Sweeping the world

Chapter 361 Scarlet Town 2

Chapter 361 Scarlet Town II

"I said. You have been playing for so long, should you stop?"

In the quiet room, a figure was shrouded in darkness, looking at Xiao Yuan in front of him, and said so.

"What do you want to say?"

Not far away, Xiao Yuan panted, looked at the black shadow in front of him and said.

"What I mean is. We've been fighting for so long, but we haven't seen anyone killed. It's meaningless to continue fighting. Why don't we just stop?"

"Give it up now while you and I still have the strength, lest when we both lose, we will take advantage of others."

After the words fell, Xiao Yuan was taken aback for a moment.

Is this a cursed spirit that pays attention to compromise?

He was a little shocked.

In the past few years, he has seen a lot of curses that look like human beings, but most of them have a human appearance, look like a human, but are actually monsters dominated by the curse instinct.

This is really the first time since the beginning of the world that someone like the one in front of me can talk and compromise on his own initiative.

"Wait, you just said threats?"

Xiao Yuan noticed this keenly.

"Is there anything that can threaten a cursed spirit like you?"

He couldn't help asking, with deep curiosity on his face.

"I said, I'm not some cursed spirit."

Heiying seemed a little impatient: "I used to be a human, the reason why I became like this is just degenerate!"


Xiao Yuan was somewhat puzzled and curious.

At this time, dots of light began to flicker.

A little bit of blood-colored brilliance bloomed in place, and in just a moment, everything around him began to slowly change color.

Everything began to change, and gradually transformed into another mode, like the surrounding World Cup was covered with a layer of red, which looked very bright and beautiful.

However, under this brilliance, a deadly killing intent is blooming.


Feeling all this, Xiao Yuan didn't feel anything yet, but the figure in front of him changed color instantly, the expression on his face quickly became much more terrifying, and there was some fear in his eyes.

"what is this?"

On the spot, Xiao Yuan frowned, sensing something unusual in Soi Ying's attitude.

"Something that could kill you."

Under the dazzling blood light, the layer of black on Soi Ying's body gradually faded, revealing his original appearance.

It was the face of a middle-aged man, who looked a bit vicissitudes, and the skin was a little pale, like the color of a dead person.

He stood there with an embarrassed expression on his face, staring at Xiao Yuan fiercely.

"It must be you!"


Xiao Yuan looked inexplicably surprised.

"The blood curse didn't wake up so quickly in the past, but this time it woke up so quickly. It must have been awakened by you outsiders!"

The figure who looked like a middle-aged uncle stared at Xiao Yuan viciously, and said so.

"I attracted you?"

The original campus was stunned, then shook his head.

"What you said is wrong."

He looked at the middle-aged man in front of him, his face became colder, and he said, "It's obvious that you arrested me and arrested us, but you still blame us for breaking in in the end. What's the point?"

With a cold look on his face, he said so.

The middle-aged man froze.

"Would you believe me if I said that your arrest had nothing to do with me?"

"Do you think I believe it?"

Xiao Yuan looked calm.

"Believe it or not."

The middle-aged man looked irritated, turned around and said.

At this moment, the surrounding blood became more and more intense, and the surroundings were shrouded in a strange atmosphere, which gradually enveloped the whole world, including this house.

Looking at the scene in front of him, the irritability on the middle-aged man's face became more and more obvious. He turned around and seemed to want to go out, but found that he couldn't go out at all.

Because every time he walked outside the house, there would be an invisible light manifesting outside, blocking his steps, making it impossible to take a step forward.


He said viciously, feeling a little discouraged for a while.

On the side, watching the middle-aged man's movements, Xiao Yuan frowned, feeling something was wrong.

Looking at the movements of the man in front of him and the changes in the surrounding environment, Xiao Yuan had an ominous premonition in his heart, as if something bad was about to happen.

This premonition soon came true.

Soon in the outside world, bursts of blood-colored light continued to flash, and later in the distance, blood-colored figures appeared in the distance, slowly walking from a distance from time to time.

"It's coming, it's coming!"

Looking at the blood-colored figure constantly emerging in the distance, the middle-aged man's expression turned ugly.

"What are those things?"

Xiao Yuan asked, although his face looked calm, but at the moment he felt a little uneasy.

"The soul that lost itself, the dead soul from another world, is also the so-called poison of the world..."

