded as a reward for Gu Shang.

After that, he didn't go out any more, just stayed quietly in Chenzhou, recuperated here for a period of time, and after teaching the descendants of the Chen family, he walked into the spacious retreat room alone and began to retreat.

In the quiet room, Chen Ming walked in alone, and walked to the center of the room.

The room in front of me looks very delicately furnished, the surrounding space is very large, and there are pearls of divine light everywhere around it.

That is the concentration of vitality, which contains a huge amount of vitality, if only one is released to the outside world, it is enough to cause a tragic fight in this world.

But this place is hanging everywhere, as if they don't want money.

The vitality condenses and boils here.

Under such circumstances, Chen Ming silently walked to the center of the quiet room, and slowly closed his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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