Sweeping the world

Chapter 358 Before the Iron Gate

Chapter 358 Before the Iron Gate
The place in front of him looked very strange.

Of course, Chen Ming was not surprised by this at all.

The place where the curse is, isn't it normal to be a bit weird?
If everything is normal, it seems abnormal.

Standing quietly in place, Chen Ming raised his head and looked around.

This spacious basement looks very old
Not only the appearance of the place, but also the decoration style of the place, as well as the overall furnishings, all have a strong old meaning, which looks very old.

Like an antique.

"No one has been here for at least five or six years"

Chen Ming glanced casually and came to such a conclusion.

As for how he got it, Chen Ming didn't say, and the people around him didn't dare to ask.

"lead the way."

He glanced at one side, where Liu Yin, the hand girl, was still standing there, looking dumbfounded.

"God back."

Chen Ming raised his head and glanced at him with a calm face, not surprised at all: "What do you remember?"


Standing there, Liu Yin was stunned for a long time.

“I seem to have been here before”

She looked ahead, looked at the locked tower ahead, and the old and dilapidated basement, and muttered to herself.

"Tell me more about it?"

Chen Ming glanced at her, then walked aside.

He walked to the basement door.

In the old basement, the surroundings are full of rust, only one iron lock is different, it still looks like new, it seems to have been well maintained in the past.

Chen Ming looked up and touched it casually.

The iron lock in front of him is covered with a thick layer of wax, which seems to be made of a very unique material, even if it has not faded until now.

Then, he reached out and touched the iron lock in front of him.

A faint smell of blood came from the surroundings.

The iron lock in front of him began to heat up and gradually turned red.

Indistinctly, a hazy sense of space came from everywhere.

Touching the iron lock in front of him with his hand, Chen Ming had an ominous premonition.

It seems that after stepping over this iron lock, there is another world.

"It's so weird here..."

Behind him, looking at the basement in front of him, Qi Yang complained unconsciously.

The girl Liu Yin's body trembled, as if remembering something.

She raised her head and looked in front of her eyes, at the gate in front of her, and at the well-kept iron lock, her eyes gradually changed.


He murmured, his body began to tremble: "I have been here before..."

A crisp sound came from one side, attracting the attention of everyone present.

Chen Ming turned around and looked into the distance, in the direction of the sound, but saw nothing.

That direction is empty, nothing exists.

"Is it a mouse?"

Qi Yang opened his mouth and said so.

"It should be." The people on the side agreed.

Chen Ming didn't speak, but just looked over there.

In that direction, he didn't feel the human breath, but there was nothing else either.

In other words, there is no living thing in that place.

But if this is the case, where should this sound come from?
With a calm face, Chen Ming looked at Liu Yin who was on the side.

From just now to now, the girl's appearance has changed again, her pale face looks even paler, without the slightest trace of blood.

Her body trembled, her face was pale and bloodless, and she also subconsciously looked at Chen Ming at this moment.

The eyes of the two met.

The girl looked away instantly.

"Remember what?"

Chen Ming asked.

"Yes, it is"

The girl nodded, her face pale as before: "Those are some bad memories and past events."

"Would you mind talking?"

"do not mind."

The girl shook her head, walked forward slowly, and looked at the gate.

"I've been to this place when I was a child. I've gone in and seen some things."

Her face showed hesitation, and her face became more and more frightened.

An inexplicable force seemed to begin to descend.

Her eyes widened, showing panic, her body trembling more and more


Chen Ming sensed something was wrong.

The appearance of the girl in front of him was already beyond the normal range.

It didn't look like a normal fear reaction, but it looked like he was about to die on the spot.

He reached out and patted the girl on the shoulder.

A bit of divine power was exported and passed into the girl's body.


The girl's body is like a hodgepodge.

It was only then that Chen Ming discovered that the girl's body was obviously not normal.

Most of the flesh and blood on his body gave off a strong sense of ominousness, completely different from the flesh and blood of normal people.

At this moment, the power contained in these flesh and blood was activated and began to backlash, affecting the girl's body almost instantly.

It was only a tiny bit away from dying on the spot.

No help!

This thought flashed through Chen Ming's mind.

The girl's situation is too serious.

Most of the flesh and blood on the whole body was infiltrated and replaced. If this is not serious, there will be ghosts.

Normal forces cannot reverse it.

With this in mind, Chen Ming stretched out his hand.

On the side, Qi Yang showed envy on his face.

A golden demon seed shines in the world at this moment, blooming with five strokes of brilliance, which was injected into the girl's body by Chen Ming.

Affected by this, the girl's body immediately changed.

A faint brilliance flickered.

The girl's body was artificially divided into two halves.

Half of the power of the curse is generally the power of the demon seed.

The two forces faced each other and repelled each other, but they maintained a balance and saved the girl's life.

Her body no longer mutated, and she maintained the appearance of a normal person.

"All right."

Chen Ming looked at the girl's appearance.

"It seems that we can have a good chat about the reward."

Chen Ming has already confirmed it.

The iron lock that sealed the basement door was a powerful curse.

It is stronger than the ones that Chen Ming swallowed before.

However, if this iron lock is removed one by one, the end will be unpredictable.

Most likely it will lead to a series of troubles.

Once it caused too much trouble, it would also be a trouble for Chen Ming.

Therefore, he decided not to touch the iron lock for the time being, and instead negotiated with the girl.

If you want to get the cursed thing, you don't have to curse yourself.

According to what Qi Yang said before, the Liu family is powerful.

With their strength, it shouldn't be a problem to help Chen Ming find a few cursed objects.


Looking at the girl in front of him in the spacious and quiet hall, Chen Ming spoke.

"not bad."

After recovering from what happened just now, the girl still looks a little weak at the moment.

She looked at Chen Ming and said seriously: "As long as you can guarantee the safety of our family members, then it's worth the deal."

"Then deal."

Chen Ming smiled.

Time passed slowly.

Before I knew it, two years had passed.

A huge city, in a campus.

Chen Ming walked quietly.

It was raining in the sky at the moment, and the sound of bits and pieces outside kept ringing, which represented the falling of raindrops.

Chen Ming held an umbrella and walked on the road alone.

He walked very slowly, he didn't seem to be in a hurry, he just walked slowly.

After a while, the phone rang.


"Old Ming, it's me!"

On the other end of the phone, a familiar voice came.

"Oh, you, Lao Yang."

"what happened?"

Chen Ming said casually, "Didn't you say you're still on vacation?"

"I don't have time to say anything extra!"

"We are now on Huangjue Mountain in Xiaosheng District! Come and save us!"

"Those things."

Beep beep.
There was a beeping sound, the sound of the phone being hung up.

In the same place, listening to the continuous ringing of the phone, Chen Ming slowly raised his head.

The rain was still falling, but it was becoming thinner now.

When the rain falls and the sky clears, the sun gradually emerges, illuminating the entire land and turning the whole world into a piece of gold.

After a while, Chen Ming raised his head and looked into the distance with deep and calm eyes.

"Sure enough, it's been too long."

He sighed softly, his eyes gradually deepened.

(End of this chapter)

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