Sweeping the world

Chapter 340 Weird

Chapter 340 Weird
"However, in addition to my side, my daughter's side has probably encountered this kind of thing now, otherwise they wouldn't even dare to contact me."

In the same place, he had a wry smile on his face, and then a resolute look on his face: "I don't know if you still accept the commission?"

"Tell me."

Looking at Su Yi, Chen Ming's expression was calm, and he spoke noncommittally.

"I want to go to the temple where my lover went."

With a firm face, he said: "Although my lover is gone, I believe that my daughter must still be alive, maybe she is still entangled by these things, and has to hide XZ like me before."

"I want to help her, but I'm just an ordinary person. Even if I do find her, I'm afraid I can't do much."

"So I would like to ask you to follow your heart and accompany me to that temple."

"Of course, the reward will definitely satisfy you."

When he said it like this, his attitude seemed very sincere.

"When are you leaving?"

Chen Ming glanced at him lightly: "Let me tell you first, I'm usually very busy, so I can't delay too long."

"Give me a period of time to prepare and investigate, about half a month or so."

Facing Chen Ming, Su Yi said: "The issue of time is easy to deal with. The temple is not too far away from here. We can drive there, and we can get there in two or three days at most."


Looking at Chen Ming, he hesitated for a while, but still couldn't hold back the curiosity in his heart, and said to Chen Ming, "Are you usually busy going around to exorcise demons?"

"That's not it."

Chen Ming glanced at him: "Have you ever seen a high school student who is usually idle?"

Su Yi:? ? ?
Under Su Yi's bewildered eyes, Chen Ming left the contact information for the other party, and then walked out of the restaurant calmly.

In any case, he sympathized with Su Yi's experience, and he was also somewhat interested in the evil spirits in this world, so he didn't refuse.

After all, this kind of thing is just a matter of effort for him, but for others, it is related to the lives of close relatives.

There's nothing wrong with being able to help out.

"It's this white bone."

Walking on the road, Chen Ming took out the white bone from his pocket, and put it under the sun for a closer look.

Under the sunlight, the white bone looks crystal clear, it doesn't look like an ordinary bone, but it looks like some kind of unique jade carving.

But in the dark, the power of this white bone is still pouring towards Chen Ming's body continuously, as if there is no limit at all, trying to erode and infuse Chen Ming's body.

Holding it in his hand, Chen Ming thought for a while, and then exerted a little force on his hand.

Accompanied by a light sound, the phalanx on Chen Ming's hand was directly broken, and the part of the fingertip was directly broken by Chen Ming and crushed into powder.

The holy power of Shenyou Wanxu circulated, wrapped the broken finger bone, and directly tried to refine it.

Roar! !

A low growl came from all around, and in the silence, there were continuous low growls around, mixed with screams, like a ghost asking for his life, it sounded extremely weird and terrifying.

Chen Ming's face remained unchanged, he looked at the white finger bone to himself, and exerted force again.

There was a louder clicking sound, and another piece was torn apart by Chen Ming, and the holy power of Immortal Traveling Myriad Void surged up spontaneously, wrapping it layer by layer.

After half an hour.

Standing quietly on the spot, Chen Ming's expression was calm, but before he knew it, the finger bones on his hand had completely disappeared.

"not bad."

Refining the entire finger bone, standing in place, feeling the changes in his body, Chen Ming nodded, affirming its effect.

In his body, as the finger bone was completely refined, the true species in his body faintly opened up, as if it had grown a part.

This is the result of swallowing that finger bone.

That phalanx can bring weirdness to people, and it can also spontaneously pollute people's bodies, which is obviously not an unusual thing.

Swallowing this finger bone also allowed the true seed in Chen Ming's body to grow a little bit, and his cultivation was closer to the broken state.

This can be regarded as a pleasant surprise.

I just helped someone conveniently, but I didn't expect to have this kind of harvest.

"It's not bad."

Chen Ming smiled, turned around silently, and walked slowly in the direction of going home.

Time is still passing slowly.

Just a few days passed quickly.

Day after day repeats.

It's another day of get out of class.

Although this world is not the one in Chen Ming's previous life, it is still very similar in some respects.

For example, late self-study, the world of Chen Ming's previous life had it, and this world also had it, and the density was more frequent and the frequency was higher than that of Chen Ming's previous life.

So at this moment, when the bell rang for the end of get out of class, Chen Ming got up to pack his schoolbag. It was already night.

Skillfully put away his schoolbag, Chen Ming packed the tables and chairs, then got up silently, and walked outside.

At this moment, the night outside is hazy, and the darkness is intertwined into one, and the surrounding scenery looks extremely unique.

After walking for a while, he came to a remote alley.

Compared with the school gate just after school, the place in front of me seemed to be very remote because of the remoteness, so the flow of people was very sparse.

The surrounding street lamps illuminate the ground, but they can barely illuminate the surroundings, making it look very dim.

Chen Ming walked quietly on this road. He had walked the road in front of him more than once, and he seemed very proficient.

But after a while, he still paused and looked forward.

In front, a tall figure walked by.

It was a tall woman, wearing a long red dress, with delicate makeup on her face, she looked very beautiful.

Of course, to Chen Ming, these were meaningless.

What made him really stop was that he knew the person in front of him.

To be precise, it is the previous knowledge of this body.

This is the teacher in Chen Ming's class, named Lin Feifei.

In the impression of Chen Ming's previous life, he was a very conscientious and hard-working teacher. If it was said that the class was the most serious and left the most homework, then this one was definitely ranked first.

For a whole number of years, the predecessor was very impressed with it.

Standing quietly on the spot, looking at Lin Feifei who was walking forward like no one else, Chen Ming's face was calm, he hesitated for a moment, and then continued to walk forward.

Not for any other reason, but because there is only one way to go in the alley in front of him.

It was just seeing a teacher, Chen Ming wouldn't take a detour.

He walked forward silently, while in front, Lin Feifei seemed a little absent-minded, and did not notice Chen Ming behind him.

The place was calm for a while, only the sound of footsteps around.

After walking like this for a while, Chen Ming suddenly felt something was wrong.

Standing quietly, he raised his head and looked forward.

In front, Lin Feifei, who had been walking in front of him, had disappeared at some point.

"When is it?"

Standing where he was, his face was calm, and this thought flashed through his mind.

The alley in front of him is very narrow, and according to Chen Ming's experience, there are no other alleys around.

The most important thing is that Chen Ming thought about it carefully, but he didn't find out how Lin Feifei disappeared.

For ordinary people, this may be negligence, but for Chen Ming, this is almost impossible.

This unusual phenomenon made him stop, feeling something was wrong.

Standing on the spot, Chen Ming's face was calm, but in the dark, a wave of divine intent quietly spread out, enveloping the entire alley in an instant.

Everything around is normal.

This is Chen Ming's conclusion.

But sometimes, everything is normal, is the biggest abnormality.

In front of his eyes, Chen Ming's expression froze, he turned around silently, and walked towards a certain corner.

He found nothing unusual about the place.

But even so, there are some things that cannot be concealed after all.

For example, the breath left on Lin Feifei's body.

Following Lin Feifei's breath left in this place, Chen Ming took a few steps forward, and then looked aside.

(End of this chapter)

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