Sweeping the world

Chapter 353 The Limitation of the Curse

Chapter 353 The Limitation of the Curse

A dense forest appeared in front of the eyes of the surrounding people, among which the trees were in pieces, completely blocking the vision.

The sky was dark, the night was hazy, and there was silence and serenity.

Like in a cemetery.

This thought came to mind, and everyone present trembled, but they looked at the figure standing in front of them, and calmed down again.

It's not that they are not afraid, but they already know that if they can't even deal with Chen Ming in front of them, then they can almost lie down.

In front, Chen Ming stood quietly.

At this moment, with their arrival, the surrounding world has undergone some changes.

An inexplicable breath gradually rose and began to emerge, coming from the front, gradually approaching this place.

Feeling all this, Chen Ming's face was calm, and he was not panicked at all.

Compared with the previous few ghosts, although the aura that appeared this time was much stronger, it was for ordinary people.

For Chen Ming, the ghosts that appeared this time were no different from the previous ones.

Both are brothers.

Under his gaze, a change appeared in the distance, and the hazy black air rose, condensing into a faint mist, surrounding this place.

Leaving aside the actual effect, the visual effect alone is really good.

bells and whistles.

Then in the mist, a tall figure slowly emerged.

It was a figure wearing an armor. The armor on his body was black and looked very worn. If it was taken out, it might be sold directly as an antique.

Under the dilapidated armor was a tall man with a burly figure, a full three to four meters tall, more than twice as tall as ordinary people.

He came just like that, carrying a big black knife in his hand, with strong blood on it, and he didn't know how many people he had chopped off.

Standing quietly on the spot, feeling the strong blood on the opponent, Chen Ming's face was calm, and he frowned secretly, feeling a little weird.

The tall man in front of him was different from all the ghosts that had appeared before.

This can be seen only from the fact that the opponent did not act immediately after he appeared.

"You guys shouldn't have come here." A hoarse voice sounded on the spot.

Chen Ming was stunned.

Don't say he made a fuss.

He has seen many people who speak human language, but this is the first time he has seen a ghost who speaks human language.

Although the ones he met before could speak, they were either human beings or caused by human resentment.

And this one in front of him is a real curse.

The two are not a species at all.

"You guys shouldn't be here."

Looking at Chen Ming, the tall man's eyes flickered with blood, and there was a red light in them.

"This place is about to be connected to another world. If you don't leave, you will never be able to leave."

There was a red light in his eyes, and his speech became more and more agile.

Looking at Chen Ming and the others, he waved his hand.

A black boundary gate opened instantly in front of the eyes, and the scene on the other side could be faintly seen in it.

On the other side of the black gate, a dim light came, and it was dawn already.

"You just let us go."

Chen Ming frowned, looked at the tall figure in front of him, and asked.

"Leave" the faint hoarse words sounded on the spot.

In the same place, Chen Ming frowned suddenly, feeling something was wrong.

The feeling of the tall figure in front of him has changed.

If the other party gave him the feeling that there was a spiritual existence before, now it is like a puppet without the slightest spirituality, like a toy in the hands of a child, and can only remain motionless and act according to the established format.

The spirituality in it disappeared in an instant.

And with the disappearance of the spirituality in it, the danger of this figure is also increasing.

Chen Ming could feel that the power of the curse in the opponent's body was constantly increasing, and if he waited for it to climb to the peak, it might be time to do it.

Thinking of each other, Chen Ming took a deep look at each other, and then spoke.

"let's go."

He didn't choose to do it.

Don't look at how easy it was for him to beat those ghosts before, beating them is like beating a child.

Well, it's actually easier than hitting a kid.

But that's just the appearance.

Cursed to be immortal, in this place, no matter how many times those ghosts are killed, they will come back again and again in the end, which is more tenacious than Big Big Wolf's vitality.

If this fight continues, when will it be the end?
It didn't matter that he was alone, but he wasn't alone now.

There are a lot of oil bottles in the back watching.

Taking advantage of the opportunity in front of me to leave, this is a matter of hello, me, and everyone.

The students behind were very conscious, they lined up spontaneously one by one, and walked towards the opened gate. They didn't look nervous at all, and they didn't look like they were in a frightening and cursed place, but like they were on an outing .

After everyone else left, Chen Ming took a deep look behind him, and finally walked away as well.

The scene in front of him changed instantly.

When Chen Ming and the others walked out of the boundary gate, they found that they had already reached the foot of the mountain.

"so amazing!"

"How incredible!"

All the students were discussing and lamenting the thrill and eccentricity of this encounter, and then they heard a voice ringing in their ears.

A low and loud cough sounded.

