Sweeping the world

Chapter 350 Climbing Out

Chapter 350 Climbing Out
In the same place, looking at Chen Ming in front of him, Qi Yang's eyes froze, as if he remembered something.

As a good friend for many years, he understood Chen Ming's character, if he hadn't been sure about it, he wouldn't be so sure.

But, if the previous voice was not from Wang Peng, then what does this scream mean?
Standing in place, Qi Yang was stunned for a while, and it took him a while to react.

"What are you thinking?"

Looking at Qi Yang from the side, Chen Ming asked softly.


Qi Yang shook his head, with a wry smile on his face: "I just have some new guesses."

"You go to rest first."

Looking at Chen Ming, he said, "Come and take over after I get tired later."

"it is good."

Chen Ming raised his head, glanced at him, and then nodded.

Soon, Qi Yang was left alone.

He was sitting outside the tent, thinking hard by himself, and there were some guesses in his mind, as if he was about to get to the point.

Walking into his tent from the outside, Chen Ming did not rest, but looked around.

At this moment, in his induction, an inexplicable aura is rising in the surrounding world.

There seemed to be something oppressing from all directions, with a deadly sense of suffocation, frightening and bewildered.

In the same place, Chen Ming looked calm, then got up and walked out of the tent.

Afterwards, he couldn't help but froze.

Walking out of the tent, at this moment, compared to before he entered, the scenery in front of him has changed significantly.

The surrounding world is filled with a kind of bleak air, and an extremely cold feeling is constantly coming from afar, extremely surging.

As for the surrounding area, the few people who were originally guarding the surrounding area and responsible for the night watch had all disappeared at this moment.

Yes, including Qi Yang, everyone is gone.

Outside the tent, Chen Ming was standing alone at this moment, looking extremely abrupt.

After a while, he came to his senses, silently raised his head and looked towards the sky.

I saw that above the sky, the original color had disappeared, there was silence above the sky, and a crescent moon hung there silently, shining on the earth in all directions.

The surrounding world was so quiet, so quiet that even the low chirping of insects disappeared.

"So... the sky has changed?"

Chen Ming stared at the suddenly changing sky in front of him, and stood there in a daze for a long time.

The next moment, the soul in his body swept away and swept away to the surroundings.

The final result was not what he expected.

There is no aura of anyone around, let alone a person, not even the aura of a bug.

Qi Yang and others disappeared directly. In the middle of the night, several living people disappeared without a trace.

The whole world fell silent.

Of course, this does not mean that Chen Ming is the only one left here.

In addition to him, there are actually other people around.

For example in the tent behind.

"What happened just now?"

A soft, weak voice came from the tent behind him, and then several girls came out of it.

Qi Jiali was among them, leaning on each other with a few girls, and walked out of the tent.

Because he had just woken up, someone was still wearing thin pajamas, and he walked out at once, outlining his well-developed figure.

Looking at this scene, Chen Ming turned sideways slightly, and turned around politely: "I'm afraid we will be in trouble soon."

"I can see it."

Qi Jiali walked out of the tent, looking at the strange scene around her, her face was pale and bloodless.

At this moment, outside Helian Mountain.

On a thin hill.

"The curse started again, and those children still didn't escape in the end."

A tall man dressed in black and serious, with the idiom "sneaky" written on his face, spoke with a sigh on his face.

"Is it interesting to say this now?"

A girl with a sweet face, a serious face, and a pleasing figure, only 1.3 meters tall, said seriously: "This place is so broken, are you sure you can come out when you go in?"

"Obviously, no."

The big man spread his hands, his face showed helplessness: "So, didn't I not go in?"

"It's not very long, but it's pretty enough to think about."

Little Loli gave him a blank look: "If no one comes out later, can you not go in?"

The corner of the big man's mouth twitched: "It's me again?"

"It's not you, is it me?"

The little Lolita looked surprised, as if she saw a beast, she folded her arms and said exaggeratedly: "My God, you actually want an underage girl to go to that kind of place!"

"Hey, don't do this."

The corner of the big man's mouth twitched, and he was about to speak, but suddenly he was taken aback.

"Someone came out."

He looked up into the distance.

In that hazy and bright place, a figure half-crawled out, looking at it like this, its posture was very strange.

The big man and Loli took a closer look, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

It's fine, it's alive.

Standing on the top of this mountain, what they are most afraid of now is that a ghost suddenly pops out of the cursed land in front of them, and then they will play big.

Not to mention, this situation is really possible, and some people have even encountered it before.

After all, the cursed land is mysterious and unpredictable, and everything is possible.

Until the dust settles, no one dares to say that they are safe.

Qi Yang slowly climbed out from the ground with difficulty.

It can be seen that he climbed very hard.It's all about climbing, is there still something easy?
He crawled out from the depths of a jungle, his body was covered in blood, his skin was ripped open, and the blood kept oozing out. It looked very scary at first glance.

But even so, he was still strong, crawling out step by step, that scene made people feel painful.

He was holding a mobile phone tightly in his hand, and it was still shining with a bluish light. The light on it was weak, and it seemed that it might go out at any time.

Seeing this scene, the big man and Loli hurried forward, helped Qi Yang from a distance, and put him aside.

"How are you?"

The big man asked, while treating the wound on his body.

Looking at the big man, Qi Yang opened his mouth and wanted to speak, but he couldn't say anything.

The pain on his body is a bit serious, and now he seems to be pressed down by seven or eight men, and he can't move at all.

The process of crawling out of the cursed land before has exhausted all his physical strength.


It took a while before the big man realized Qi Yang's state, patted his head suddenly, and took out something from his arms.

Is that a gorgeous brick?
Compared with the usual turn, this brick looks darker, a piece of black and red, with blood-stained things on it.

Qi Yang blinked his eyes, feeling a little dazed and had an ominous premonition.

The next moment, with an ominous premonition experience, a black spot in front of him quickly enlarged, occupying the entire line of sight.

The big man waved the black brick in his hand, and just threw it at Qi Yang's face.

There was a crisp sound.

Qi Yang was quickly taken aback.

(End of this chapter)

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