Sweeping the world

Chapter 336 Curse

Chapter 336 Curse
"Strange stuff?"

Looking at Xiao Yuan in front of him and listening to his words, Chen Ming was taken aback for a moment, and after thinking for a while, he said, "I saw a woman dressed in a strange way. I don't know if it's weird or not?"


Hearing this, Xiao Yuan's heart tightened, he held onto Chen Ming firmly, and continued to ask, "Where is that woman?"

"Be driven away by me."

Chen Ming glanced at Xiao Yuan, then shrugged his shoulders, and said calmly: "She looks sneaky, I thought she was a thief, so I drove her away."

"Is it just an ordinary thief?"

Hearing this, Xiao Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "The security in this area is indeed very poor, and there are many thieves. Remember to be careful next time you come here."

"Yes, you have to be careful recently and try not to go to some weird places."

He looked at Chen Ming, said hesitantly, and reminded Chen Ming.

"I see."

Chen Ming gave him a strange look, then smiled and said, "Why are you like Qi Yang?"

"By the way, Qi Yang invited you to go camping together on the rest day, do you want to think about it?"

"I won't."

Xiao Yuan shook his head, and said: "I'm not feeling well recently, and I want to take a good rest."

After what happened before, he just wanted to find a place to sleep well, and he didn't even think about going on an outing.

"That's fine too."

Chen Ming looked at Xiao Yuan in front of him, looked at his appearance at the moment, nodded his head, and said, "Then you should have a good rest."

"It's best to clean up your house when you have time."

He looked at the messy pile of things around him, and said, "Looking at this, those who don't know it think it's a garbage dump."

"Alright, alright."

Xiao Yuan's face darkened, and he saw off the guest directly: "Go back quickly."

"I'm leaving."

Chen Ming smiled, waved to him, took a deep look at him, and then walked out slowly.

Standing there quietly, watching Chen Ming's figure slowly disappear, Xiao Yuan sighed, and continued to look at the yellow paper on the wooden table.


Looking at the yellow paper on the wooden table, he was a little surprised at this moment.

Because at this moment, the content on the yellow paper has completely disappeared, and all the densely packed handwriting has disappeared.

Having owned this yellow paper for a long time, Xiao Yuan naturally knew what it meant.

"My danger is gone?"

He was a little surprised, but also a little puzzled: "Why?"

The yellow paper in front of him was obtained by him a long time ago. It is very mysterious and possesses an extremely unique power that can predict the future.

Of course, the ability of this piece of yellow paper to predict the future is very limited. Under normal circumstances, there are not many things that can be seen. Only on one occasion will it be fully activated.

That is... the moment when someone is close to death.

Whenever someone around was close to death, at the moment when he was about to die, this piece of yellow paper would react, and densely packed writing would appear, writing out the whole process of that person's death.

Some time ago, due to some accidents, Xiao Yuan accidentally messed with something, and for the next half a month, the handwriting on the yellow paper never disappeared.

He just woke up every day, and the first thing he did was to look at this yellow paper, to see his latest death method, and take corresponding measures to avoid danger.

But now, the handwriting on the yellow paper has completely disappeared. According to Xiao Yuan's understanding, this means that his current crisis has passed, and he will no longer be attacked by that unknown curse.

In a way, that's certainly a good thing.

But what makes Xiao Yuan puzzled is, why is this?
On the yellow paper, he had seen similar evil spirit curses before, and he had his own understanding of it.

Like this kind of curse, once it is infected, if it cannot be undone, it will never stop dying, and it will never stop unless people are killed.

And at this moment, he undoubtedly did not undo the curse, nor did he die, so why did the curse disappear?
Regarding this, he had doubts in his heart, and was a little at a loss for a while.

on the other side.

Quietly walking out of Xiao Yuan's house, Chen Ming's face was calm, but his footsteps stopped suddenly.

On the spot, he turned around quietly and looked in another direction.

In that direction, in a dark corner, a shadow was slowly extending, spreading outward, and finally condensed into a vague figure.

It was the image of a pale woman with pale skin all over her body, like a corpse.

On her body, there were densely packed wounds, bloody on them, as if she had been dismembered into countless pieces, and then spliced ​​together again.

At this moment, she quietly walked out of the corner, and slowly raised her head. On a rotten face, a pair of blood-colored eyes looked at Chen Ming, revealing endless hatred.

"You should. Die." The hoarse voice slowly sounded on the spot, as if the sound came from hell, it was horrifying, and a kind of fear rose in my heart.

boom! !

A slender arm suddenly stretched out, seemingly weak, but with incomparable and unstoppable force moving forward, grabbed the woman's neck in one go, and slammed it hard on the ground, making a bang sound .

In the same place, Chen Ming turned around and squatted like this, holding the woman's neck with one hand, with a cold look on his face.

Beneath him, the eyes of the woman in front of him were full of hatred. From the neck, dots of black blood slowly flowed out, entangled towards Chen Ming's arm.

boom! !

Chen Ming grabbed the woman's neck and pressed down hard with his palms. In an instant, with him as the center, the ground suddenly sank, and the cracks spread outward like spider webs, with crisp and sharp cracks from time to time. Voice.

In front of her, the woman's body shattered directly, half of her body turned into black blood, and only half of her body was left, which was still tightly held by Chen Ming.

Holding this half of his body in his hand, Chen Ming got up from the spot, threw it on the ground expressionlessly, then raised his right foot, and stepped on it lightly.

boom! !

There was a clean cracking sound immediately.

In front of him, most of the woman's body exploded directly, turning into a pool of black blood, lying quietly in the depression on the ground.

But at this point, she was still alive, the pool of blood was still wriggling, and tiny tentacles stretched out from time to time on the shattered flesh and blood, which looked quite terrifying and strange.

Standing quietly, watching this scene, Chen Ming frowned.

The vitality of the thing in front of him is much stronger than he imagined.

He killed this thing, not once.

When he was standing outside Xiao Yuan's door just now, he had already killed this thing once, killing it to the point where there was not even a scum left.

But in a blink of an eye, as soon as he walked out, this thing appeared again, and judging from this appearance, except that the aura on his body was slightly lowered, there was almost no change.

This level of vitality is already more terrifying than the evil spirits Chen Ming knows.


Looking at the pool of black blood behind him, Chen Ming shook his head, turned around silently, and walked to the other side: "Is this a unique product of this world?"

The thought flashed through his mind, and then he left silently.

in situ.

A long time after Chen Ming left.

In the pit, the ball of black blood slowly evaporated and disappeared.

Then, a figure appeared here.

It was a beautiful girl in a long skirt, with long hair, and a luxurious temperament all over her body, which made her heart throbbing.

If Chen Ming were here, he would be able to recognize that the girl in front of him was none other than Chen Xi whom he had just met before.

At this moment, she quietly walked to the potholes, feeling some of the remaining breath, and couldn't help frowning.

"What a powerful curse breath."

Standing where she was, she frowned, then looked aside: "There is a strong curse aura remaining here, but there is no smell of life disappearing."

"In other words, the curse once appeared, but was driven away again."

(End of this chapter)

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