Chapter 339
Looking at Su Yi in front of him quietly, Chen Ming frowned, then lowered his head and looked at the photo and address.

The content of the photo is very simple, in which is the appearance of a woman, but it looks extremely terrifying.

In the photo, a woman was lying quietly on the ground, her pale face was hideous and distorted, which looked very strange.

And on the side, a pair of scissors fell quietly to the side, still stained with blood.

"This is a picture of my lover"

Facing Chen Ming's gaze, Su Yi showed a wry smile, and said, "After seeing this photo, my lover may have died long ago, and the person who was still with me at that time probably didn't know it was a long time ago." something."

"At that time, my lover's symptoms became more terrifying day by day, and the fear in my heart became stronger day by day, so I made up my mind and went to the address given by my daughter."

"The results of it?"

Regarding Su Yi's choice, Chen Ming was noncommittal and just asked.


A wry smile appeared on Su Yi's face: "After I left, what happened at the beginning was terrifying."

"Obviously I have secretly left home, but every night, I can feel that my lover is by my side, and I can even hear the sound of approaching scissors."

"It wasn't until I got to the place that the feeling finally went away, but it caused new troubles"

He said so, then took a deep breath, and took out something from his body.

It was a piece of white bone, which looked like a human finger bone, but it looked very clean, like it was carved out of white jade.

"The place my daughter asked me to go to was an abandoned temple. Inside, I found this thing."

Facing Chen Ming, he said, "Since I found this thing, the thing pretending to be my lover has never looked for me again, but this thing has haunted me."

"The reason why I became like this is also because of this."

Listening to his words, Chen Ming lowered his head slightly and looked at the phalanx in front of him.

In front of his eyes, this phalanx looks very beautiful, it is crystal clear, it looks like it is made of white jade, it is extremely unique.

Quietly looking at the phalanx, Chen Ming frowned, sensing a subtle breath coming from it.

Chen Ming had an extremely unique feeling about this thing, he could sense something extraordinary, but if he wanted to specifically say what was wrong, he couldn't say it.

On the spot, after a little hesitation, Chen Ming stretched out his hand, and grabbed the white finger bone with one hand.

The next moment, his body paused, and he froze in place.

The moment he held the white phalanx, a huge pressure rose from his body, like a mountain suddenly fell down, and Chen Ming couldn't help but pause for a moment due to the sudden pressure.

"this thing"

A unique force surged from the finger bones in his hand, and spread along Chen Ming's arm to the whole body, trying to corrode and infect his body.

Feeling this power, Chen Ming's eyes became a little dignified, and the holy power in his body spontaneously gushed out, directly suppressing the unique power that was constantly pouring in, and only then did this trend stop.

The two forces continued to intertwine and rise in Chen Ming's body, and finally stopped this trend slowly.


Sitting there quietly, feeling the unique power pouring into his body continuously, Chen Ming showed a smile on his face.


On the opposite side, Su Yi looked at Chen Ming with a nervous expression, which seemed to be more nervous than Chen Ming himself.


Chen Ming raised his head, looked at Su Yi, and then shook his head: "This thing is kind of weird, don't you mind giving it to me?"

"Don't mind, don't mind!"

Su Yi waved his hands again and again, said with a wry smile: "You can take this thing away, I thank you before it's too late, why would you mind."

He recounted his own experience, claiming that he tried to throw away the phalanx far away, but he never succeeded.

Every time, no matter where he dropped this thing, when he woke up the next day and looked up, this thing would appear beside him again, which was horrifying and frightening.

At this moment, Chen Ming was able to take this thing away, he was glad that it was too late, how could he mind.


Looking at Chen Ming in front of him, he took a deep breath, looked at Chen Ming in front of him, and said hesitantly, "Are you the legendary exorcist?"


Chen Ming was taken aback for a moment, and then he came to his senses.

There are legends of demons and ghosts in this world, so naturally there are also legends of exorcists.

Seeing his appearance before, the other party might have regarded him as an exorcist who specializes in exorcising evil spirits.

"No, I am not."

Sitting there quietly, Chen Ming looked calm and shook his head slightly: "I'm just an ordinary person."

He really wasn't an exorcist.

The reason why he was able to help the man in front of him and bring him back to normal was not because he had mastered any means of exorcism, but because his own strength was strong enough, even if the means were wrong, he could still overwhelm others with force.

Of course, from the perspective of the final effect, it is not a bad idea to call him an exorcist.

After all, it doesn't matter whether a cat is black or white, as long as it can catch mice, it is a good cat.

Looking at Chen Ming in the same place, Su Yi didn't believe it.

In these days of being haunted by weirdness, it's not that he didn't think of a way by himself.

Some famous holy places, and some exorcists who are said to be able to exorcise demons, he has visited all of them, but in the end he got very few.

But the young man in front of him easily solved his problems, even looking at it like this, he could even get rid of the phalanx that caused his mutation.

If this isn't an exorcist, then what is it?
Of course, despite thinking so in his heart, on the surface, he still didn't say much.

Judging from the performance of the other party, there might be some agreement to conceal his identity among the so-called group of exorcists. If he kept asking, it might destroy his impression in the other party's heart.

So, he organized his tone in his mind, finally looked at Chen Ming, and said in a pleading tone: " saved me from this thing, and you haven't thanked you yet."

"There are 100 million Canadian dollars in this card, which is a little bit of my heart."

Looking at Chen Ming, he spoke while taking out a card from his pocket.

He had prepared the card a long time ago, but the exorcists he had found before couldn't help him, and naturally they couldn't use it.

At this time, it happened to be handed over to Chen Ming.

Chen Ming glanced at him lightly, but he didn't refuse, and accepted the card directly.

"I want to remind you."

Facing Su Yi in front of him, he said: "Your problems have not been resolved, and if one of them is not good, there is a risk of relapse."

"Feel that extra thing on your chest?"

He said lightly: "That thing is called a demon seed, and it is used to protect you."

"As long as this thing doesn't disappear on you, you'll be fine."

"so what should I do?"

Hearing this, Su Yi straightened up and asked subconsciously.

"Eat more than usual."

Chen Ming thought for a while, and then said like this.

The devil seed is formed by condensing a little of Chen Ming's own blood essence. After lodged in the body of another person, it will become stronger with the strength of the host.

But there is no martial arts in this world, and Su Yi in front of him is not a martial artist, so there is no way to talk about the so-called becoming stronger.

That being the case, we can only start with the most primitive means.

"Just eat more food?"

Hearing Chen Ming's answer, Su Yi was stunned, as if she didn't expect that it was so easy to agree.

"By the way, how many things like this are around you?"

Looking at Su Yi in front of him, Chen Ming asked with interest.

"I do not know."

Su Yi shook his head and said, "I've lived most of my life, but before this happened, I never knew that this kind of evil spirit thing was real."

There was a wry smile on his face, which looked extremely real.

(End of this chapter)

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