Sweeping the world

Chapter 360 Scarlet Town 1

Chapter 360 Scarlet Town Part One
"What should we do now."

Mu Qu and the others looked at each other in blank dismay.

"do not know."

"Aren't you always good at seeing things?"

"That was before."

Xiao Yuan rolled his eyes: "Now I can't understand this thing myself, there is still a use for it."

"Let's call."

Li Ming interjected, "Ask the head and see what he thinks."

"Not so good."

Mu Qu looked a little embarrassed.

"We just came here, and we called someone before we did anything?"

"if not?"

Li Ming rolled his eyes: "Do you have a better way?"

"Stop arguing."

Xiao Yuan's voice came from the front.

"Let's take a look first."

He said so, and then started to walk forward.

In the front, silently, a shadow is spreading around silently.

The hazy darkness swept from all directions, slowly spreading.

Time gradually passed.

Beep beep.
It was still raining.

The sound of beeping beeping kept ringing.

Chen Ming listened to the sound of hanging up from his mobile phone, Chen Ming's expression was calm, and he remained silent.


He looked up at the sky and murmured.

Xiao Yuan and the others have lost contact at this moment.

Mu Qu and Li Ming were fine, but Xiao Yuan was also caught in it, something Chen Ming never thought of.

After getting along for several years, some things are naturally no longer a secret.

Chen Ming knew about the yellow paper in Xiao Yuan's hand, and it was precisely because of this that he let him pass.

He originally thought that even if Xiao Yuan couldn't find any clues, he could at least escape unscathed.

Unexpectedly, after Qi Yang, he would also end up on the same path.

"It's been a long time since I made a move."

He talked with no sadness or joy in his heart.

Now, he has only one option left to do it himself.

It's not like there's no one else to send.

It's just that things have developed to the present, and even Xiao Yuan has fallen.

Sending other people over is just giving away heads.

There is no need for that.

Gently put down the umbrella in his hand, Chen Ming turned around and looked into the distance.

The next moment, his figure disappeared in place and went to an unknown distance.

"Where is this place?"

In an inexplicable small town, Xiao Yuan's doubtful voice came out.

He looked around.

Surrounded by a quiet small town.

The small town looks very quiet, looking like it is, but there is a trace of weirdness.

Needless to say the reason for the weirdness.

Whose town would be so quiet like this?
Not even a sound.

It's no different than a ghost town.

Regarding this, Xiao Yuan seemed very calm.

Over the past few years, he can be considered to have experienced strong winds and waves.

The situation here is just trivial.

It's nothing.

"Aren't Mu Qu and Li Ming here?"

He looked up and looked around, looking at the empty rooms around him, this thought flashed in his mind.

“The room was clean and looked like it was cleaned regularly.”

"The surroundings are very peaceful, there is no sound at all, and it is suspected to be the influence of the power of the curse."

"Both Mu Qu and Li Ming are gone. They should have been teleported to other places, perhaps in other corners of this small town."

He began the analysis based on his own experience.

In the past few years, he followed Chen Ming and dispelled many curses, and he has seen many things in these years.

Even in such a situation at this moment, I don't feel panic at all.

After all, you are used to it.

He continued to look outside.

At this moment, there are some new changes in the outside world.

A bloody haze enveloped the place, completely covering the area.

Pieces of dust fell to the ground, looking quite evil.

The vague smell of blood continued to radiate, making people feel instinctive throbbing.

Xiao Yuan turned around intentionally and looked towards a certain direction in the distance.

There, bursts of hazy darkness emerged.


Xiao Yuan only had time to make a sound, and then felt a strong sense of coldness coming quickly.

The next moment, everything is over.

Bits of brilliance flickered, and without a sound, a burst of golden divine power flickered, and finally erupted and spread suddenly.

The whole house was gradually enveloped by it, and a little bit of divine light spread and shrouded the place.

The next moment, Xiao Yuan's figure appeared on the spot again.


A voice sounded in situ.

In the distance, a voice suddenly sounded and broke out here.

A figure appeared in the distance.

It was a very hazy figure, the whole figure was shrouded in darkness, and the whole person looked extremely dim and mysterious.

He just came from a distance, looked at Xiao Yuan who was shrouded in darkness, and made a surprised sound.

He seemed very surprised.

A voice came quickly.

In the center, a burst of golden light burst out, breaking through the dim world.

Xiao Yuan's figure stepped out from a distance.

"who are you?"

With a stern face, he spoke.


The figure spoke, looking a little puzzled: "You are obviously an ordinary person, why can you leave here?"

"you guess?"

Xiao Yuan's expression remained unchanged, he raised his head slightly, and looked at the figure in front of him.

The figure in front of him was shrouded in haze.

It can only be seen vaguely as a human figure.

As for the specific appearance, it is impossible to see up, down, left, and right.

At first glance, he is not a normal person.

"Are you the subject of the curse here?"

Xiao Yuan looked up and down, and finally spoke like this.

"The subject of the curse?"

The voice was slightly taken aback: "What is that?"

"do not care"

Xiao Yuan shook his head: "Anyway, we should take you down first."

"Take me down?"

The figure was taken aback for a moment, and then he couldn't help being surprised: "Are all young people nowadays so carefree?"

He looked at Xiao Yuan with some regret, his eyes seemed to be looking at a fool.

But after a while, he stopped laughing.

"Are you really human?"

He has some doubts about life.

The scene in front of me was really scary.

In front of him, Xiao Yuan's entire body was split open, and at this moment, the body was split open, and there was a black long knife stabbed fiercely in the heart.

The whole person looked so dead that he couldn't die anymore.

But even so, he was still not dead, even alive and kicking, looking as good as he could be.

This unique scene is really terrifying. If people who don't know the truth come, they may think that this is a curse.

That figure also had some doubts about life.

It was not the first time he saw other people here.

But it was the first time he had seen someone with such tenacious and powerful vitality.

This has really gone beyond the scope of normal people and reached another realm.

That's why he asked the question just now.

"As you can see, I'm a normal person."

On the opposite side, the wounds all over his body were open, but Xiao Yuan's expression was the same as usual, and he even shrugged his shoulders.

"Isn't this a normal thing?"

Where is it normal?

The black shadow complained silently.

At this point, he didn't know what to say.

And he was a little tired too.

The two have been stalemate in this place for so long, and the final result is indeed very few.

No one can help each other.

This figure couldn't do anything to Xiao Yuan, because Xiao Yuan's vitality was too strong, no matter what he did or how he did it, he couldn't completely solve it.

This huge vitality was bestowed by Chen Ming in the past few years. In terms of quantity alone, it may be only at the level of ordinary Houtian peak fighters, but the quality is extremely high, reaching a terrifying level.

After all, Chen Ming's own level of power is too high. His power, even if it's just a drop of blood, a little bit of divine power, is enough to pull an ordinary person to a terrifying level.

This is also the reason why Xiao Yuan didn't panic, and even dared to attack this mysterious figure.

But in the same way, Xiao Yuan also had nothing to do with this mysterious figure.

He can't hit it.

The two sides seem to be completely out of line.

In terms of strength alone, the opponent doesn't seem to be too strong, but its own existence is extraordinarily strange, it seems to be in another dimension, no matter how hard Xiao Yuan tries, he can't attack the opponent, and can only be beaten passively.

The two are not in the same dimension at all, they are on different channels.

(End of this chapter)

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