Everyone turned around and saw Chen Ming standing beside them, looking at them with a smile on his face.

The surrounding discussions stopped immediately.

The atmosphere was momentarily awkward.

"Should I discuss something with you?"

Chen Ming smiled with a gentle expression on his face.

"About me, I don't want others to know, can I keep it secret?"

Looking at the people present, he was smiling, and gently stroked his right arm backwards seemingly unintentionally.

A crack appeared on the ground, and the mighty divine power surged in all directions, smashing a mountain behind in an instant.

The place fell into a dead silence.

Everyone present froze for a moment, as if they had been hit by a body-holding technique, and then they all nodded in unison.

"No problem no problem."

As if infected by Chen Ming's smile, everyone present smiled spontaneously and nodded heartily.

Looking at the reactions of everyone present, Chen Ming smiled.

He actually didn't need to hide some things about himself.

It's just that sometimes it's nice to have less trouble after all.

Although he still has plenty of time, he doesn't want to waste it on boring things.

Fortunately, everyone seems to be easy to talk and very reasonable, which saves him a lot of trouble.

He couldn't help but smiled, then turned and looked to one side, his figure blurred, and he came to the other side in an instant.

In the distance, on another mountain peak, the three of Qi Yang were still staring.

The next moment, Chen Ming's figure appeared in front of them.

"It has become a living person!!"

Little Lolita was startled, subconsciously hid behind the big man and shouted.

The big man is actually not much better, but his body is too big, there is nowhere to hide.

Can't find a hole to drill down?

Qi Yang was fine. Although he was surprised, he didn't feel scared or nervous.

After all, it is a familiar person, even if the previous character setting collapses, the familiarity from the heart will not change for the time being.

"Old Ming."

Seeing the trembling looks of the other two, Qi Yang tried his best to ease the atmosphere, so he took the lead in saying hello.

Looking at Qi Yang, Chen Ming nodded, then shifted his gaze, gradually falling on the two people around him.

"You are?"

He asked, with some doubts in his eyes.

There is a cursed breath on the two people in front of them, but they are indeed living people.

This unique reaction was somewhat similar to Su Yi's.

But compared with Su Yi, the minds of the two people in front of them seem to be extraordinarily clear-headed, which is very surprising.

"We .are the exorcists"

Seeing Chen Ming's gaze, the big man and Lolita looked at each other, and finally had no choice but to bite the bullet and step forward.


Chen Ming nodded, and looked the two of them up and down, with some doubts in his eyes, and some doubts: "So weak?"

After the words fell, the mouth corners of the big man and Loli twitched.

Where are they weak?

It's clear that you are too perverted.

So the big man tried to explain.

"Compared to this gentleman, we are of course weaker, but for the curse"

"You can't beat it either."

Chen Ming looked the big man up and down, and finally said with certainty.

The big man's mouth twitched again.

Do you want to be so direct?
"We exorcists do not rely on ourselves to deal with the curse. To a large extent, we rely on the tools and experience at hand."

Although it felt very heart-wrenching, the big man still tried his best to explain.

While talking, they also pulled out the tools they used to fight the curse.

A bronze mirror stained with blood, and a sapphire like an eyeball.

Looking at these two things, Chen Ming was taken aback.

From these two things, he felt the power of the curse, which was exactly the same as the small finger bone he had obtained from Su Yi in the past.

Suddenly, he became interested.

What did he come to this world for?Isn't it just to obtain food and let the only true seed in his body mature as soon as possible?

And for this purpose, the two things in front of me just happen to be able to achieve it.

"This is the origin of the curse that can only be conceived in the curse, and there is a core power of the curse attached to it."

The big man opened his mouth and explained to Chen Ming: "By mobilizing these origins of the curse, we can dispel the curse for a short time, and thus find the real way to release the core of the curse."

He explained for Chen Ming.

The curse of this world seems to have its own set of logical laws in its operation. As long as the key nodes of this law can be destroyed, the curse can be broken.

For the exorcists in this world, this is the orthodox method to lift the curse, as Chen Ming is so straightforward, the two people in front of them have never even heard of it, let alone met.

"Logic and law."

Standing at the same spot, Chen Ming pondered for a while, but still didn't understand what kind of principle it was.

Everything that exists in this world must have its origin.

There must be a reason why the curse exists, and why it exists in this way.

"I'm afraid it has something to do with the unique rules of this world."

Chen Ming recalled the fluctuation of God's will that he felt when he swallowed his finger bone that day, and this thought could not help but flash in his mind.

Different worlds often have different rules. The curse of this world is so special, and I am afraid that it can only be attributed to the unique rules of this world in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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