Sweeping the world

Chapter 352 Exorcist is so powerful?

Chapter 352 Exorcist is so powerful?
In the same place, on the top of the mountain, several people looked confused.

"What's going on, what's the situation?"

Loli stared at the screen with a dazed expression.

Shouldn't it be scary?

How can the painting style change as soon as it is said?

"I see!"

The big man slapped his thigh, and the eyes of the two people around him were immediately attracted.

"This must be a hidden exorcist!"

The big man looked determined, pointed at Chen Ming in the bronze mirror and said, "Look at his expression, how calm, how calm, what does it mean to be confident? This is it!"

"Is that so?"

Qi Yang was stunned, always feeling that something was wrong, but he didn't know where to start.

"So my friend is saved?"

"Is this"

The big man hesitated for a moment, then shook his head: "If it was before the curse was launched, it might still be possible, but now that the curse has been launched, even an exorcist may be too."

After the voice fell, the picture in the bronze mirror changed again.

In the quiet tent, as the hand fell, the atmosphere became awkward for a while.

"you say."

Qi Jiali spoke softly, and looked at Chen Ming affectionately, like a skilled actor, even if one hand is lost, and the actor is out of order, she still has to finish her role.

"Am I good-looking?"


Chen Ming raised his head slightly, glanced at her, and said so.

"Yeah, how good-looking I look like this."

Qi Jiali sighed softly.

"In that case, why don't you die in my arms?"

She said softly, and her whole body began to change.

The delicate face began to fade, and the fair skin gradually wrinkled, becoming extremely old.

In just a split second, the person in front of him completed a transformation that would take decades for others.

Oh no.

Under normal circumstances, the average person cannot turn into a pile of rotten meat in decades.

That's right, before Chen Ming's eyes, Qi Jiali suddenly turned into a terrifying look.

She was still wearing the same clothes, but the original fair skin and lubricated body were gone, and what was left was a pile of rotten flesh, with bones visible under the rotten flesh.

Like rotten pork.

After becoming like this, Qi Jiali was condescending and looked at Chen Ming, suddenly a little surprised.

"Your face is very calm, aren't you afraid of me?"

Looking at Chen Ming's calm face, she was a little puzzled.

"Okay, that's it."

Chen Ming said casually, and pointed below her by the way: "Your leg fell off."


Qi Jiali was taken aback for a moment, then subconsciously looked down.

I saw her leg, her right leg had been broken at some point, and at this moment a thigh with bones exposed just fell to the side.

But the ghost is extraordinary after all, even if it lost a leg, it still stood there perfectly, showing no sign of falling down.

Qi Jiali's expression froze, then gradually became dull, and then became ferocious, so wonderful that even the most skilled actors would sigh.

"I want you to die!"

A big hand pressed down, pinched his skull in an instant, and pressed down hard.

With a bang, she was shocked and pushed down.

A huge pothole instantly appeared on the ground, which seemed quite deep.

"The dead have a place where the dead should go."

Chen Ming glanced at the ground and shook his head slightly.

"Why stand up when you can lie down!"

As soon as the words fell, a more violent sound erupted.

This place was directly sunken, and with Chen Ming as the original place, the land more than ten meters wide collapsed instantly, pressing down hard.


Looking at Chen Ming's movements in the bronze mirror, the big man and Lori swallowed hard.

Qi Yang's face was also a little numb, and he couldn't accept the sudden change of his friend.

It was agreed that everyone is a salted fish, but you secretly turned over
You put me under a lot of pressure!

"I see!"

Facing Qi Yang's resentful gaze, the big man patted his thigh violently.

"This must be the legendary senior exorcist!"

"I heard that some senior exorcists have mysterious means, maybe that's it!"

"Is it?"

Qi Yang sighed a little: "It turns out that the exorcist is so powerful."

"Yeah yeah."

The big man wiped the sweat from his forehead and echoed.

on the other side.

Suppressing the ghost disguised as Qi Jiali with one hand, Chen Ming stood up alone.

A very strange phenomenon appeared.

Before this camp, besides Qi Jiali, there were obviously several other girls.

But now, not a single one is gone.

Did they all go to celebrate the festival?

Chen Ming felt a little regretful.

He considers himself a good man.

Originally, he planned to send these things down to reunite with Qi Jiali.

The whole family just needs to be tidy.

Why don't others give it a chance.

"It's time to leave."

He raised his head and looked at the dark night in front of him.

Because there was no one around at the moment, it was meaningless for him to pretend anymore.

Therefore, the power in his body began to expand.

The sky gradually changed color, the sun and the moon gradually dimmed, and a force of heaven and man enveloped everything silently.

The next moment, he waved one hand, and the boundless power tore through the void.

The sky for tens of miles was instantly torn apart, the earth collapsed, and the space was shattered.

