Sweeping the world

Chapter 335 Xiao Yuan

Chapter 335 Xiao Yuan
In the quiet room, Xiao Yuan hid quietly in his room alone.

At this moment, he was lying on the head of the bed, his face was extremely pale, he didn't look bloody at all, and his hair was messy, it looked like he hadn't washed it for many days.

If you look carefully, you can find that there is a bad smell on his body, and the clothes on his body also look strange. It is clearly still sunny in summer, but he is wearing extremely thick clothes, and his whole body is still trembling slightly.

It can be seen that he has not been out of the house for many days, and there is a smell of instant noodles everywhere, intertwined with other smells, which seems very strange.


He squatted quietly at the head of the bed, his face was pale, his eyes were bloodshot, and he looked extremely ferocious at first glance.

At this moment, the entire room looked extremely dim, the surrounding lights had not been turned on, only a red candle was burning in front of him, and it was about to burn to the end at this moment.

Under the candlelight, Xiao Yuan's shadow was illuminated narrow and long, like a ghost clinging to the surroundings, baring its teeth and claws at him.

Standing there quietly, Xiao Yuan was trembling all over, his hands were trembling, and he took out something from the side.

That thing is a pale yellow page. At this moment, the page is full of writing, and the writing on it is constantly emerging, as if there is an invisible ghost writing on it with a pen.

".Xiao Yuan hid quietly in his room, trembling all over, not daring to move."

"He is full of fear because he knows that the invisible terror has been staring at him. Therefore, he dare not make a sound, or even dare to go out of this room. Because once he takes a step out of this room, the invisible presence will instantly Sensing his presence, devouring him alive"

"But all of this is useless. He doesn't know that the invisible existence has captured his existence in the dark at this moment, and a pair of cold eyes have been opened, watching him quietly behind him."

When the words flowed here, Xiao Yuan's body froze and he shivered suddenly.

With unspeakable fear in his heart, he slowly turned around and looked behind him.

In the dimly lit room, the faint light of the candlelight illuminated the whole room, drawing his shadow to the old elder.

But, I didn't see anything.


The next moment, Xiao Yuan's expression froze, and his body froze suddenly.

Because he saw, behind him, his shadow was long and narrow, seemingly normal, but at the moment it looked particularly distorted.

Indistinctly, on his shadow's face, some small parts are distorted, at first glance, it seems to be sneering?


As this thought flashed through his mind, Xiao Yuan couldn't help shivering.

In the same place, he suppressed the fear in his heart and continued to look at the shadow.

Under the faint candle light, the shadow appeared very narrow and long, but this time, it looked much more normal.

Everything returned to calm, as if the scene just now was just an illusion.

But Xiao Yuan knew that the scene just now was definitely not an illusion.

Just like what was described on the yellow paper, the invisible existence had captured his position at this moment, and was about to really come to him.

Realizing this, he took a deep breath in his heart, then turned around, and continued to look at the yellow paper in front of him.

Under the faint candlelight, the handwriting on the yellow paper is still emerging.

"Xiao Yuan noticed the abnormality behind him, and understood the danger he was in, but he had no choice, because once he walked out of the room, that invisible existence would take his life away."

"So, he decided to stay in the room, waiting for the final horror to come"

"After 5 minutes, the candles in the room are completely extinguished, and the ultimate existence will come, and slowly walk into this room."

"She walked into the room outside the door. She pinched Xiao Yuan's neck with one hand and pulled his head off."

"5 minutes!!"

Looking at the contents on the yellow paper, Xiao Yuan's expression suddenly changed, and he felt unprecedented horror and horror.

He was not at all surprised by the outcome of his death.

The content displayed on the yellow paper is not static, but will continue to change with his choices.

In the past, he had seen the end of his death many times, but he managed to hide every time.

But this time, the situation is more urgent than ever.

In another 5 minutes, the curse remaining in this place will enter here. How easy is it to find a way out in such a short time?

On the spot, he grabbed the quilt on his body, quickly took out a red candle from the side drawer, and continued to light it there.

With his movements, the handwriting on the yellow paper is constantly changing in place.

"Xiao Yuan went to the drawer, lit the candle again, and tried to hide his position, but it was useless. The invisible existence had already caught his breath, and the simple cover was useless to her."

"In 3 minutes, she will enter the room"

"The candle is useless!!"

With an anxious expression on his face, Xiao Yuan threw away the candle in his hand, then walked to the side, took out a few red threads, and tied them to his legs without saying a word.

But that's also useless.

On the yellow paper, new handwriting is constantly appearing, but although the process is different, the ending is always the same.

The unknown existence stepped into the room and killed him directly.

"Damn! Damn!!"

Xiao Yuan's face was a little distorted. At this moment, his whole body was covered with cold sweat, and his face was indescribably pale.

However, before he could try out a way to escape the catastrophe, there was a strange noise.

boom! !

A dull sound came, like the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, very heavy.

Then, there was another burst of crisp footsteps, layer upon layer, constantly ringing, somewhat similar to the sound of a woman wearing high heels and stepping on the smooth ground.

Hearing this voice, Xiao Yuan froze, and subconsciously looked outside the door.

Outside the wooden gate, a shadow was getting closer. In the downwind, a burst of blood gradually spread, as if blood seeped from the outside, slowly pouring into the room.

Indistinctly, on the gate, a huge and distorted woman's face emerged, a pair of blood-red eyes were looking at him at the moment, with a ferocious smile on her face.

"Got you."

Word by word slowly fell, the voice was extremely hoarse, low and disgusting, almost not like a voice that a person could speak.

However, at this scene, Xiao Yuan's heart was cold, and at this moment, there was no luck in his heart.

The next moment, in front of him, the wooden door was directly opened.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! ! !

"What are you shouting?" A crisp voice suddenly sounded, the voice was calm and soft, very magnetic.

Then, the lights in the room were turned on, and the surroundings instantly brightened.

When the lights in the room were turned on, looking at the figure in front of him, Xiao Yuan stopped screaming and froze for an instant.

Because in front of his eyes, the frightening horror didn't enter the room, but only the figure of a teenager.

It was a young boy who didn't look very old, he looked no more than sixteen or seventeen years old, but his face was extremely calm, with a unique temperament that didn't match his age, the moment people looked at him, they couldn't help but calm down in their hearts.

"Chen Ming, it's you!"

Xiao Yuan stood up and recognized Chen Ming's appearance.

"It's not me, who else could it be?"

Looking at Xiao Yuan's appearance at the moment, and then looking around, Chen Ming shook his head, smelling the smell of instant noodles all over the room: "You haven't been to school for half a month, so Qi Yang asked me to see you recently What are you doing, are you sick?"

"However, looking at your appearance here, you must have been staying at home for half a month."

Looking at the rubbish all around him, Chen Ming said with a strange expression.

"This... is beyond words."

A wry smile appeared on Xiao Yuan's face, then he seemed to think of something, got up suddenly, grabbed Chen Ming, and said nervously.

"Old Ming, did you see anything weird when you came in from the outside!"

(End of this chapter)

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