Sweeping the world

Chapter 359 I Can't Understand

Chapter 359 I Can't Understand

"Hello, are you there?"

"What's wrong?" A lazy voice came from one side.

In a quiet and spacious bathroom, Xiao Yi lay lazily in the bathtub, and took the phone casually.

The heat was constantly rising, and the warm air dampened the entire bathroom.

It looks quite chic.

"Something happened to Qi Yang." The voice on the other end of the phone said, it was a female voice, and it sounded quite serious.

"What did you say?"

Xiao Yuan was taken aback: "I don't remember what kind of work he has been doing recently?"

"You have a good memory."

On the other end of the phone, Liu Yin's voice was silent for a while.

"But this time he hit it himself."

"What kind of luck is this?"

Xiao Yuan was startled.

Cursing this kind of thing may seem scary, but for ordinary people, it is definitely something that can be encountered but not sought after, and it is a small probability event.

Even if Xiao Yi and the others had a curse aura and were more prone to curse than ordinary people, it was the same.

If Qi Yang went out for a trip like this, he just ran into him, luck is absolutely nothing to say.

It's as lucky as buying a lottery ticket.

And looking at the situation, it seems that something happened.

This again belongs to the small probability in the small probability.

"How is he, is he still alive?"

Xiao Yi's face gradually became serious.

"I don't know, maybe he's still alive."

Liu Yin's serious voice sounded helpless.

"He can still call the head for help, and he shouldn't die in a while."

"But it's hard to say what's next."

The voice spoke.

"That's why I came to you."

Liu Yin said: "Your ability is the most special among us. If it were you, you should be able to find him."

"I see."

Xiao Yuan nodded solemnly.

His special ability is naturally because of his yellow paper.

The special function of yellow paper has been gradually revealed in the past few years.

Being able to predict the future, even if only to a certain extent, is also a very powerful function.

Relying on this function, Xiao Yuan has repeatedly succeeded in these years and obtained many cursed objects.

In terms of strength alone, apart from Chen Ming, he is the well-deserved number one.

This is why Liu Yinhui was the first to notify him.


Xiao Yuan got up from where he was, his eyes gradually became sharper.

a few days later.

On a barren plain.

"Is it here?"

A faint voice sounded in this area.

Xiao Yuan looked up and looked around, looking around.

The surrounding area was barren, and it seemed that there was no vitality at all, which made people feel an unprecedented sense of depression.

“There is an inexplicable feeling”

Xiao Yuan muttered to himself: "This place has problems at first sight."

“In the beginning there was no problem”

A voice came from behind: "Otherwise, he wouldn't have come to this place to travel properly."

"As a result, I carried myself in while traveling."

Xiao Yuan shook his head, feeling a little speechless.

"how to say"

A voice continues to come from behind

"Who would have thought before it happened"


Xiao Yuan nodded, then turned around and looked to one side.

"But... can you show up and talk to me again?"

"I'm not used to you being so sneaky."

He said so, then waved his hand casually.

A little golden divine power erupted, and the demon seed began to resonate and hit the distance.


The earth shook slightly.

After a turmoil, two figures appeared.

It was a big man and a little girl.

The big man looks like he should be about 40 years old. He looks a bit vicissitudes, with a rough face and a beard. He looks quite mature.

The girl looked about twelve or thirteen years old, and she looked small and exquisite. The assassin was wearing a white dress, and she looked very cute.

"Mu Qu, Li Ming"

Xiao Yuan glanced at them: "Only you two?"

"Isn't it enough to have the two of us?"

The big man named Mu Qu said.

"The others are still on the way."

Li Ming said so.

These two are not others, they are the big guy loli combination that Chen Ming met once.

A few years later, when Chen Ming established the Exorcism Society, the two of them resolutely joined. After a few years, as one of the original elders, their status is not low.

Among the first batch of veterans who founded the Exorcism Society, apart from Chen Ming and Xiao Yuan, they also had the best relationship with Qi Yang.

So I rushed over immediately at this moment.

"let's start."

Xiao Yuan opened his mouth lightly, and then took out a piece of yellow paper from his arms.

The yellow paper looks old, with spots of rust on it, and mysterious symbols appear from time to time, as if it contains ancient secrets.

But at this moment, with Xiao Yuan's actions, the contents on the yellow paper are constantly manifesting.

A little bit of blood-colored handwriting manifested on it, densely packed, and continuously displayed.

Looking at this scene, Mu Qu and Li Ming looked at each other, and they both saw some surprise in each other's eyes.

The scene in front of them is also a rare thing for them.

Although it is not the first time I have seen it, every time I see it, I feel that this scene is very unique.

"so good."

Mu Qu was a little envious: "With this thing in hand, no matter what important things happen, I can know immediately."

"If I have this ability, will I not die when I play games in the future?"

"It's too beautiful."

Li Ming rolled his eyes: "You think this thing is omnipotent!"

"Until you are about to die, what else do you want to show?"

"I feel like I'm dying at any moment."

Mu Qu smiled without shame: "Look at me, my hair is almost bald!"

"Wake up, you were playing games."

Li Ming exposed it mercilessly: "Hurry up and work!"

On one side, Xiao Yuan looked solemnly, quietly looking at his hands.

In his hand, mysterious characters were still emerging on the yellow paper, and the color on it was getting brighter and brighter.

Xiao Yuan's face became more and more serious.

His appearance made Mu Qu and Li Ming on the side quiet, and their expressions became serious.

"what happened?"

"Is the situation serious?"

The big man Muqu asked with a serious expression on his face.


Xiao Yuan's face was also serious: "I don't understand."


Mu Qu and Li Ming were taken aback for a moment, a little unresponsive.

You can't understand your own stuff?
Are you kidding me?

"I really don't understand."

Xiao Yuan felt helpless.

He really wasn't lying.

This was the first time he encountered this situation.

In the past, no matter how critical the situation was or how bad the scene was, the yellow paper would always take effect.

It was the first time he encountered a scene like this one.

"It's a little weird."

Looking at the mysterious characters displayed on the yellow paper, he fell into deep thought.

The yellow paper has not lost its effect, there are still writings on it.

It's just that he can't read the handwriting.

"What should we do now."

He rubbed his head and couldn't help but think about this question.

(End of this chapter)

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