Sweeping the world

Chapter 349 Disappearing

Chapter 349 Disappearing
"This voice."

On the spot, Qi Yang's face changed drastically, he turned around suddenly, and looked in a certain direction below.

"It's Wang Peng's voice."

On the side, Chen Ming's expression remained unchanged. He was standing here quietly at the moment, listening to the voice from below, he just frowned and said so.

"It was indeed his voice."

Standing beside Chen Ming, Qi Yang nodded his head, the brows on his face furrowed more and more, while feeling uneasy, he also felt that something was wrong.

too fast.

At this moment, it was only a little over an hour before their group had a disagreement and the team split.

Has the matter developed to this point in just one hour?
Also, the number of voices is not right.

If Wang Peng and others were really in danger, why was he the only one screaming?

What about those who followed him down the mountain?

Could it be that, in this short period of one hour, there were some new changes at the foot of the mountain, causing Wang Peng to be separated from the others?

But that's not necessarily too soon either.

Standing at the same place, Qi Yang's thoughts were one after another, and he couldn't calm down at all for a while.

From the screams in front of him, he was keenly aware of many things, and the uneasiness in his heart became more and more intense.

"what happened?"

Around, some people were awakened intermittently by the screams just now, and they came out of the tent one after another.

They looked down the mountain, thinking back to the scream just now, they all had expressions of surprise and uncertainty on their faces, and seemed a little uneasy.

"Wang Peng and the others had an accident!"

"What should we do now?"

All the people present looked towards the foot of the mountain, with different expressions on their faces, but at the moment they all felt a little sad in their hearts.

After all, they are classmates for many years, and those who can come to this party have a good relationship with each other, and they can be regarded as friends for many years.

Even if the other party chooses to go down the mountain, it is just a difference of opinion, nothing.

At this moment, when something like this happened to the other party, everyone present was immediately silenced, feeling a little sad for a while.

Moreover, this incident also completely awakened everyone present.

Before that, although they saw the corpse and foresaw the danger from the corpse, after all, the thing hadn't happened to them completely, and the experience was not that profound.

But at this moment, a person they were familiar with left just like that, and it seemed that an accident had happened, which immediately woke up everyone present, and fully realized their dangerous situation.

Soon, the scene in place continued to be chaotic again.

Someone proposed to organize a group of people to go down the mountain to see the situation.

Proposal to speak out was agreed by one group of people and opposed by another group of people.

After all, the situation is so complicated at this moment, who knows if going down the mountain at this moment will be dangerous.

Given the weirdness of this area, if something happened to them going down the mountain, it might just be to deliver food.

Everyone present was discussing, but Qi Yang was just silent, and he spoke after a long time.

"Go back and rest."

Standing where he was, he said: "No matter what happens, we have to rest well before we can face the next thing, so the most important thing now is not to discuss here, but to go back and rest first."

"Other things, wait until tomorrow morning, after you have rested."

Facing the people around him, he said so, trying to calm everyone present.

In such a situation, after a series of events happened, not many people could remain calm, even him.

Instead of arguing with tense nerves here, it is better to go back to sleep and calm down before talking.

It won't be too late to discuss these after everyone calms down tomorrow morning.

Everyone at the scene agreed with his statement, looked around and sighed, and then walked into their respective tents.

"Old Ming, don't you want to rest?"

After everyone left, Qi Yang rubbed his eyes and said in a tired voice, looking at Chen Ming who was still standing there.

"I'm not very sleepy, so wait a little longer."

In the same place, Chen Ming shook his head and said, "What do you think of that voice just now?"

"It's strange."

Qi Yang shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "That voice is indeed Wang Peng's, but it's only Wang Peng's."

"There is a doubt here."

"If Wang Peng alone had an accident, what are the others doing?"

"Or, in fact, Wang Peng is not the only one who has an accident, but he is the only one who has time to make a sound?"

"But, why is that?"

He shook his head and tried to scratch his head, looking very tangled and painful.

Then, he looked at Chen Ming in front of him, and said, "Did you find anything?"

"Discovery is out of the question."

Chen Ming shook his head, his face looked calm, he just stood there and looked into the distance: "It's just a guess."

"What guess?" Qi Yang asked.

"Is the person who screamed just now really Wang Peng?"

Looking into the distance, Chen Ming was silent for a while, and then said like this.

Qi Yang opened his mouth subconsciously, wanting to refute, but in the end he couldn't help being taken aback.

The voice just now was indeed Wang Peng's. As a classmate for many years, Qi Yang would not admit his mistake.

But that's just normal.

And can this situation be called normal?

Qi Yang was a little shaken.

Subconsciously, he raised his head and looked at Chen Ming in front of him.

In the night, Chen Ming stood there quietly in front of him, his face looked extraordinarily calm, without any fear or anxiety from others, he looked extraordinarily outstanding.

It feels like everything in front of him is not worth mentioning to him.

Looking at Chen Ming in front of him, Qi Yang froze for a moment, feeling an inexplicable sense of trust.

"Are you sure? Or is it just a guess."

Looking at Chen Ming, after a long time, he asked.

"Nine out of ten."

Standing where he was, Chen Ming looked at Qi Yang with a calm face, and said so.

Naturally, the judgment he made would not be nonsense, but had some basis.

When the scream came from before, he felt something was wrong.

Normal people may not be able to hear it, but Chen Ming can detect that the voice is weird, and it is clearly different from normal people in some details, not like the sound that normal people can make.

And besides that, the location is not right.

When the scream came, Chen Ming had felt it carefully.

At the foot of the mountain, the breath of Wang Peng and others had long since disappeared, disappearing without a trace.

That doesn't mean they died.

You must know that even a dead person will still have breath, and it will not disappear so quickly.

But now, only an hour has passed, and their auras have all disappeared.

Not just one or two, but all of them disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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