Sweeping the world

Chapter 357 The Forgotten Servant

Chapter 357 The Forgotten Servant
When Chen Ming saw Xiao Yuan again, his expression was very surprised.

In the past, Xiao Yuan was very energetic, with a smile always on his face, no matter who he saw, he always had a smile on his face, which easily aroused a good impression in people's hearts.

At this moment, Xiao Yuan looked dazed, with thick dark circles under his eyes, and deep fatigue remaining on his face, looking weak.

Just like this, it doesn't seem to be enjoying a blessing, it's almost like being sick.

"Are you overworked?"

Standing beside Chen Ming, Qi Yang said tentatively.

Xiao Yuan looked at him wearily, his eyes were bloodshot: "Which aspect?"

"Just that"

Qi Yang looked at Xiao Yuan with some envy, as if he could imagine that scene.

"Ha ha."

Xiao Yuan sneered: "Toil is toil, but I'm afraid it's different from what you imagined."

"It's not that toil, what's that?"

Qi Yang was a little puzzled.

"Will watching a horror movie all night count?"

Xiao Yuan left such a sentence behind, didn't continue, turned around and walked into his room, saying that he wanted to have a good sleep.

"Did he not sleep last night?"

Qi Yang looked at Chen Ming with some doubts.

"Who knows."

Chen Ming said casually: "Maybe it's a little too excited to see us today."

After saying this, he walked in directly.

As soon as he entered the house, his footsteps could not help but pause.

A cold breath came from all directions.

Immediately, he understood, and continued to look around.

Of course, he also saw the appearance of Xiao Yuan just now.

There is a strong curse aura remaining on Xiao Yuan's body, which is extremely strong.

It's almost like coming out of the curse pile.

Thinking of what he said just now, Chen Ming couldn't guess what happened to him last night.

Most likely spent the night in the curse pile.

If Chen Ming arrives two days later, I'm afraid he will only be able to see his dead body.

It seems exciting to imagine that.

Chen Ming quietly walked around, and couldn't help frowning.

"Mr. Chen, is there any problem here?"

Beside him, a middle-aged woman who followed Chen Ming all the way in couldn't help asking when she saw him frowning.

"It's a big problem."

Chen Ming said truthfully.

Chen Ming only saw the serious problem in this place.

Previously on Mount Helian, the curse that linked the peaks covered the entire mountain range and even affected the folding of space, which was already very terrifying.

But the horrors of this place are even stronger.

From entering this place until now, I have seen no place without the breath of curse.

Yes, without a single exception.

As big as a wall, a flight of stairs, as small as everyday furniture, none of them are safe, and all of them are tainted with the breath of curse.

Even the human body is the same, all of them carry the breath of curse.

Just terrifying.

After a while, the owner of this place also came, the girl named Liu Yin.

This was the first time Chen Ming saw this girl, and his first impression was pretty good.

On the opposite side, Liu Yin was slightly taken aback when he saw Chen Ming's appearance, and then made a joke: "Are all high school exorcists working part-time now?"


Chen Ming said with a casual smile: "After all, this business is for youth, and there are many young people."

"Youth meal?"

Liu Yin became interested: "Shouldn't exorcists become more and more popular the older they get?"

"The truth is this truth."

Chen Ming patted the wall, and said, "But the more experience you have, the higher the probability of death. Naturally, only young people are left."

"Can you still say that?"

Liu Yin looked at Chen Ming, and was about to say something when he heard Chen Ming in front of him continue to say, "Is your family short of money?"

"There should be no shortage."

Liu Yin was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Are you asking this because you are worried about your reward?"

"Do not."

Chen Ming shook his head: "What I mean is, if you are not short of money, I suggest you burn this house down."

"What's the point?"

Liu Yin became interested.

"There are too many messy things, and it is more troublesome to clean up one by one."

Chen Ming walked to a wall and waved his hand.

Under the stunned gaze of the people around, a wall collapsed in an instant.

A strong smell of blood came from inside, and a pair of eyes seemed to be opening indistinctly.

With a wave of Chen Ming's hand, his expression was calm, and he stretched out one hand. A moment later, a female corpse was directly grabbed out.

It was said to be a corpse, but it looked very unique. After being pulled out of the wall abruptly by Chen Ming, it was still crawling and bleeding all over its body.

Ahh! !
A few screams came out instantly.

Seeing the corpse writhing in Chen Ming's hands, several people screamed on the spot, and some fainted directly.

Liu Yin's face was pale, his body shook for a while, and his chest heaved for a while. It seemed that his heart was also not calm, but he was still calm after all.

"what is this?"