The middle-aged man's expression was iron, but he looked at Xiao Yuan, and finally spoke truthfully.

Xiao Yuan was keenly aware of the changes in the middle-aged man.

With the continuous appearance of bloody figures in the distance, the attitude of the middle-aged man seems to have changed, from the previous hostility, it gradually became softer.

In other words, he is letting go of hostility and trying to unite with him.

Feeling this, not only did he not relax in the slightest, but he became more and more serious.

The reason is simple, if the middle-aged man can give up his threat and try to unite with him, then the danger from the outside world must be greater than he imagined.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to make it to this point.


At this time, there were a few screams in the distance, like the sound before death.

Xiao Yuan's heart trembled, and he subconsciously raised his head to look into the distance.

"Don't go out!"

Watching Xiao Yuan's movements, on the side, the middle-aged man whispered to him.

"The blood curse outside has been revived. If you walk out of this house now and lose the shelter of this house, they will immediately notice it, and the end will be worrisome."

In the same place, Xiao Yuan raised his head to look at the middle-aged man, listened to his words, finally gave up his plan to rush out, and stood quietly in the same place.

As the middle-aged man said, the room in front of them seemed to have a unique power that could protect them from outside intrusion and prevent them from being discovered by those bloody figures.

But there is no doubt that this kind of shelter has a limit, otherwise the middle-aged man would not have been so flustered, and he would be fine if he just hid in the house.

Standing in the room, Xiao Yuan could clearly feel that the power in this room was rapidly disappearing, and the huge power contained in it was being consumed rapidly, and it was being consumed more and more with the revival of the blood curse in the distance.

As this process continues, and as consumption continues to increase, sooner or later, the protective power in this room will be exhausted, and Xiao Yuan and the middle-aged man who are hiding inside will still have to face each other. to all of this.

"These... are all curses..."

In the same place, looking into the distance, Xiao Yuan frowned.

In the bloody figure in the distance, he felt a curse-like power, exactly the same as he had felt in other curses.

But compared with the curses he had experienced, there were too many bloody figures in this place.

Not a few dozens, but a whole number of hundreds.

Such a terrifying amount, even if the individual power is not as good as other curses, but most of them combined, their power will overwhelm most of the curses at once.

Most of the curses that Xiao Yuan had experienced before were nothing compared to the scene in front of him.

"Once the power of protection in the house disappears and the defense is breached, I will definitely die."

Standing quietly in place, the next moment, this thought flashed through his mind.

The immediate result is almost a dead end.

The outside world has been completely surrounded by curses. He hides in the house and relies on the protection power of the house to survive. Once the power of protection in this house disappears completely, it means that he appears in the curse of the outside world and falls into the When within the curse.

At that time, no one can survive, and there is no way to save him.

In one thought, he thought a lot, even though his mind was firm, he couldn't help feeling a little strange at the moment.

And at this moment, in his arms, a warm current came slowly.

He froze for a moment, then subconsciously touched his arms and took out something from his arms.

It was an old yellow paper.

In his hand, the yellow paper looks very old, with traces of time on it, it looks like it has been around for many years, and it can be used as an antique.

On it, mysterious runes are portrayed, flickering at the moment, even still shining, echoing a certain power in front of me.

That was the power of protection from the house, and it resonated with the yellow paper in Xiao Yuan's hand at this moment, vibrating together, and began to vibrate slowly.

In front of Xiao Yuan, under the surprised eyes of the middle-aged man, the yellow paper in the hands of the campus began to glisten, and the original simple and ordinary yellow paper turned into a piece of gold, with golden light blooming on it, which looked very extraordinary at first glance.

A barrier gradually opened, resonating with the power in the room, and slowly combining with the power of protection that existed, a barrier was opened in an instant, covering the entire room.

Outside, the blood-colored figures paused for a moment, and then continued to move forward, as if they didn't notice anything.

"This is the power of a god!"

Aside, the voice of a middle-aged man came.

He looked at Xiao Yuan, his eyes fixed on the yellow paper in his hand, with shock and disbelief in his eyes.

Compared with the original old and simple yellow paper in Xiao Yuan's hands, it has changed its appearance at this moment. It has completely turned into a piece of gold, as if it was made of pure gold. It is a fetish object, which makes people feel extraordinary at the first sight.

(End of this chapter)

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