Sweeping the world

Chapter 348 scream

Chapter 348 scream
In the end, Qi Yang still failed to stop the disagreement from happening.

In situ, the team inevitably split into two teams.

One group of people walked down the mountain, while the other group chose to go back to the top of the mountain and walked towards the top of the mountain.

For these two options, Chen Ming was noncommittal and did not comment.

In his opinion, it may not be a good choice to continue to choose to go down the mountain at this moment.

The power of the curse cannot be endless. In theory, as long as you keep going, you can always reach the end.

But there is a gap between theory and reality.

From the corpse just now, it can be seen that this mountain is probably not safe anymore. If you continue to walk down the mountain, you will probably encounter some unexpected situations.

If it was Chen Ming, then naturally there would be no problem.

With his strength, there are not many things in this world that can hurt him, even the so-called curse is nothing more than that to him.

But just because he can ignore it doesn't mean that other people can.

Ordinary people going down the mountain at this moment, once they encounter something, I am afraid that the end will be very bad.

And meeting something on the way down the mountain, in Chen Ming's opinion, the possibility is very big.

Of course, this does not mean that it is safe to stay on the mountain at this time.

Staying on the top of the mountain may avoid danger, but it may also face the outbreak of the curse.

With the situation of this group of people, once the curse completely breaks out, the end can basically be declared.

In the final analysis, ordinary people are still too powerless in the face of the super-standard existence of the curse. No matter what choice they make, they still cannot escape the danger in the end.

Chen Ming quietly followed Qi Yang and the others back to the mountain.

This choice was very clear to him.

As a friend of Qi Yang and others, it is normal for him to choose to side with Qi Yang when a disagreement occurs.

If he stood with Wang Peng and others, it would be a strange thing to choose to go down the mountain together.

But in a way, that doesn't really matter anymore.

What he wants to do now is to observe the operation of the curse carefully, trying to find some traces from the operation of the curse for future reference.

The heavens and the world are uncertain, and no one knows what they will face in the future.

Chen Ming didn't know what kind of world he would encounter in the future, so he planned to accumulate experience from now on so as not to be tied down in the future.

In some respects, although the curse power in this world is weird, the pure power is not too strong, and it is just right to use it to accumulate experience.

In place, time passed slowly.

After the team experienced a split, Qi Yang led the people and continued to walk back.

What is surprising and astonishing is that compared with when they came down before, the time it took them to go back this time was much shorter.

It took them several hours to go down the mountain before, but now it only took half an hour to get back to the top of the mountain.

This obvious gap caused many people to frown and feel a strong sense of uneasiness.

Even the most nervous person feels something is wrong at this moment.

"What kind of place did we come to?"

A girl spoke, with a trembling voice, speaking softly, with obvious fear and anxiety.

The scene in front of me is obviously not in line with common sense, even the most nervous person should realize that something is wrong at this moment.

After all, this is not some third-rate clichéd ghost movie. It is impossible to have the kind of vulgar tricks where people can comfort themselves even though everything around them is getting weirder and weirder.

Maybe that kind of people really exist, but at least the people here are quite normal.

The supernatural phenomenon happening before them has made them suspicious.

"The screams we heard before, and the corpse at the foot of the mountain, were they really killed by someone... and not made of something else?"

A person said aloud, and couldn't help being a little suspicious at this moment.

"Is this a joke played by the gods, or a game played by the devil?"

A person looked up, and said with some despair: "Can we really go out?"

"Don't scare yourself."

Qi Yang opened his mouth and stopped the discussion of everyone present.

At this moment, he actually had some doubts, and he was also a little tired in his heart, but he had no choice but to stand up.

Otherwise, if everyone is allowed to discuss, I am afraid that the emotions of everyone around will fall to the bottom.

Standing where he was, he first counted the number of people lightly.

At this moment, after a split, the originally close to 30-member team has been seriously downsized, and now only 20 members remain.

Moreover, among the 20 people, most of them are girls, and boys have actually become a minority.

Regarding this, Qi Yang was a little helpless, but he still resisted the exhaustion in his heart and began to call everyone to carry their luggage.

They moved their tents closer and gathered together to avoid accidents, and then they each rested.

"Do you need help?" A voice rang in my ear.

Hearing the sound, Qi Jiali froze for a moment, turned around following the sound, and happened to see Chen Ming standing there, smiling at her.

His face was calm. After going through what happened at night, it still didn't look much changed at this moment, but it was very conspicuous.


Looking at Chen Ming, she also smiled, put down the things in her hands, and handed them to Chen Ming.

Chen Ming took the tools at the side and helped her tie up the tent before walking aside.

Although it was already dark, he didn't go to rest, but walked aside.

Qi Yang didn't rest either, he was squatting on the side alone at the moment, keeping watch there.

This is for safety reasons.

At this moment, there might be a murderer lurking on this mountain. If there is no special person on guard, the rest of the people may not be able to sleep well.

Qi Yang took the initiative to undertake this task, and was sitting on the side at the moment, looking around.

"Old Ming, are you still going to rest?"

Sitting in the distance, looking at Chen Ming, Qi Yang spoke in surprise.

"Can't sleep, come and see you."

Chen Ming walked up to Qi Yang, patted Qi Yang on the shoulder, and said with a smile.

"I can't sleep either."

With a wry smile on Qi Yang's face, he said so.

If you look closely, you can clearly see the dark circles under his eyes and the exhaustion on his face.

It can be seen that the pressure in his heart is so great that even though he is very tired at this moment, he still cannot fall asleep.


Looking at Chen Ming, Qi Yang hesitated for a while, then asked, "Did you find anything?"


Chen Ming turned around and looked at him with a calm expression on his face: "How do you feel?"

"I have an ominous premonition."

Qi Yang hesitated for a while, and then said: "I always have a feeling that if I continue to stay here, something unknown will eventually happen."


In the same place, hearing this, Chen Ming was stunned, then smiled: "Which aspect are you referring to?"

"I have no idea."

Qi Yang shook his head and smiled wryly: "However, I do have this feeling. And it's very real."

He turned around, looked into the distance, and finally spoke like this.

"Don't think too much."

At the same place, Chen Ming smiled: "There are some things that you cannot decide, what should come will always come."

"Do what we have to do well, and leave the rest to fate."


Qi Yang was silent at first, and then a smile appeared on his face.

"Leave everything to fate."

Looking into the distance, he raised his head and muttered to himself.

Looking at his appearance, Chen Ming smiled and was about to say something.

At this moment, in the distance, a sharp cry suddenly sounded.

Ah ah ah ah ah ah! !

A sharp and miserable scream suddenly came from afar.

The next moment, Qi Yang's expression changed drastically.

(End of this chapter)

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