The mountain peak in front of him was instantly shattered by him, and the originally tightly sealed cursed land was forcibly broken, and a hole appeared.

Sensing this, Chen Ming walked in without hesitation.


Looking at the terrifying scene in the bronze mirror, the big man and Lori couldn't help but swear.

A line of sight came to watch in an instant.

Qi Yang looked at the figure of Chen Ming tearing up the sky in the bronze mirror, like a god and demon, and couldn't help but look at the two big men.

"This... is also the method of the exorcist?"


The big man shivered, and said bravely.

Seeing the appearance of the big man, Qi Yang was a little dubious, but still sighed.

"It turns out that the exorcist is so powerful."

In front of him, as Chen Ming left, the picture in the bronze mirror slowly changed.

When the vision was clear again, Chen Ming found that he seemed to have returned to the original point.

The place in front of him is still the previous mountain top, almost exactly the same as the place he destroyed before, there is no difference.

Except the people inside.

In a tent inside, there was another Chen Ming.

The counterfeit was standing in the tent at the moment, standing there seriously, and the person in front of him was Qi Jiali.

It was completely the opposite of Chen Ming's side.

"I like you."

At this moment, in the tent, the fake Chen Ming looked at Qi Jiali, and said seriously, "I have liked her since a long time ago, until now."

"This is the only belief I have supported so far, and it is also the heart I must express."

"Because I'm afraid, if I don't speak out now, I won't have another chance in the future."


Qi Jiali showed hesitation on her face, and she was a little flustered, disturbed by this sudden confession.

"Stay with me, even for a second."

Fake Chen Ming looked sad, looked at Qi Jiali stretched out his hand, and grabbed Qi Jiali's arm.

Regarding this, Qi Jiali hesitated for a moment, but did not refuse.

The next moment, the two hands touched each other.

The counterfeit sneered in his heart, and tried hard to catch him.


He sensed something was wrong.

Why can't I catch it?

The person in front of him was like a mountain, no matter how he grabbed it, he didn't move at all, there was no movement at all.

When he looked up, he was taken aback for a moment.

Where is Qi Jiali in front of her, she is clearly a man!

It was a young boy who looked like him, with his facial features, his eyebrows, his eyes, and everything else.

At this moment, the opposite side just stood there, with a gentle smile on his face, just looking at him like this, his gaze seemed very kind.

Kind head!

The counterfeit broke out on the spot, and his face instantly became ferocious, as if he had changed his face.

A depression appeared in the ground again.

Before the counterfeit could realize what happened, he felt his surroundings were spinning, and then he completely lost his reaction the next moment, and was sent down by Chen Ming to reunite with the previous ghost.

"It's alright."

Blinking away the counterfeit, Chen Ming turned around and looked behind him.

Qi Jiali was standing there in a daze, staring at Chen Ming in a daze at this moment, she seemed to have not reacted yet.


After a while, she confirmed that the one in front of her was the real one.

As for how she confirmed it, Chen Ming didn't know.

Maybe this is a woman's intuition.

As for his own problems, Chen Ming didn't bother to explain.

Not because of trouble, but because of unclear explanation.

With Qi Jiali, he smashed through the mountain peaks, tore apart the sky, and went through the previous process again.

After a while, the two walked out.

Not surprisingly, the familiar scene resurfaced.

The mountain is still the same mountain, the land is still the same land, the only difference may be the people inside.

Well, this time there is finally no Qi Jiali in it.

Leading Qi Jiali, Chen Ming walked towards the tent with a calm expression.

In the tent, a man who looked exactly like Chen Ming was standing there, looking at a girl in front of him with affection.

"I like you."

Chen Ming paused.

The corner of Qi Jiali's mouth twitched, she subconsciously looked at Chen Ming, and almost couldn't hold back her laughter.

So, the next moment.

boom! !

It's a repeating process again.

It was the familiar tent again, but fortunately there were no girls inside this time.

"I like you."

Before Chen Ming could breathe, he saw a person like Chen Ming stepping out of the tent, and spoke to the person in front of him affectionately.

Well, since there are no girls here, he's talking to a guy.

Qi Jiali and the other girl turned around and looked at Chen Ming. For some reason, their eyes suddenly lit up at this moment.

Chen Ming was silent.

boom! !

I don't know how many times the process is repeated.

The people around Chen Ming gathered more and more, from the original three to more than a dozen.

And at this moment, the scene finally stopped repeating.

A lush forest appeared in front of my eyes.

In front, a corpse that seemed to be standing or kneeling stood quietly, looking lonely.

Unlike in the past, the corpse seemed to lack a flashlight in its hand.

The place was completely quiet, not to mention the normal sounds around, not even the sound of insects chirping.

This was supposed to be very scary, but for some reason, everyone present had no fear at all.

Everyone's eyes gradually focused on Chen Ming.

In the crowd of sights, there was an inexplicable sound in the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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