She managed to remain calm and spoke.

"The derivatives attached to the curse molding are not considered the main ingredients, but they are also quite dangerous to you."

Chen Ming squeezed his hand casually, exerted a little force on his arm, and twisted off the head of the female corpse.

The female corpse fell to the ground and immediately stopped moving.

But Chen Ming's actions did not end.

He stepped aside, picked up a flower pot and smashed it again.

The crisp sound sounded again.

The flowerpot shattered, and then at the bottom of the flowerpot, a blood-stained tentacle appeared, constantly moving there.

In the end, it was trampled by Chen Ming.

This is far from over.

The scenes that were discovered next made the hearts of the people present keep jumping back and forth.

The blood-stained jade pendant, the sharp tentacles, the broken but still movable arm
Chen Ming kept looking for one thing after another, constantly challenging the tolerance of everyone present.

Liu Yin's face kept turning pale.

Quietly standing in place, looking at the people of the Liu family, Qi Yang was full of admiration.

To be able to live with these things for so long.

The courage of these men is admirable.

If it wasn't for the need to remain serious due to the situation, he would have wanted to applaud them.


Looking at the dust in front of him, Liu Yin couldn't help but said, "Did you exorcise demons before? Are all the scenes so exciting?"


Qi Yang touched his nose: "Shouldn't it?"


Liu Yin was a little puzzled, looked up, and saw Chen Ming walking in the distance.

"That's about it."

Throwing a head on the ground casually, Chen Ming said casually: "However, in order to keep it safe, I suggest that you burn this place with a torch."

"Can this solve it?"

Liu Yin looked at the dust on the ground and asked.

"That's not it."

Chen Ming shook his head: "The superficial things have been resolved, but the root cause is still there."

"The curse cannot appear for no reason. Think carefully, have you been infected with anything special in the past?"

"For example, antiques with unique shapes, or some weird things."

He said so.

There are curses, and there are mostly cursed things.

From just now to now, he has been searching in this house for so long, but in the end he couldn't find even a hair.

This is obviously not in line with common sense.

"Something special?"

Liu Yin froze for a moment, as if he remembered something.

"The entire villa has been renovated, there is nothing worth noting."

"The only thing that can be called special may be some things left by my grandfather."

"What about things?"

Chen Ming remained expressionless, nodded, and asked.

"In the basement."

Looking at Chen Ming's expression, Liu Yin dared not neglect this: "Please come with me."

She turned around and led Chen Ming all the way out.

After walking through a long staircase, they came to a place.

This is a very spacious area, the surrounding light is very dark, and there is a cold breath coming from everywhere, it seems to be the damp in the basement, or it seems to be something else.

Normally, no one would care about these things, but after experiencing those things just now, everyone present at the moment felt the coldness of this place, and couldn't help shivering and feeling a little scared.

Unexpectedly, the young girl Liu Yin remained calm and looked quite calm.

If it wasn't for the slightly trembling legs and the violent heartbeat that betrayed her, Chen Ming almost thought that she would not feel afraid anymore.

"Just a kid after all."

He shook his head and turned to look around.

The space in this basement looks very vast and the place is huge, and it is almost immediately obvious that it is a rich family.

On the steps all around, there is a thick accumulation of dust, it seems that no one has been here for a long time.

"Don't you usually send someone to clean up?"

Chen Ming asked a little strangely, pointing to the dust everywhere.

"No, we have dedicated servants to clean up this area."

Liu Yin shook his head, his face looked a little unsightly.

"So, what about the servant?"

Chen Ming nodded and asked.

"I do not know."

Liu Yin's face suddenly changed. His face, which had always been expressionless and without any emotional fluctuations, now appeared terrified.

She discovered something extremely terrifying.

In her memory, a servant was indeed arranged to clean this area.

But no matter how she thought about it, she couldn't remember the servant's name.

It's like a big chunk of her memory is missing.

Incomparably terrifying and eerie.

"I am. I."

She hesitated, and did not speak for a long time.

Around her, the same was true for several other people, with panic and hesitation on their faces.

From the looks of it, they were all hit.

"I didn't realize it until now."

Chen Ming shook his head, looking at the appearance of everyone present, but he didn't find it strange.

very normal thing.

Ordinary people have no resistance at all in the face of something extraordinary like a curse.

These few people just lost a piece of memory, and they were lucky that they didn't die.

But on the other hand, Chen Ming also admired their luck and courage.

Living with the curse day and night, they still haven't gone crazy. From a certain point of view, the hearts of this group of people are strong enough.

Although, there are also reasons why they don't know it.

(End of this chapter)

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